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Everything posted by Norteno

  1. Norteno

    Hearing Protection

    My hunting buddy bought a pair of expensive banded ear plugs last trip. He dropped them and insisted we backtrack all the way to the truck to find them. He showed up 30 minutes later than me empty handed. I carry the ones on the string that I grab from work, but am not too good about using them. Then again I've only shot once in the last 4 years and I think my heartbeat was louder than my gun. (avatar pic)
  2. Norteno


    I just got mine too from Cabelas except with a $20 off coupon. Sounds like you got a little better deal. I was going to buy the Bushnell Scout 1000DX, but I couldn't pass up this deal
  3. Norteno

    What's your FOC?

    Every chart I've looked at shows my draw weight and length falling at a 400 spine arrow. That is both with a 100gr and 125gr tip. Even if I bump it up a little bit for a faster bow I'm still at 400. I'm experimenting because I wasn't too comfortable being on the low end of the 7-15% range. From the responses here sounds like most of you experienced guys have an FOC in the mid to high range.
  4. Norteno

    Happy Birthday willhunt4coues

    Happy Birthday Clay
  5. Norteno


    Nikon scopes are on sale right now at Cabelas. Great deals
  6. Norteno

    Leopold RX-1000i TBR/DNA FOE SALE

    I drove 45 minutes each way to buy one today and NOW this comes up😱. Never seen one go for less than $300 used. Great deal. Good luck
  7. Norteno

    .22 ammo at cabelas

    Haha - you were there the same time I was. I drove 45 minutes each way just to pick up some of their fall sale items.
  8. Norteno

    Bucks, bears, and bull!

    Wow, that last buck is a beauty! ....you sure have a weird way of capturing your images to post, but it works
  9. Norteno

    Let's Talk Shot Selection

    Great Topic, thanks for putting it together. As much as people would want to let one fly this is a hard pass. Come to full draw and pray he turns. It might be better to stay still though and don't draw until he faces away.
  10. The arc1000 has been going from $130-150. The DX about $190 If you can spend another $100 the Leupold Rx1000i TBR DNA is going to be on sale at Bass Pro.
  11. Norteno

    Vortex Diamondback 12x50 New

    That is a good deal! What Nikons do you have? Monarch5 or 7?
  12. There are a ton on eBay anywhere from new, used or refurbished.
  13. Norteno


    Thanks for the info. I had to check to see if it was a TBR. Great deal! http://www.basspro.com/webapp/wcs/stores/servlet/CFPageBasic?storeId=10151&catalogId=10051&langId=-1&appID=206&template=daily-specials.cfm&storeID=44
  14. Norteno


    How long is the barrel? I am looking for something for my 10 year old nephew, but thinking this may be too much gun for him?
  15. Norteno

    Game camera sold

    Do you come to the East Valley at all? Not worth spending $30 in gas to buy a $40 camera
  16. Norteno

    WTT OR WTS LH 2013 Bowtech insanity cpxl!

    Dang! Why LH. Nice bow
  17. Norteno

    Brand new PSE Full Throttle 370fps

    I think you are going to have a hard time getting nearly retail for a top of the line bow with 60# limbs. Put it on AT and you will have better luck Good Luck
  18. Norteno


    Do those fit a standard 2 inch receiver hitch? 😝😆
  19. Norteno


    Has anyone tried VPA Broadheads? I got a recommendation for them from a guy with a lot of hunting archery experience http://www.vparchery.com/vpa_3_blade_broadheads.php
  20. Norteno

    remington recall

    It took 7 weeks from the time they received it to get it back in my Dads hands this week. What sucks is he had his scope sighted in and had to remove it prior to shipping it back.
  21. Norteno


    Now when does leftover list come out? Monday?
  22. Norteno

    Coues right?

    Now that we've agreed the bottom two are coues and the top two are Muleys. We can use these same photos for a question I had. Do Coues get a summer coat like Muleys? In the top two picks you can see how brown the Muley coat is. Come fall that coat will be totally gray. I don't have as much experience with coues, but do their coats have such a drastic change during the summer?
  23. Norteno

    Hunting buddies

    What are your hunting plans this fall? Elk, Deer, archery, rifle? What unit? I'm sure you could find some people on here with your same hunt that might split gas with you.
  24. Norteno

    What arrows and size of broad heads ???

    Shoot whatever you can hit the target with. There is very little difference in weight going from the 5575 to the 7595 and you will be going from 400 spine to 340 spine. Depending on your arrow length your FOC may be a little low and you might see improvements going to a 100gr head. It would be pretty easy to buy some 100gr practice tips and see how you group with those and how it impacts your arrow drop. Good Luck