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Big Tub

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Everything posted by Big Tub

  1. Big Tub

    WTB rangefinder

    I have a generation 1 rangefinder Simmons that I will give you for a case of A&W Root Beer. Think old, huge 200 yrd max under best conditions. And possibly nearly impossible to find in my piles of stuff.
  2. Big Tub

    A Man & His Dog

    My heartless side said "Boxer to Lab" -- definitely a trade up! (Close friend had a boxer that hated men.) On the other side: we have put down 3 dogs (all 13+ yrs old) in the last 3 years. Two were at our standard Vet. The other dog was my favorite, "privileged" dog at an out-of-town Vet. The latter Vet came out to the car (well before covid) and gave just one shot. The regular vet did a relaxer first which resulted in spasms and the one dog whacked his head and started bleeding. Guess which I thought was the better experience? The final dog lived a year and a half longer than we expected and we ended up with a puppy before he passed -- I think that helped ease the loss greatly. A helpful hint is to have someone drive you as you probably will not be able to see to drive on the way home. Last week makes a year since we had to put him down. All three dogs let us know "it was time" which helped a lot so that that horrible question "Did we jump the gun on this?" did not plague us.
  3. Big Tub

    Stanley "Again" whats wrong with riots ?

    apparently: "Please email the administrator to request a password."
  4. MVD having issues? SAY IT ISN'T SO!
  5. Big Tub

    Ever Do Anything So Stupid...

    But what if he got married twice at the same time? That may qualify!
  6. Big Tub

    First bear and he's Giant! Added video

  7. Big Tub

    i am in for bighorn

    Certainly a SURE, NOT DRAWN.
  8. Big Tub

    Doves and pellet guns

    But outside the incorporated city and ground squirrels abound!
  9. Big Tub

    Stocking schedule/ Wht Mtn reports?

  10. Are the mounts and rings included?
  11. Big Tub

    Layke Tactical AR-15 in 5.56

    Is it heavy? I have the 6.5 Creedmoor version and it is HEAVY!
  12. Big Tub

    What number is max. bonus points?

    For sheep there are about 30 guys 1 short of max because they won't take the hunter safety course ... even crazier than the max pt pig guy.
  13. Big Tub

    What number is max. bonus points?

    Interesting presentation Doug ... why in the world would anyone have 30 bonus points for Javelina????
  14. Big Tub


    The hunt number is a bit big but here so you will have to look up which unit you want ... some RM Bighorn had now max pt holders apply. https://s3-us-west-2.amazonaws.com/azgfd-portal-wordpress-pantheon/wp-content/uploads/archive/2019-Fall-Bonus-Point-Report-1-2-Pass-by-Hunt-Number.pdf
  15. Delving into the rules: A private game farm licenses authorizes the use of only the following species: 1. Captive-reared game birds: a. Alectoris chukar, Chukar; b. Callipepla californica,California or valley quail; c. Callipepla gambelii, Gambel’s quail; R12-4-413 NATURAL RESOURCES 192 d. Callipepla squamata, Scaled quail; e. Colinus virginianus, Northern bobwhite; f. Cyrtonyx montezumae, Montezuma or Mearns’ quail; g. Dendragapus obscurus, Dusky grouse; and h. Phasianus colchicus, Ringneck and whitewing pheasant; ...
  16. I don't know for sure but I don't think you are allowed to raise Gambels. I know there are special licenses for raising game birds for dog training and it has gotten quite complicated and regimented. You may want to do a search on the AZGFD site for special licenses.
  17. Big Tub

    I took the surrendered tag in 35a

    Congrats! You getting it mounted (I have a recommendation)? How many BP's? 21 for me and counting!
  18. Big Tub

    I declined a goulds tag that was surrendered

    I would have jumped on it. Tomorrow is not promised! And I have 21 BP's!
  19. Big Tub


    Here are the units/hunt numbers in order of largest to smallest av score that made B&C minimums on green scores last year Unit Hunt 06A/22N 6053 24BN 6020 44BS 6041 06A/22N 6052 1/27 Raf RM 1/27 6051 22S 6018 27/28 6057 37B 6026 41W 6034 23/24A 6054 15DN Raf Dst 24B 6019 28 6022 43A 6036 24BS 6021 37A 6024 27/28 6056 37A 6025 39W 6028 40B 6032 45A 6042 45B 6043
  20. Big Tub


    364 follks ahead of you and then 167 folks in with you a 27. They go down about 25 per year ... you got a while to go if you need to have max points to get a tag. https://s3-us-west-2.amazonaws.com/azgfd-portal-wordpress-pantheon/wp-content/uploads/archive/2019-Fall-Bonus-Point-Report-1-2-Pass-by-Genus.pdf
  21. Big Tub


  22. Big Tub


    have you got the bonus points for hunter safety and loyalty?
  23. Big Tub

    Cooler recommendations

    Costco is now carrying a rotomolded one ... can't remember brand but it is not cheap but not nearly as expensive as yeti. wonder how they are staying in business???