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Big Tub

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Everything posted by Big Tub

  1. Big Tub

    Trailer,ATV cargo box,Tacoma rims

    Cute little setup but my neck hurts!
  2. Big Tub

    34b lope

    seen him This post is worthless without pictures! BTW: I had one of the two rifle tags in 1990. I missed a 19" and got a 15"
  3. The Southern Arizona Chapter of Quail Forever will meet this Thurseay, Feb. 20th at 7:00 pm at the Steakout in Sonoita. Kirby Bristow from the Arizona Game and Fish will talk about Mearns Quail Research and Management. Note also the Annual Banquet is coming up March 1 in Elgin..
  4. Good thing he did think that Camera Lens was not the target of his amorous affections - you would've been had!
  5. Big Tub

    Wow 2013

    What was the margin on that 1st game?
  6. Big Tub

    Sonoran Hot-Dogs

    WHERE, WHERE, OH WHERE?????? Sonoran dog: fancy roll/bun, bacon wrapped grilled hot dog, beans, grilled onions, pico (tomatoes, onions, peppers), mayo, mustard, jalapeno sauce (or guacomole) and a grilled pepper on the side.
  7. Big Tub

    Sonoran Hot-Dogs

    BK was written up as the best in Tucson Weekly. GC is great (south side is better). Chacho's, a little stand on Old Nogales south of Hughes Access is my favorite due to location (Big Dogs in the Tucson mall was my favorite -- but they went out of business). My buddy does the cart at the Lowes on Oracle and his are good with the best quality dogs themselves but he skimps on the bun, which in my opinion is the most important part of the package.
  8. Big Tub

    Minimum age to build points

    Searching the regs, it seems the 10 yr old rule for bonus pts went into affect in 2009 and not in the 2008 hunt regs.
  9. Big Tub

    Minimum age to build points

    From the current regs on p 17: To obtain a bonus point, the individual must be 10 years old by the deadline date as specified in the hunt permit-tag application schedule on page 20.
  10. Big Tub

    Undefeated season

    Oh and thank you ASU for beating California!
  11. Big Tub

    Help for a rookie Javelina hunter?

    There are left over permits.
  12. Big Tub


    Why did you start with such a small one!?
  13. Big Tub

    trichinosis question

    anything that eats dead stuff ...
  14. Big Tub


    There is a guy on AZshooting that has a CVA scout single shot .243 if that interests you: http://www.arizonashooting.com/v3/viewtopic.php?f=23&t=187727
  15. Big Tub

    sonoita antelope ?

    The FFF kids have the frequencies! YEAH!
  16. Next S AZ Quail Forever Meeting Sat -- Patagonia this time! The next meeting of the Southern Arizona Chapter of Quail Forever is from 6-8 pm at the Wagon Wheel in Patagonia on Saturday January 25th. Our guest speakers will be Bob Hix the QF/PF regional representative for the west and Mark Herwig the editor for the QF/PF magazines.
  17. Big Tub

    sonoita antelope ?

    I see that many of the lopes are radio tagged. I wonder if they turn that off during hunting season?
  18. Big Tub

    zeiss binoculer

    Including tripod adapter?
  19. Big Tub

    Chicken fried javelina backstrap

    We smoked some bacon-wrapped backstraps on Monday. Great flavor but a little chewy. Were yours chewy?
  20. Big Tub

    Goulds Turkey Populations

  21. Big Tub

    1.25 acre lot in Show Low, Az

    Show us an elk on there!
  22. Big Tub

    How many animals have you harvested in Arizona

  23. Big Tub

    Who can name . . .

    Who can name the Arizona school that embarrassed the state in their bowl playoff THIS YEAR?
  24. Big Tub

    sonoita antelope ?

    The WM had mentioned that the fawn recruitment had been zero and they were worried that the genetics were depleted by too much inbreeding. The new stocking will really help and that aerial gunning the coyotes just before the fawn drop really helps.