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Everything posted by Norteno

  1. Norteno

    New To The Forum

    Welcome to the site. There are a lot of helpful people on this site and I'm sure you will learn a ton about huting in AZ. Elk draw application are due in Feb so you might as well start putting in for Elk since now.
  2. Norteno


    I'm more impressed with the pic on the left (your sig pic) Very nice! ...that is a wolf right?
  3. Norteno

    nikon riflehunter 1000

    Where are you located
  4. Norteno

    Vortex scopes Diamondback / Crossfire

    Where are you located?
  5. Norteno

    kaibab 20x56 or nikon 20x56

  6. Norteno

    When does the rut end?

    Saw a group of 5 does today with a nice tall 2x3 today in the desert flats.
  7. Norteno

    kaibab 20x56 or nikon 20x56

    You're comparing optics in two different price categories. Just a quick check I found the Vortex at $1400 and the Nikon at $700. Also where Vortex warranty is great, Nikon is not bad either. (25 yr no-fault). I just got my Monarchs back with no issues. I also think you would need at least a 70mm lense for 20x.
  8. So that just answered my question. Hoping this would work for the same model year Tacoma too. It obviously won't. Thanks
  9. Norteno

    2014 Elk and Antelope Draw Odds

    [YOUTUBE] [/YOUTUBE] Flatlander, Flatlander, Flatlander? I know you are getting tons of requests and thanks for doing this for everyone. I'm sure you have a lot better things to do than run every elses numbers. Thanks again
  10. Norteno

    New broadhead

    **Important!!! You must cut your arrow shafts 1” longer than you usually do for this broadhead to work. Not sure how many people would do this. Looks like it is welded, can't be cheap.
  11. Norteno

    Pinal County Deputy shoots unarmed man

    I have always thought Cops are way too trigger happy and this is another example. Tase the guy and beat the crap out of him. There were like 10 cops surrounding the guy. If it was one on one then the officer may not have had a choice. I think I just became a fan of Paul Babeau. Regardless of the cop was in the wrong, his Sheriff backed him up 100%. Wish more managers and leaders were like that.
  12. So this is for the front spacers and hardware? I don't get how the front springs eliminate rear sag? What were you going to run in the back? AAL or blocks?
  13. Norteno

    AZGFD AerialSurvey in 24a? 1-18-14

    No this was Saturday the 16th. I also thought they might were looking for something by the way they were flying over a concentrated area. Yeah, same two guys in white helmets. It would have been nice to push this off until Feb.
  14. Felt like I was hunting in a Southern unit yesterday with a low flying helicopter overhead. This guy was up and down ever canyon all around us. Two guys were sitting on the doors looking outside. My guess is it was azgfd. Anybody know anything about this? Not sure if the helicopter helped or hurt our hunting but I scanned the area it was flying over to see if he kicked anything up. As far as the hunt goes we were in a Muley area and there were no bucks with 5 different groups of does we located. Edit: I can't get the video to work so just added a pic. Video is just chopper with sound. trim.A05BFCC6-D237-44D2-9BAC-590A95D41253.MOV
  15. Norteno

    Tikka T3 30-06

    Is this still for sale?
  16. Norteno

    2014 Elk and Antelope Draw Odds

    4 points (Early Archery) what are the odds for the following? 6A, 4A, 4B, 11M
  17. Norteno

    AZGFD AerialSurvey in 24a? 1-18-14

    This was no grid. This was up and down one of my favorite hunting areas. I would have paid a good chunk of change to be a passenger on that chopper. I could have learned more in 30 minutes then I have the last 4 seasons.
  18. Norteno

    Any HAM (mainly 'h') hunters?

    I'm in the exact same situation. I just got my first bow, so it's going to be hard to draw the 9mm. Maybe if one charges me when I'm taking a leak I'll shoot it. What ammo you using in your 9mm?
  19. Norteno

    First time putting in for elk tag.

    If you haven't done so already, complete the AZ hunters safety course. Once you do you get one extra point for all species. A little late to complete it for this years elk draw since all the Jan classes are booked but will help in the future. http://www.hunter-ed.com/arizona/?gclid=CMfhlPb17rsCFcQ9QgodzVMANA
  20. Norteno

    buyin' a bonus point this year

    I'd hate to see the hole on the exit by the looks of that entrance hole. Good Job!
  21. Norteno

    Fish Netting in Urban?

    So while at a stop light at Queen Creek/Price I saw a guy walk up to the pond with a bucket. He pulls out a net, straightens it out and gives it one big toss into the pond. I point this out to my buddy and we start laughing. WTF is that guy doing. "I hope he pulls in a bunch of trash and a boot" I say. Then we eat our words. He pulls the net in and it is filled with fish! He dumps the net out in his bucket, grabs it and starts walking back to the parking lot. There had to be at least 8 fish in the net. All in the time we were stuck at a red light. Now is this legal? Talk about catching your limit in under a minute.
  22. Norteno

    Bowtech Diamond "the rock"

    Well I finally pulled the string and picked up my first bow. Headed to Sportsmans tomorrow to buy some arrows and get this guy adjusted.
  23. Norteno

    Double droptine buck!

    Wow, that is a picture perfect buck in my eyes. Congrats
  24. Norteno

    Fish Netting in Urban?

    Could easily have been trout. Didn't know they stocked Ocotillo ponds with trout.
  25. Norteno

    Fish Netting in Urban?

    Couldn't tell for sure from the stop light. They were the kind that flop around as a couple didn't make it in the bucket. They looked like Bass and not sunfish or Crappie by the shape and size, maybe carp? The net was about 3ft in diameter.