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Everything posted by Scooter

  1. Scooter

    Solo Hunting with mouth calls

    I am seeing twice as many animals since switching over from using e-callers, but I keep getting jammed up by animals coming in too close and upwind where I can't shoot 'em because of the brush!
  2. Scooter

    Chris Christie

    Dang Hurricane Sandy didn't make NJ and NYC float off over to Europe like it was supposed to.
  3. Scooter

    Locks for airline travel

    ammo is a no-go... either ship it ground or have the outfitter find some for you and have it waiting when you get there. I was told nope on ammo for a flight back home to NY a few years ago.
  4. Scooter

    Want to buy new shotgun for wife

    Yes... Get a Browning Maxus 12ga with a 26" barrel. I have one in 28" and I LOVE IT!!! I'm not a woman, nor am I small in stature or recoil sensitive- but it is just about the lightest 3.5" semi-auto and the forend is a lot thinner. Shoots every kind of 12ga shell without a hiccup and keeps on going. The only other light shotgun in the 3.5" class that I would handle would be a Benelli Super Vinci. I personally like gas-op shotguns, but people do like their Benelli Inertia guns.
  5. Scooter

    Gov. Shutdown and hunting USFS

    Forest Service LEOs are considered essential employees and are still writing tickets. And they're not getting paid anything but IOU's right now... so some of their attitude should be excused, but not all of it. Keep in mind they have families to feed too- always try to walk in the other guy's shoes a bit. Last time I went to Fry's and tried to pay for groceries with an IOU they politely declined to let me leave with my goods and sundries.
  6. Scooter

    Springfield XD-S Safety Recall

    I'll give you two guesses... both answers will result in a several months and dozens of fruitless phone calls while waiting to get your gun back.
  7. Scooter

    New to the site- my back story to hunting

    I've been out there driving around 35B a few times over the past three years and I always see deer. I bet with the good mast crop this year you will see them!
  8. 7.62x54R... 1943 Izshevsk Mosin Nagant 91/30 that I have sporterized. Polished the trigger (it is still atrocious), shortened the barrel to 23" with an 11 degree crown, pillar bedded ATI stock, and scout-scoped off of the dovetail after removing the rear sight block. I worked up a decent load at about 2650fps using IMR 4895 and Speer Hot-Cor 150gr SP's in Winchester Brass. It shoots the factory Winchester 180gr soft points (2625fps) just a hair over MOA out to 300yds and the handloads about the same if I do my part. Not a long-range rifle by any means, but it should do the job. -OR- My CVA .50cal with 100gr IMR White Hots and a 240gr Hornady XTP .44cal in a Mag Express Sabot. Good out to 150yds which will be plenty for the deer on-post.
  9. It's amazing how unafraid the other species of animals are when you're wearing blaze orange and toting an over/under... If you think the Gambel's are hard to find after youo knock them down... the scalies I shot this weekend were dang near impossible! I found them all, but some were right in front of me on bare ground and I must have walked past them a half-dozen times!
  10. Been kicking out a lot of cottontails, but the first Jack I see is going down!!!
  11. I smelled the sage when I skinned them out... I will upload pics later
  12. Scooter

    Time To Go

    Can't swing a dead cat and not catch a walleye or a smallmouth up there. Big bodied North woods deer and black bear, waterfowl, and grouse! Land of 10000 lakes!
  13. Scooter

    black bear hunt in unit 22?

    I hunted that spot before and haven't seen any bears yet. I will be bringing the muzzleloader on my elk hunt in November if it is still open by then.
  14. Scooter

    Weird month thus far

    It's the economy, the government, the media, pop culture and the destruction of the traditional American culture, and most of all- the one single thing that is making everyone miserable... Miley Cyrus.
  15. Scooter you sure you watched the same video? Both feathered wings are attached when you pull the breast are they not? EDITED: You were talking about brents post? My bad.. Yeah I can snip out a breast cleanly without the wings... I didn't watch the video- just took "pulled the breast and left the rest laying there" to mean that they snipped out the breast meat and left the whole carcass.
  16. Archery equipment, I'm 98% sure it is 200 yards minimum distance. Pellet guns (listed more commonly in the regs as pneumatic weapons) fall under the same guidelines as any other firearm where it can be used as a legal implement for hunting. Of course local ordinances may apply on top of any state laws.
  17. Scooter

    Magazine Capacity

    Your hunting buddies probably switched your ammo out for blanks.
  18. Uh you legally have to leave at least one feathered wing on the meat until you get home... so what they did was a clear violation!
  19. Scooter

    Magazine Capacity

    As many as your drum will hold Wow, I was unaware that the limits had been lifted. Anyone know when this happened? If you need more than two or three rounds of .223 to take out a Javelina... you probably need to get a little closer- they're practically blind for heaven's sakes!
  20. Scooter

    Magazine Capacity

    It went into effect in august of 2012. No idea when it was actually signed by the Governor.
  21. Scooter

    Magazine Capacity

    I know you know this... but for the benefit of our less knowledgeable readers- be careful lending a firearm to someone who may or may not be prohibited by the Tards in Government from posessing, transporting, or handling a firearm. That being said and done there are no magazine restrictions for hunting big game. The only magazine restrictions in AZ are for Federally regulated species- Migratory birds like doves and ducks. Yay FREEDOM!!!
  22. Scooter

    What is considered baiting?

    To my knowledge/understanding, salt would only be okay if it were placed there as a result of normal agricultural activities and not solely intended for the purpose of hunting over it.
  23. Here's another one... Use hen decoys in a 3:1 ratio. You'll have a ton more ducks ready to commit and you really don't even need to call much. Trust me, it works
  24. +1 on getting in early. If it's light enough outside to not need a headlamp... You're too late and you're gonna screw up somebody's hunt- and your own. Guys- if you're set up early, use lights to show other folks where you're at. +1 on Bad Call, No Call. If you are in a good spot there is no reason to blast a loud 30 note hail call! Another etiquette thing is to wait for everyone to come out after the hunt and see if you can group up next time and hunt in cooperation. I used to do this in Texas. I would wait until everyone hiked back to the parking area and chat with them after the hunt. We all knew where each other were and how much each of us were shooting and calling. We all hunted a single shoreline of public land maybe two miles long on a cove. After awhile at least two of the solo guys grouped up with me and we all helped build a nice blind that we used. More decoys, more guns, and I was the only one who could call. We had a really awesome season after that because at least three of the people who were spread out consolidated into one blind and it gave the birds a break.
  25. I really like Black Clouds personally, but can't find them down in SV. 3.5" shells are VERY forgiving!