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Everything posted by Norteno

  1. Norteno

    Left Over Results are out!

    Only results from the original draw will show up online. You need to call to see if you drew a leftover or wait until it shows up in the mail. Anything that is still leftover will be sold over the counter Monday Dec2nd at the Game and Fish Office.
  2. Norteno

    Leftover question

    Yes, pay the $28.75. I called and verified. I mailed mine Thursday. Will be there on their doorstep the 25th.
  3. Norteno

    Tag and refund in mail today....huh?

    Got my Javi tag, but no refund. Maybe you should go out and buy a loto ticket
  4. Norteno

    rangefinder and outdoorsman rifle rest

    Is it the 1000i or 1000l rangefinder?
  5. Norteno


    That is funny. I am in the market for new ones. I have a pair of cheap Cobra radios that suck too. I have a $50 amazon gift card so I'm looking what I can get online. If not, these at Costco look ok and I can always return if I don't like. http://www.costco.com/Motorola-MT351R-2-pack-Talkabout-Weatherproof-Two-way-Radios-Bundle.product.100057570.html
  6. Norteno

    357 mag for sale

    Wowzers!!! I would love to take a pig with this guy
  7. Norteno

    11 Year Old Daughter's 2nd Coues

    Great story and nice buck Aisha. Tell us more about that gun!
  8. Norteno

    When an elk has had enough!

    Looked this up online and found this. Not sure if this is the same story or a follow on Elk euthanized after close-up encounter with photographer on WBIR.com: http://on.wbir.com/1bLWwW4
  9. Norteno

    What do you guys think about scent control

    I usually pack all my hunting clothes together and throw them all in the wash together with scent eliminator detergent and then dry them without dryer sheets. It's not that I think the stuff eliminates scents, but it is unscented. My other option is our usual scented detergent and Bounce dryer sheets. The other thing I am conscious about is I don't wear my boots anywhere but in the field. I don't feel I can mask my scent but I do my hardest to prevent adding to it.
  10. Norteno

    Score this buck

    ...about 6 beers! That is how I know. Lol. My buck last year was at 178 and this one looks similar. Wider, but smaller forks.
  11. Norteno

    Score this buck

    175 Ask me how I know that.
  12. Norteno

    When an elk has had enough!

    Go figure can't watch on my iPhone.
  13. Norteno

    The Buck I Never Dreamed Of

    Wow, you're going to have that ear to ear smile going for weeks. Here is to Page 4
  14. Norteno

    Questions about Coues behavior

    Don't feel bad. I had a buddy with the same results as you in 24a for the first hunt. I went up one day to help him and it was so windy we didn't see anything. He had a shot at a spike but past. The deer weren't where they were last year, but last year it wasn't as hot. I'm curious to hear others opinions as well
  15. Norteno

    Glassing the flats?

    You too? I usually sit atop a 10ft ladder in the back of the truck while my hunting budding drives it up and down the roads. Saw that on an African safari show and it works great!
  16. Norteno


    I have the Monarch 12x42 and think they are good for the money. I spent more than that so it looks like a good deal.
  17. Norteno

    Did anyone kill the white Elk in unit 27 ?

    Sad that she is not around anymore, but the way I look at it if a hunter didn't take her a predator would have. Probably wolves! Going to make a great shoulder mount!
  18. Norteno

    Results are out!!!!!!!

    I just checked earlier and was getting frusterated. Was getting ready to call AZGF. Thanks for the update!!! HAM it is! UNIT 37B HANDGUN ARCHERY MUZZLELOADER 000207
  19. Norteno

    venison carne seca/jerky

    All dehydrator for me now, but I remember as a kid climbing on top of the wood pile to steal a piece of Carne Seca from the string. Looks good
  20. Norteno

    Desert Buck Down!

    Thanks for the story and great pics. Nice set-up for that trophy shot looking up at Perry. What camera are you using?
  21. Congrats to the hunter, but why not include the kill shot, even if it's just the hunter shooting and not the animal going down? I understand keeping it Rated G to not piss off the tree huggers but can I see the PG-13 version?
  22. Norteno

    Any one get there CC hit yet??

    Nope, not today.
  23. Norteno

    Elk plays on trampoline

    I saw this yesterday on Facebook. Wish I lived where things like this happened in my backyard. I love it when the daughter asks "Are you going to shoot it?"
  24. Norteno

    2013 Raffle Tag ram ....

    Yowzers! Where can we hear the story?
  25. Any idea why not good for 2000 Tacoma 3.4?