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Everything posted by goinhuntn

  1. goinhuntn

    AZ tags in mail yet ?

  2. goinhuntn

    Tell us about your elk rifle, and cartridge?

    Ruger m77 30-06 stainless steel with leupold vx2 3x9 scope and federal premium 180 gr nosler partition. Thinking about getting a 300 win mag.
  3. goinhuntn

    Change of the Rules

    I agree with thom above why should you have to wait. It is luck of the draw. If you win the megamillion jackpot does that mean you should'nt be able to buy more lottery tickets for three years. Az has a good system leave it alone. If you don't get drawn keep putting in and hunt Colorado or Idaho with otc tag until you get drawn!!
  4. goinhuntn

    Change of the Rules

    Leave it alone!! The guys drawing year after year are probaly not putting in for premium units. Such as my case I am 2 for 2 I don't put in for trophy hunts such as unit 9 archery. That tag is one of the most sought after. I would like to shoot a big bull, but I would rather hunt more than wait!!
  5. goinhuntn

    Post you results

    Unit 8 late rifle for me! Gonna be awesome!
  6. goinhuntn

    Post you results

    4B archery bull is your hunt
  7. goinhuntn

    Family Dispute

    I would definately say there is not elk in 50% of the state!!
  8. goinhuntn

    It was nice for a while

  9. goinhuntn

    Waiting for the draw

  10. goinhuntn

    CC Hits

    This is the best entertainment I have had in a while!!! With all the stress from the economy, work & family this is awesome!! All day at work I wonder if results are up, rush home and go straight to the computer only to find out there still not posted. Then I get on this website read all the comments post a few of my own then go onto monstermuley.com and check the az forum. Its just like waiting for christmas to find out what you got!! You guys have too admit it this is straight up entertainment waiting for reults. Alot of guys posting including myself already know we have tags. My dad is to lazy to even check to see if his card was hit he just tells me he'll find out when they post it, I guess when you get to be his age it's not that big of a deal he says i am an idiot for checking so much. That's the fun of it though.
  11. goinhuntn

    CC Hits

    +1 on that you have a choice to use either paper or cc. I like the online its easy and you don't have to front the money. AZFG does a great job IMO and I am sure they are doing everything to fill open spots!! Like you said ON OR BEFORE APRIL 20th. My wife thinks I'm crazy when I get home from work its hi and straight to the computer to see if results are up!! The funny thing I already know I have a tag I just want to find out where & what season!!
  12. goinhuntn

    CC Hits

    I had my debit card was compromised last saturday by someone charging to home depot at midnight online, and when I tried to use my card on sunday it was declined. Called the B of A and they put a stop on card because of that charge wheeeew!!! Cancelled the card, but luckily fish & game had already withdrew from my account or I would be screwed this year. Good luck on your dilema!!
  13. goinhuntn

    CC Hits

    Read page 10 in the regs. Hunt permit tag fees will be charged after the drawing is completed and you are SUCCESSFUL in the draw. This eliminates the requirement to pay your tag fees in advance and/or issue a refund if you are not successful in the draw. Cost are identical to the papaer application process. No additional fees are charged for using the online application. The reason it is taking so long for the results to post is because of the people who applied online that were drawn and there cards were declined. IMO fish and game has extra work in filling tags because of the people with declined cc. I like the paper apps better cuz I think less people put in, but the online is convenient cuz your not fronting all the money at once especially right after the holidays. Anyway we will know soon enough. I JUST WISH THEY WOULD HURRY SO I KNOW FOR SURE WHERE I'M HUNTN ELK THIS YEAR!!!!!!!
  14. goinhuntn

    Enough is Enough

    This is ridiculous azfg should be able to post it by now with all the computer technology it doesn't take this long. I just want to know where I am huntn elk this year. DANG IT CUT LOOSE WITH THE RESULTS ALREADY!!!LOL
  15. goinhuntn

    Any New Hits?

    + 1 on that one buffhunter where did the wedding come from!! My wife can't stand me hunting she says its cruel, plus she says its all I ever think about and she is right. She will either deal with it or leave me, but we been together 14 years so I think she's dealing with it LOL.
  16. goinhuntn

    Any New Hits?

    There is no way that could happen the draw is done randomly by computer. I guarantee as soon as results are posted the people that did the paper apps will be on here either happy or bummed. I am sure alot more people applied this year cuz they didn't have to front all that money. The online process is alot easier, but I wish they would have kept the paper apps there would be less people applying. I can't complain cuz I did the online and i'm hunting elk this year!!
  17. goinhuntn

    CC Hits

    If you don't get drawn don't sit home head to Oregon, Idaho, or Colorado for an archery hunt. You can buy otc. You might not know the area, but at least your out hunting.
  18. goinhuntn

    CC Hits

    Is the money still outta your account or did the money reappear? Just checked again it is still out of my account
  19. goinhuntn

    CC Hits

    Going elk hunting again this year can't beleive it. Either late rifle or late archery don't care i'm elk huntn!!!
  20. goinhuntn

    How good does Javelina taste

    I cut it into small pieces marinate in teriyaki and make fajitas, they're preety good.