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Everything posted by DBArcher

  1. DBArcher

    SC Rez Lottery Drawing for 2017-18 seasons

    Wish it was not guide required for bears, I can afford the tag just not the guide lol. Sure is a magical place.
  2. DBArcher

    thanksgiving buck

    Great job buddy
  3. DBArcher

    My sons first Bull

    Explorer, if we start finding cows I'll send you a message to get ya there.
  4. DBArcher

    My sons first Bull

    Hopefully they will keep talking for when I get up there on my hunt.
  5. DBArcher

    My sons first Bull

    Awesome hunt and great country
  6. I'll be out in the mayer area monday and tuesday. First time in two years quail hunting. It's about time haha. Daniel
  7. DBArcher

    Unit 21 Opening Day Buck

    Great buck
  8. DBArcher

    Which unit will you be hunting in August?

    Hanging in 19a again
  9. DBArcher

    What was your most memorable Az Hunt

    Two years ago with my dad for 19a mule deer. Sitting glassing a canyon with 15 does within 300 yards. I tell my dad I'm gonna peak over the ridge above us. I see a small 3x3 buck about 300 yards above. I text my dad and ask if he wants to shoot him. My dad's text back to me was "shoot him, I've never been with you on a kill." I take the shot and the buck drops on spot. I hike back down to my dad to see him packing up our stuff to walk up to me. He has a ear to ear grin on his face. He says "your 28 years old and I finally was able to keep up with you to see you kill a buck". That was buck number 10 for me, and the first with my dad. He just got diagnosed with brain cancer, hopefully that wasn't our last hunt, but if it was it is a great memory.
  10. DBArcher

    First scouting trip

    I noticed today driving fain road that the fain ranch on the east side was posted no hunting and private property. I thought it was walk in access?
  11. DBArcher

    Coues Gunz!

    Hoping to snag a leftover tag and I will either be taking my 300 win mag or my 270 win. Cannot decide.
  12. Can you text pics, 9282020804, Daniel
  13. H&R shotgun, 12ga 3 inch, lam wood, food condition-$125 Eberlestock X2- good condtion, no rips or tears, one buckle broken but works just fine, I just don't use the pack.-$125 Pse Rogue, 60 pound max, set at 27 in. Can adjust with mods. Set up with a 6 pin apex sight, whisker biscuit rest, pse stabilizer and sling. Also have 6 uncut goldtip arrows to go with-$250 Items Located in Flagstaff, 928-202-0804 Daniel
  14. DBArcher

    Closet Cleanout- shotgun, backpack and bow

    It is a topper, great gun just sits in the safe. If anyone needs a budget shotgun this is it.
  15. DBArcher

    Closet Cleanout- shotgun, backpack and bow

    Up to the top, still available
  16. DBArcher

    Packs ***price drop***

    Sent you a pm bonnsaw
  17. DBArcher

    Closet Cleanout- shotgun, backpack and bow

    Still have the shotgun and the bow for sale. Make me an offer. Just getting extra funds together for a colorado elk hunt.
  18. DBArcher

    What unit applied for fall draw?

    6a and 21 coues
  19. DBArcher

    Looking for a woman's bow

    Antlers I sent you a pm
  20. DBArcher

    Closet Cleanout- shotgun, backpack and bow

    Backpack has been sold
  21. DBArcher

    Prayers For My Dad

    Over the past Month it has been an emotional roller coaster. My Dad who has been an otherwise healthy man decided it was time to go to the doctor for shortness of breath and some pain in his chest. The outcome has been absolute heck at this point. My Dad was not only diagnosed with lung cancer and throat cancer, but also brain cancer. To see my hero start to take a downward turn has become an absolute killer for myself and my family, but it has also taken an incredible toll on my five year old. Im asking for prayers not only for my dads well being and to be comfortable, but also to hopefully help my five year old understand what is happening to his papa. I appreciate this more than yall may know. Daniel
  22. DBArcher

    Closet Cleanout- shotgun, backpack and bow

    Make an offer, worst I can say is no.
  23. DBArcher

    Closet Cleanout- shotgun, backpack and bow

    Shotgun - $115 Backpack - $100 Bow - $225