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Everything posted by Norteno

  1. Norteno

    I'm waiting

    My good friend is the software engineer that did the NMGF page and draw process. It is years ahead of where AZ is at.
  2. Norteno

    I'm waiting

    https://www.facebook.com/azgafd/posts/10152042272510678:0 I can't go another month ughhh
  3. Norteno

    Badlands Ox

    What size is it?
  4. Yeah saw this and was going to post if here too. Today's Daily Deal
  5. Norteno

    cc are being hit

    Been checking 4 times a day even though it would be a miracle if I get drawn. BUT I BELIEVE IN MIRACLES!
  6. Norteno

    Bowtech invasion 29" 70#

    Can you hold this until the Elk Draw comes out? Thanks in advance. Sounds like you need a press to adjust draw length. I'm assuming Archery HQ can do this? Anyone know? It has 70 lb limbs so is that 60-70 lbs adjustable? What are you switching to?
  7. Norteno

    37A vs. 37B vs. 33 OTC archery

    I was surprised to see a few good bucks in 37B when I least expected it this Jan/Feb. I saw them for a flash then they were gone in the flats. It is going to be HOT in that unit for August so I don't think it will be very much fun.
  8. Norteno


    Haha - love it
  9. Norteno

    What Are You Sitting On -

    X2 on the crapper. Lol I pack the $5 Tri-stool thing right now but admit it is not very comfy but it gives me the height I need for my Tri pod, head, bino adapter. I used to use the "butt pad" that nature girl does and it was nice because it was always in position. The strap goes around your waste and you can sit down without taking your pack off. This works nice since my hunting pants make my butt look big
  10. Norteno

    1st yote

    What was your Christmas present? Rifle, caliber, scope? Looks nice - good job!
  11. Norteno


    The reason you can't bait is because it is a source to spread disease. Whether you are taking game of not you are putting something foreign where a lot of critters will be putting their noses. It does clearly state that water and salt are allowed though. That is the way I see the law. I don't think baiting was banned because it was bad sport.
  12. Norteno

    37B kids success

    Wow, I know several hunters that didn't see a dang thing in 37B. You must be doing something right. Congrats on the success!
  13. Norteno

    FIRST BROWN SET OF 2014!!!!

    I think if he told half of the Valley would be up there this weekend.
  14. Norteno

    online elk tag result guessing

    I'm being optimistic. March 18 9am edit: This is my guess the date they hit cards. I don't care when the official results are out.
  15. Norteno

    SOLD please delete

    SOLD. Thanks
  16. Norteno

    SOLD please delete

    I have (2) tickets to Sunday's race at PIR which I am not able to make. Looking to break even on what I paid for them. THE PROFIT on CNBC 500 Grandstand: ALLISON Section: 1B Row: 33 Seat: 11-15 Face Value is $97 each (sold out and going for more on Craigslist) Selling both tickets with parking pass (Foothills) for $150 OBO. Willing to meet in Tempe, Chandler, Gilbert, Mesa only Text me: 4.8.O.5.7.O.
  17. Norteno

    First Bull!!!

    Great story, thanks for sharing. I am crossing my fingers I get drawn for this same opportunity this year. What broadhead/grain was he using?
  18. Norteno


    South of Freeman rd. South of Florence. They were everywhere.
  19. Norteno

    Unit 17 Success

    I was able to share the same experience with my friend and his first Javelina. Also my first too, but with a bow. Did you get your friend in the elk draw? I didn't with mine and feel bad I forgot to remind him.
  20. Do you have any raffles going on for this banquet?
  21. Norteno

    Youth bow help!

    The bear online at Cabelas is Left Hand only, unless they have the RH at the store. Bass will match that price if you need a RH bow.
  22. Norteno

    First Archery Success!

    Thanks for the offer of cold drinks. The area north of where I saw you was a lot worse and even more packed with people. Where we got the pigs was no where near there. PM me if you still plan on going out.
  23. Norteno

    Quick question about hunter ed bonus point

    Your point is there, but they only update them online whenever there is a draw. If you call the main office they'll confirm the number of points you had. I made sure my hunter ed showed up before I hit the button on my elk app.
  24. Norteno

    First Archery Success!

    2 pigs in 10 minutes. My buddy shot his with rifle, mine with bow
  25. What rings did you go with?