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Everything posted by goinhuntn

  1. goinhuntn


    What is the draw length & axle to axle length?
  2. goinhuntn


    Is Casey’s still doing processing in Flagstaff? A few years ago we dropped off our elk there & got to talking with Casey & he was thinking of selling the business. I have archery elk hunt coming up & hopefully will be needing his services if he is still there. I guess I could call, but thought I would try here first.
  3. goinhuntn

    Anyone else worried yet?

    Our future right there!! God help us!
  4. goinhuntn

    What's your favorite Burger Joint?

    Tavern 95 in Havasu, Jalapeño burger onion rings & ice cold Michelob ultra
  5. goinhuntn

    Sold Prime Nexus 4, 70lb, like new

    What’s the draw length set at & axle to axle length?
  6. goinhuntn

    Deer/Sheep Regs

    Archery deer quotas are pretty sparse. Don’t know what the actual harvest are, but looks like a lot of units will close early.
  7. goinhuntn

    Mad as heck about Nevada

    I can’t believe it I have been applying in Nevada for deer, elk & antelope for the last 14 years. I have been building points as a non resident in some of the top tier units hoping to get lucky. Last year I missed the application deadline due to some unforeseen life happens issues. Needless to say I go to apply for this year only to find out all of my points have been erased. I called fish & game to see I what was going on, only to be told my points are gone for good since I missed last year. This is total BS 14 years of applying gone because I missed 1 draw cycle UNBELIEVABLE!!!
  8. goinhuntn

    unit 8 early archery bull

    I did, looking forward to this hunt!!
  9. goinhuntn

    Mad as heck about Nevada

    Hope an unexpected life changing moment never happens in your family where you happen to miss putting in for a draw, since you are Mr. Perfect!! Have a great night Richard!
  10. goinhuntn

    Mad as heck about Nevada

    I’m going to call them again & try to get this fixed. I only missed last year!
  11. goinhuntn

    Mad as heck about Nevada

    I will have to call again Nope just missed last year.
  12. goinhuntn

    Mad as heck about Nevada

    I will have to agree with you. I guess all my focus will be on hunting my great state of Arizona!! After all I did draw an early archery elk tag here this year 👍!
  13. goinhuntn

    Mad as heck about Nevada

    Wanting to hunt has nothing to do with it!! I love to hunt as much as anyone on here, but as I stated unforseen things happen in life that makes hunting take a back seat. 14 years of applying should show my determination. I don’t think your points should Be stripped when things happen!! Arizona takes your loyalty point if you miss a year & I think that is justified. To lose all your points is BS. I hope based off your comment that you don’t have a life happens moment since your the only one on your toes that like to hunt!!
  14. goinhuntn

    Hoyt faktor turbo

    How about a price??
  15. goinhuntn

    Draw Results

    Unit 8 early archery here, can’t wait!!!
  16. goinhuntn

    Just got a CC hit!!!

    Got hit at 7:25 this morning !! Already planning the hunt 😄
  17. goinhuntn

    Remington 700 S/S synthetic stock in .204 Ruger

    😩😢😭that’s a shame, NOT!!
  18. goinhuntn

    Have a Laugh

    Funny video. Trevor Noah is douche bag though!!
  19. goinhuntn

    Hunting Magazine recommendations

    Western Hunter is pretty decent
  20. goinhuntn


    Big 5 & Walmart employees need to be educated on selling otc deer tags!!! This Is the only weekend I can go deer hunting, so we were planning on heading out to our spot around 4 am tomorrow. I swing by Big 5 on my way home only to be told all hunting & fishing licenses are sold online. I tell the guy behind the counter I already have my license, I need a deer tag, guy tells me you have to get those online. I tell him no tags are sold over the counter, he says no F&G is doing it all online starting this year. Again I tell him no the tags are in the drawer behind the counter, F&G does not sale otc tags online. I tell him let me talk to the manager, he says he is the manager. I tell him you need to know what your talking about if your managing the store. I leave & go to Walmart, after ringing the assistance buzzer & waiting 15 minutes for nobody to come ! I start looking for someone that works there (yea ok thats a funny one), I find a guy & tell him I need assistance in sporting goods, what do need he ask, I tell him I want a deer tag, he looks at me with blank stare it’s obvious he has no clue what I want. He calls the manager of that department, she says we never received any deer tags from F&G and nobody in town has received any this year. I start laughing & tell Her my brother in law just bought a deer tag earlier down the street at the Bait & Tackle shop (it was after 5pm or I would of just went there). The manager at Walmart said they didn’t get any & probably won’t be getting any this year. Needless to say our morning hunt is screwed since I have to wait for the Bait & Tackle shop to open in the morning. F&G needs to tell the idiots of these stores how to sale tags or make them available to purchase online!!! Seems like every time you try & buy a tag at these stores its a hassle & they are freakin CLUELESS!!!😳😳
  21. Have the same rifle, it is a shooter for sure, good luck with sale & heres a free bump.
  22. goinhuntn


    Apparently you didnt read my original post carefully! I already have my hunting license. I was trying to get an OTC deer tag.
  23. goinhuntn


  24. goinhuntn


    This doesn’t even make sense!! Why even respond to the post!
  25. goinhuntn


    Wasn’t sure I was even going to be able to go at all. Was able to get this weekend off. Nearest F&G office is 60 miles away. My work schedule doesn’t allow any time to get there before they close!