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Big Tub

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Everything posted by Big Tub

  1. Big Tub

    Smith and Weston 38 Special

    PM sent
  2. Big Tub

    Today Is The Day.....

    The website is down ... loading for a 5:00 turn on? OPEN ... OPEN ... OPEN! WHoops! Back up and still on no turkey for me!
  3. Big Tub

    Today Is The Day.....

    Maybe when they close?
  4. Big Tub

    Stuff for sale--grill, tile, smoker, propane tanks

    What are the dates on the tanks? Is the smoke wood or gas?
  5. Big Tub

    How many times have you checked today?

    only 6 times today
  6. Big Tub

    They are starting to hit CC

    I am so tired of seeing I didn't get drawn for Spring Turkey!!!!
  7. Big Tub

    Federal Firearms License Holder

    Steve Shipman @ Lowcostguns.com near Ruthrauff Rd and I-10 in Tucson.
  8. Big Tub

    the OFFICIAL 2014 elk results thread.

    Unit 1 Archery Bull
  9. Big Tub

    Traveling with rod tube

    I took a two piece to Farmington one time. Made it OK to Alb. but then got folded into the luggage compartment on the puddle jumper to Farmington. What a pain. This was way back in the day with no extra cost for luggage. The rod survived but never again. I have a 5 piece now for these trips.
  10. Big Tub

    They are starting to hit CC

    Little Tub put in with a money order and is now whining. He claims they give preference to hard money -- I raised the BS Flag! Your point about wasting time looking is valid but it is part of the day-before-Christmas type fun! BTW: You need to call your card company and ask about pending charges and get the latest info, not just cleared charges.
  11. Big Tub

    Brand new Snake Eyes ground blind

    Have you put it up or had it out of the box?
  12. Big Tub

    They are starting to hit CC

    Apparently we got elk.
  13. Big Tub

    Cabelas Card just Canceled - Fraud

    I was "assured" that only certain regions were affected. Are you all from Cali?
  14. Big Tub

    Bank Card Cancelled!!

    Is this Cabelas? I noticed when I called for the 15 time, it now gives an option o1 for those that got notified of fraudulent charges. Not a good sign. The guy assured me it was almost all attributed to an area outside Az.
  15. Big Tub

    Sad Society

    I understand you guys love your dogs but the stats are pretty scarey: from http://www.livescience.com/27145-are-pit-bulls-dangerous.html "But do pit bulls deserve their reputation as vicious "attack" dogs? An overwhelming amount of evidence suggests they do. A five-year review of dog-bite injuries from the Children's Hospital of Philadelphia, published in 2009 in the journal Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery, found that almost 51 percent of the attacks were from pit bulls, almost 9 percent were from Rottweilers and 6 percent were from mixes of those two breeds"
  16. Big Tub

    Want to buy .22 ammo!

    I found some at Liberty Pawn several weeks ago but it was 15c/round. Walmart is about 1 chance in 10 of getting it in at about 5c/round. Ace hardware on Bear Canyon sometimes gets it in also.
  17. Big Tub

    Javelina and mule deer skulls

    Not sure how often he gets on here (fireman and family man) so here is his site: http://www.simplyskullstaxidermy.com/about.html
  18. Big Tub

    Javelina and mule deer skulls

    I had Bill do this one and it turned out great. yes it is doubly delicious!
  19. Big Tub

    Any thoughts on glassing etiquette ?

    Well ,,, I'm not sure. Happened only one time, but I hiked into a ridge and found somebody there. I walked over and explained that we could sit down and glass instead of walking out and spooking anything out of there with the understanding that they had first dibs on anything we found. I can't recall what happened but there were an awful lot of people in that area.
  20. Big Tub

    javelina processed - yield

    I did not get a hoof or field dress weight but did weigh the carcass (no head, hide or hoofs) and got 19 lb and then got 10 lb of meat beyond the backstraps which I would estimate at 1 lb. We did Brats with 1/2 of it with a Sportsman's kit and got 13 lb of Brats that tasted and looked like bologna!!! WHAT? Guys at work liked it but going with Chorizo with the rest of it.
  21. Big Tub

    SAzQF Banquet Sat March 1 in Elgin

    There will be a Ruger K22/10 takedown special edition and a 100 Fillet Knife auctioned.
  22. Southern Arizona Quail Forever Banquet Saturday, March 1, 5:30 pm Elgin Community Club Dinner, Drinks, Prizes, Live Auction & more Info available at Southernarizonaquailforever.com Or Linda 520-397-9715 Ticket Prices Single Adult (single 1 yr membership, 1 dinner) $55 Couple (single 1 yr membership, 2 dinners) $70 Youth (10 -17) $10 Kid (9 and under) FREE
  23. Big Tub

    Cased sausages! How to and recipes

    Sportsman's has Hi Mountain's Seasonings and kits. We are trying out the brat one today. Kind of pricey, though.
  24. Big Tub


    I would be glad to have a higher draw odds of you all don't put in. Note that the $5 youth hunt AND fish is quite a deal. Stop your whining!
  25. Big Tub


    I am still ready to volunteer my lion tag for good use not too far from roads.