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Everything posted by Norteno

  1. Norteno

    Gravedigger question

    Thanks for your suggestion. I tried cardboard in front of my target today and it clearly shows deployed! Behind the target back in the stowed position. I was about to give up on these but they are shooting with my Wac'ems so these are getting packed along for my hunt. They still sound like missiles though.
  2. Norteno

    do bears push bucks out?

    Buy a tag and shoot the Bears!
  3. Norteno

    Gravedigger question

    I kinda doubt they deployed and then went back in the stowed position. The arrow slows gradually as it comes to a stop once coming out the back end of the target. I'll try stacking a couple pieces of cardboard in front of my target and see if the thicker material will get them to deploy. Makes me nervous shooting anything with these although I've seen pictures of them working with huge holes on bucks.
  4. Norteno

    First hunt in 24A

    You'll see most hunters on the first weekend of this hunt. Later in the week and the second weekend I think you'll increase your odds and have a more enjoyable time. The unit will have already seen 900?+ hunters by the time of your hunt, but I think you drew the best one besides the late Dec tag. Start with the the spots recommended by azgfd webpage and pick one or two. It is a big unit so pick a spot and get in a couple scouting trips before, but be mindfull of other hunters. I don't think anyone is going to give away their secret spots to someone with 1 post. Good Luck and have a good time!
  5. Norteno

    shot bear today

    Good luck. Post pics when you find him
  6. Norteno

    My first buck!

    Great job! Congratulations.
  7. Norteno


    Oh that was not cool. ...and yes, you can post pics from iPhone. Do it all the time
  8. Norteno

    Wac'em Triton - 100gr

    Wac'ems SOLD To Redman. Great meeting you Decided to keep thd Gravediggers
  9. Norteno

    Wac'em Triton - 100gr

    I bought two packs of Wac'em Tritons in case I couldn't find the XL's before the season starts. Well I paid up the wazoo for for the XL's with shipping only to see they went on sale today on Amazon and Cabelas. Oh well, shot them the last couple of days and although the broadhead is noticably more different than I expected the results are the same. They shoot great! I am not trying to make money on these, but when I bought them they were the last two packs on the shelf at Archery HQ and were also out at BassPro. I think I paid $36 each with tax. If there is no interest I'll be happy to keep them. (2x) 3-pack Wac'em Triton 100gr. New never open $60 (add $3 for shipping with Paypal gift) I also have 5 Gravedigger Cut On Contact 100gr that I am not going to use. 4 new, 1 "practice" head that I was shooting. $45 (add $3 for shipping with Paypal gift) I would prefer to ship, but can meet in Chandler/Gilbert/Tempe area Good luck to everyone going out for Archery Deer and early Elk! SHOOT STRAIGHT
  10. Norteno

    Crossbow Hunting?

    Check this out
  11. Norteno

    Couple of NM Bruins

    Gotta love the Aggies shirts! Congrats
  12. Norteno


    Congrats! Does it also have a collar? Looks like it in the pics.
  13. Norteno

    Hoyt ignite?

    I have some friends that got their kids Bear Apprectice and they really like it. $299 fully loaded.
  14. Norteno

    diamond razor edge f/s

    Where are you located?
  15. Norteno

    Easton axis arrows

    What fletchings and how are they fletched?
  16. Norteno

    Pre yard sale

    I have the same scope too. I added the Monarch adjustable turrets. Great bang for the buck
  17. Norteno

    Restaurant suggestion please -- Phoenix

    The most used app on my phone (other than cwt.com). http://www.yelp.com/phoenix
  18. Norteno

    When To Quit Shooting Groups?

    Probably over a 6 or 7 year period. All from ranges of 20-50 yards. I actually don't mind getting them. I think they are really cool and quite the trophy. Brian 6-7 year period with the same arrows and same wraps/fletchings. Wow you are adamant with your set-up. Looks like you found what works.
  19. Norteno

    A little girl and "Buck Fever"

    What do you say Savannah "Rock and Roll" That was awesome
  20. Norteno

    Where do you store your tag before hunting season?

    This may not be the best idea, but my tag goes in my glove compartment. I can't go hunting without my truck, so I am sure to never forget it. I also write on the envelope in large black sharpie DEER TAG 2014 or whatever tag it is. I also make several copies 1/2 scale of my license and keep them everywhere.
  21. Norteno

    What's your FOC?

    I shoot a 27-5/8" 400 spine Easton FMJ (10.2 gpi) drawing 60 lbs. I went to this heavier arrow as I prepare for the upcoming Elk season. I am trying out some 125gr field tips trying to determine if I get better flight with a higher FOC. As of now I'm just noticing a slight lower impact point at 50yds. I've been shooting like crap the last two days since I just got back from a ton of business travel the last three weeks so other than that can't say I'm grouping better. I've read your FOC should be between 7-15% for hunting. Here is where I am at and why I'm trying out heavier tips. My total arrow weight is getting a little heavier than I wanted to though. What is your Front of Center (FOC) that works for you. FOC: 7.9% @ 436gr w/100gr tip FOC: 10.5% @ 461gr w/125gr tip
  22. Norteno

    What's your FOC?

    Although my real goal is Elk, I'm going to make it out for archery deer in 10 days! After seeing my arrow drop at 70 yds with the 125gr head I decided to stick to the 100gr heads. I was shooting lights-out this morning out to 80 with my 100gr heads and my 7.9% FOC. Its going to be broadheads for me for the next 10 days. I'm using Wac'ems, so not too worried about differences in flight. We'll see how it goes
  23. Norteno

    Current routine

    I'm finding myself in the situation where I could spend my free time going to the gym, or going to the archery range. Lately the range has been winning. I really need to get my legs and cardio in shape before the hunt, never had a problem in the past, but feel older every day
  24. Norteno

    24a Elk Tags

    This year there are 2 hunts, 5 tags per hunt. Early hunt then another hunt the week after that. Last year was only 5 tags total
  25. Norteno

    24a Elk Tags

    Did anyone on here draw any of the 10 elk tags in 24a this year? It is always tempting to put in for this unit but I have decided not to. I'll be scouting/hunting in the Timber Camp and Carol Springs area for 2 of the WT hunts (friends tags), so I if I see anyting I'll be glad to share.