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Everything posted by goinhuntn

  1. goinhuntn

    Hey dude hold my beer while I ...

    What an inbred idiot!!
  2. goinhuntn

    1998 Polaris Sportsman 500 4x4

    I just bought a 2004 sportsman 500 last thanksgiving it has 1200 miles on it I paid $2800 for it, guy was asking $3400. Mine was super clean with not even a scratch in the plastics, a friend who works on them went thru it & replaced the drive belt & brake pads. Now it is like brand new. I would offer $1800 & go from there worst he can say is no.
  3. goinhuntn

    FS: 2008 Diamond "The Rock" Compound Bow

    Bump for a great bow. The rock was my first bow, excellent shooter!
  4. goinhuntn

    Guns for Sale

    Any pics of the icon 300 win mag?
  5. goinhuntn

    Elk antlers thieves

    People have no respect anymore its just sad what is happening!!
  6. goinhuntn

    Unit 8

    I remember the cabins & store that was along time ago. Wonder why they got rid of them?
  7. goinhuntn

    New guy here

    Nice bulls welcome to the site!!
  8. goinhuntn

    Official did NOT get drawn thread

    I'm part of the no tag loser club!! Good luck to all who drew I'm jealous!!!
  9. goinhuntn

    Results available

    Vossy, I checked your theory about "IN" its not the case as I always put in individual & some of my tags have the IN & some don't. Hopefully somebody can shed the light on what the "IN" stands for.
  10. goinhuntn

    Elk draw results up

    Wapitibob, How do you link your account to? i will call them tomorrow, unless their is an easy way to link account
  11. goinhuntn

    My Spring Break

    Great story & pictures!! Looks like you and your buddy had a great time!!
  12. goinhuntn

    Elk draw results up

    Yea I would like to see my draw history as well. Nevada has it on their website kinda cool to see your history.
  13. goinhuntn

    Elk draw results up

    GJ my account says the same thing, but it shows I have bonus points. It also shows no history, and I have been putting in for years & have drawn tags wth??
  14. goinhuntn

    Ruger MK II stainless .223

    Nice rifle if I didn't just buy a T/C venture predator I would of bought this!
  15. goinhuntn

    Browning A-Bolt II Hunter 7mm Rem Mag

    Thats awesome your wife likes hunting & shooting!! Bump for a nice looking rifle.
  16. goinhuntn

    Still hope cc issues

    When Nevada does their draw if your card is declined too bad for you they move on to next in line. Their system seems to work like clockwork.
  17. goinhuntn


    I feel your pain my son was allergic to everything especially pet dander when he was younger. he has outgrown most of it he is 19 now. The neighbors had a litter of chihuhahas when he was about 12 & they didn't seem to bother him & he wanted one so we got one. I have always had heelers & wanted another one, but wasn't sure how he would do around it. We found a couple heeler pups at the pound & we got one & it doesn't bother him. Cats are what really messes him up. Long story short hopefully your daughter will grow out of it. My son is a mess during the spring, but is a lot better than when he was little.
  18. goinhuntn

    Monday Hits only thread.

    No hit for me. I was optimistic yesterday, but hope is fading away looks like plan b again oh well will still be hunting!! Good luck to all who drew!!
  19. goinhuntn

    The time has come- I "got" a dog (pics added)

    I have a pound pup He is a heeler austrailan shepherd mix he is 5 yrs old & he has been one of the best dogs I have ever owned. Pound pups make great dogs. I disagree with the backyard dog comment my dog comes in the house in the summer when its hot, but stays out in the winter. He doesn't like being in the house he loves to roam the yard even in the summer, but I don't let him out in the heat.
  20. goinhuntn

    Card Hit

    Mc68 I hope you don't think my comment was directed at you I am not directing it toward anyone. Just stating that their are far worse things going on in life! I would love to get an elk tag in Az, but if I don't oh well maybe next year. That is not going to stop me from hunting elk I will go to plan B. Being able to hunt anything & being outdoors is truly what it is all about!! Sorry if I offended anyone it surely wasn't meant that way.
  21. goinhuntn

    Card Hit

    Congrats to all that have drawn!!! My card has not been hit, but I still have hope. If I don't draw oh well its sucks, but half the fun is the anticipation of finding out. Life is to short to cry about it. Arizona system is fine either you get lucky or you don't at least you have a possibility to draw every year!! Have a backup plan if you don't get drawn or don't hunt at all. There are far worse things in life than waiting to draw an elk tag in Az. Just my 2 cents. Again good luck to all the lucky ones may your hunt be filled with awesome memories!!
  22. goinhuntn

    2010 Honda Accord LX

    Bump for a great car, just bought my wife an accord sport last august.
  23. goinhuntn


    Knothead you have it right about Nevada!! There draw system is excellent.
  24. goinhuntn

    So here we go again waiting

    Great video Thanks for sharing!! Now the fever is even worse!!! Let's get on with the draw already!!!