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Everything posted by Scooter

  1. Scooter

    Summer Vacation!

    Great pics. Been up that way quite a bit and NOTHING beats an Ontario pike trip!!!
  2. Scooter

    Hunting Buddy's

    There's a limit to the amount of unintelligent, insulting, and disrespectful personal attacks someone can post and get away with on a regular basis. The guy crossed over the line, and he was banned. I'm sure he/she is a different person away from the keyboard and monitor- at least I hope so. I love this site and to see someone who's regular posts are both loved and loathed, but mainly for "entertainment" purposes sort of made me wonder about the integrity of this informational site and the admins. The fact that action was taken so swiftly speaks volumes to the values and character of the admins who run this site.
  3. Scooter

    Camera Theft

    I can afford to buy a camera, but I can't afford to lose one... Therefore I've never got one.
  4. Scooter

    Tags mailed yet?

    Got it in yesterday's mail
  5. Scooter

    Calling Advice

    835 Ulti mags are back bored from almost 10 gauge diameter and tapered to the muzzle So they're almost like shooting a 28" choke tube! I get good patterns with it. Gotta get it camo dipped though... It's all black.
  6. Scooter

    Looking for a decent Recurve

    Looks like the Bear Grizzly is right in your price range... http://www.cabelas.com/product/Hunting/Archery/Bows/Recurve-Longbows|/pc/104791680/c/104693580/sc/104235480/i/103969080/Bear174-Archery-Grizzly-Recurve-Bow/742975.uts?destination=%2Fcatalog%2Fbrowse%2Frecurve-longbows%2Fbear-archery%2F_%2FN-1100007%2B1000002760%2FNe-1000002760%2FNs-CATEGORY_SEQ_103969080%3FWTz_l%3DUnknown%253Bcat104791680%253Bcat104693580%253Bcat104235480%26WTz_st%3DGuidedNav%26WTz_stype%3DGNU&WTz_l=Unknown%3Bcat104791680%3Bcat104693580%3Bcat104235480%3Bcat103969080
  7. Scooter

    Looking for a decent Recurve

    I'd spend a little more and go with a Bear for $450... But both Martin and Sage are very functional bows. I'm saving up for a Bear Kodiak magnum... I already have a 40# Bear Cub that I've been trying to get a dove with, flu flus haven't connected yet!
  8. Scooter

    Too early for a role call??

    I'll be glassing up high in 35A and looking at the archery-only areas on Fort Wegotcha after work. Gonna have to be a monster though- I have a December rifle tag
  9. That's kinda crummy... even furbearers?
  10. Scooter


    Any tags come in yet??? Mine hasn't...
  11. Scooter

    Mearn's pic

    Those things have been all over the place in the Coronado National Memorial area... Always see them at sunrise picking gravel on the roads. They remind me of Bobwhites a little bit
  12. Scooter

    Unit 30B

    It will be interesting to see how your hunt goes... 30B is so close by here and I've never purposely looked for Coues deer there...
  13. Scooter

    Calling Advice

    For some reason with the extended IC choke and the 28" ported vent rib barrel- it still does look like a lethal pattern on the industry standard 30" board at 55... Usually more than a dozen pellet strikes 5-6" from POA. Only the Remingtons do it though, the winchesters and federals are all over the place. I have an extra full and the factory full and they throw VERY uneven patterns. Never tried the Hevi shot loads- too much $$$
  14. Me too. Hey I ain't very thin skinned, and I enjoy a good debate or argument as long as it has intellectual value. I do look at the other side of the coin on the summer season issue- but it is what it is. There are still strong wanton waste laws in AZ, so if people are just chucking animals in the weeds- aren't they subject to that law???
  15. Scooter

    Calling Advice

    My 835 with Remington 3" #4 buck is a brute out to about 55yds using a Carlson extended Hevi-shot IC... I've heard of folks using turkey chokes but I just don't know if compressing the load at the muzzle helps or hurts
  16. Scooter

    Calling Advice

    I have only taken one predator/furbearer with a rifle in two years hunting them in SoAZ... The other six (including my bobcat) have all been with my shotgun under 20yds... Why do I even bother bringing a rifle???
  17. Scooter

    Non-Resident Coues Hunt - Late Dec

    35A has Miller Peak Wilderness area, lots of deer, but hard to glass.
  18. If I don't get an acceptable response from the admins, I will leave CWT.com and the sticker comes off of the truck in a heartbeat. Mark my words. There's no reason for Rilfeman's nonsense, especially after I asked that he stop. I don't mind taking criticism from respectful posters like hyperwrx and twowindy... they actually bring up valid issues and make me think about my position on any given topic. It's the dudes like Rifleman that are allowed to spew disrespectful and ridiculous words that family readers on here would all like to see eliminated from the site.
  19. Okay, I'm your huckleberry... when you get at least a D+ in an accredited elementary school spelling class- please post a picture of the report card here so we can all applaud. Rifleman, previously I asked you politely and respectfully to stop with the nonsense, and you have very rudely refused. Now I have to delete my post and I'm actually and seriously considering leaving CWT.com because the type of garbage you choose to bestow upon the readers is somehow acceptable to the moderators...
  20. Scooter

    Stupid question?

    It really depends on whether or not you feel confident about it. Using pellets and a rifle that has a QRBP theres an easy way to unload without firing it. But, if you suspect even in the slightest that you mught have gotten moisture- shoot it and clean it. Temperature swings overnight can cause some issues if you're not careful.
  21. Scooter

    first time muzzy

    Convert it!!! Nothing like a #209 to get any type of powder started up! I have two MZ's that are very different. My scoped inline MZ I use: 209 primer, two IMR White Hot pellets and a T/C Mag Expess Sabot with a 240gr XTP bullet For my open-sighted T/C Tree Hawk: #11 percussion cap, 65gr of loose Pyrodex P, and a 320gr T/C Maxi Ball. Both are very accurate loads but the inline is good out to 200yds, and the T/C sidelock maybe 75yds
  22. Scooter

    35A/B Muzzleloader Hunt

    Might see me around- I don't have that tag but I am often messing around on the dark side of the Huachucas. Thats probably an awesome Muzzleloader Whitetail hunt.
  23. Scooter

    22N Mazatzal Wilderness Area Questions

    I have the same tag (22N late archery bull) and I can't wait!!!
  24. Scooter

    3 blade 100grain muzzy broadhead

    I dig what you're saying... But I don't want to have to move my sight pins around between shooting a 3D course and hunting. I have read online and in magazines that the solution to tuning Muzzy's or any fixed blade BH's is to shoot two groups with field points and two with the muzzy's, if the broadhead POI is off move your rest in the direction of the field point group in <1/32" increments until the POI's match. Well, I did that a few times over and never got them to hit the same. Again, it is not the Muzzy's fault- they are a solid head with a fantastic track record. My current set-up just doesn't want to play nice with them. I personally like the ability to go from field points to my mechanicals with very minimal change in POI. Have you tried spin testing the muzzy's? That would be the last thing to do. Sometimes this will show you something you havent seen yet. If you have done this and still cant get them to tune? then I dont know what else to tell you to help you out. It sounds like tried all the solutions. I didn't try that- nor did I try lining up the blades with the fletching. I already sold them off and I'm sticking with the NAP killzones for now. I will be trying Shuttle-T's or slick tricks next, and I'll have my bow shop do a spin test. Thanks guys!
  25. +1 to that comment. It's the responsibility of any individual who understand the worth of fur to attempt to educate those who do not. Whether or not they listen is their own business. General acceptance of moral grandstanding all depends on the topic at hand. If I made a post about shooting a mule deer with an under-calibered rifle I'd get chewed out by the masses on this forum, but someone who wastes a natural resource like fur just for the thrill of the kill is given a free pass all because 'it's legal'. I'm not interested in the monetary value of the fur- I thought I made that very clear. I am not just "killing animals" for any type of thrill (although calling and shooting predators is pretty exciting) I wasn't looking for advice when I originally posted this, nor did I ever ask anyone what they thought about people who harvest Furbearers in what is considered "not prime" seasons. If we're going forward with opinions here- I think it much more "moral" and sporting to harvest animals that are free running and not attached to a leg-trap, snare or confined in a cage trap of some sort... Trappers seem to be the most bent-out-of-shape about the AZGFD August 1st Predator/Furbearer opening. Don't you go thinking for one minute that what you do to these animals is any more "moral" or "right" than harvesting one in an early season. You use bait, catch an animal in a trap, and it dies tethered to the trap or you dispatch it when it has no chance of getting away. From the time the animal is first caught in the trap to the time it dies, it suffers greatly. Doesn't bother me one bit. I think trapping is awesome and traditional. If I had the cash and the time I'd be a trapper too. If that's what you do, and it's legal, have a great time in the outdoors doing it! That's your thing and I am not somebody who will criticize your methods. So don't criticize mine. If I want a summer fox to skin out and have for my own trophy room- I certainly don't consider that a waste of an animal at all. The fur is being used and that's the bottom line. The funny thing is... I didn't even shoot any foxes and you "prime fur" guys are all up in arms over the thought of it. ...and what exactly is an under-calibered rifle for mule deer??? Dead is dead- no matter how big of a hole it took to kill it.