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Everything posted by Scooter

  1. Scooter

    Two Older Bows

    What poundages???
  2. Hey guys- I'm slow cooking a fresh roast from the hind quarter and three hours in it looks really light colored... Is this normal? I know it has another two hours to go but I thought it would look more like beef
  3. Scooter

    35A/30B San Pedro River

    there's deer down there. but lots of bowhunters. go north my friend- less pressure.
  4. Scooter

    Late Whitetail 30b HELP!!

    This weather will have them goin' crazy in the mules... Best be watching below the snow line and down in the thicker bottoms
  5. It was delicious- tasted just like beef... My wife is an awesome cook despite the fact she doesn't eat red meat!
  6. I've only seen one other site that could hold a candle to this one as far as good folks... But I really like the "small community" feel of CWT.com better than i did the Texas Hunting Forum when I was stationed there. Everyone here is super motivated to help out with no strings attached- heck I'd never met Big Browns before and 5 minutes into meeting him he's at my house helping me butcher up my deer. It's a classy site with classy sportsmen for sure!!!
  7. Hey guys. I haven't shot a Coues in the three years I've been stationed here in AZ... I want to take one before I am transferred next year. I'm so tired of eating tag soup. I have a 4-5" spike that shows up every morning and every night on the same hillside and I just don't know if I should take that shot so early in the season. There's the little Devil on my shoulder saying "hold off for something bigger" and the little Angel saying "go ahead and take him, he's 150yds away and broadside, he's an easy drag from the road, your tag and freezer will be filled, he might not be there tomorrow, you might never see anything bigger, he's 1.5yrs old and he'll be DELICIOUS"... Who thinks if I see him again I should give him "the business"?
  8. You know what helps me keep my eyes in the glass? I keep reminding myself that these are not mythical creatures. They do exist and they're pretty much everywhere. They have to get up and eat, they have to get up and attain moisture or water to keep going. I am new to the game as well, but I seem to have no problem spotting deer- even when they're way out there and bedded- and I do it with a cheaper spotting scope and a pair of good Nikon 10x50's. The key is having that confidence that you WILL see them eventually, you just have to pay your dues and keep your eyes in the glass. Once you spot that first group of does, look at what they're doing, look at what they're eating, and look where they came from... because the bucks are doing the same thing often in thicker, higher spots where they aren't as accessible as their female companions. Heck, the does gave away that spike buck I shot a few days ago every time I saw him for three days... because all of the does kept looking straight uphill a few hundred yards for him.
  9. Scooter

    First day out and first time deer hunter

    Oh man, my daughter is almost 2... I gotta get her out there!
  10. Scooter

    US Army Task Force ODIN-A5 -- First Class Gentlemen

    I was in TF ODIN back in 2006 when it had it's very first deployment to Iraq. Thanks for helping them and "us" all out while we're downrange. You'd be surprised how much that effects morale! Again, thank you very much for your support...
  11. Scooter

    NM Ibex! Better late then never!!

    wait, there's Ibex in New Mexico???
  12. Scooter

    Legal/Useful Scent

    if you can find a good group of deer with two or three mature does you'll be good to go without scents. They'll be chasing them by then
  13. Scooter

    A moron and his money are soon parted

    I would challenge any criminal street thug to find the ammunition for an STG 44... he'll be trading that old gun in for the first Hi Point he can get his hands on!!!
  14. great job!!! now i recognize you from waiting in the line at the sportsmans center... Congratulations on all of the successes!
  15. When someone is suicidal/homicidal they do not regard the end of their life as a punishment rather than a gift... The deterrence of a death penalty only works on those who still care about life.
  16. Have any of you guys used the lifetime warranty on a Cobra Mamba R2 release??? My trigger broke off during the second day of my elk hunt and I just want a replacement trigger/release. I really do like the release. I did have it swung around and tucked up under my sleeve which is supposedly "out of the way", but it was no match for the thick stuff we hunted. The trigger broke off right at the set screw. I am just wondering how responsive and helpful Cobra Archery is in getting a replacement to you... Any experiences?
  17. Scooter

    Cobra Release broken... Warranty?

    got my release back in the mail yesterday. they have really changed the trigger design and beefed it up!!! I like it better now than before... 11 day process from sending it to them to receiving my release back.
  18. Scooter

    What to do... what to do

    Thanks to all of you who offered help and advice!!! This forum is filled with great people, willing to lend a hand to any other member of this community!!!
  19. Scooter

    What to do... what to do

    So Sorry to disappoint those who told me to wait for a bigger one... January is coming...
  20. Scooter

    What to do... what to do

    My 2013 Coues... First Coues, First deer with a rifle, first deer over 100yds.
  21. Scooter

    What to do... what to do

    I'll get to them tomorrow... After I get the meat all boned out. A very very big thanks to Big Browns for helping me get him skinned and quartered this evening! I learned the absolute necessity of getting one of them Havalons very well tonight!
  22. Scooter

    What to do... what to do

    Not to mention grinding meat and making jerky and sausage!!!
  23. Scooter

    What to do... what to do

    I took that spike tonight at 198yds heart shot with my home-built Mosin Nagant sporter. Thanks for all the advice guys. I know that I should have hunted harder and for a few more days- but I have Christmas family stuff on the back burner, a wife who has not seen me before noon for several months, and a full freezer!
  24. Scooter

    What to do... what to do

    see that's the thing, I took half days off from this thursday through New Year's eve- so I at least have lots of mornings left. The dynamic of hunting on-base here at Huachuca also plays into it. You may not get into certain areas every day and they might close one off for the entire season at any given time.
  25. How sticky would the situation be if you're carrying your predator hunting rifle with a friend who has a tag and a deer rifle and you are there solely for moral and pack-out support??? I would NEVER shoot at a deer without being properly licensed with a tag and my buddy is a great shot with his 30-06. but if I saw any predators and he gave me the nod... I'd be happy to oblige. Should I just leave it at home so that it doesn't cause the slightest question or what? I am not hunting deer, but hiking and glassing with a guy who's hunting deer. Just to be clear up until now I've been carrying only my CCW on my hip. I just wanna carry my .223 bobcat slayer around tomorrow... What issues do I face if I choose to bring that rifle???