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Everything posted by sandman

  1. sandman


    I will take the steel wheel
  2. sandman

    African Hunt for sale

    My family recently bought an African hunt for 4 hunters from the Mule Deer foundation. Hunt includes all accommodations (lodging, meals, open bar, licenses, guide fees, transportation during hunt). Trophy fees for the animals you harvest and airfare are not included in the package. The package says it is valued at $14,000. We are unfortunately unable to go on this trip and would like to see it go to a fellow coues whitetail member. The hunt is through Upland Water Adventures and Zembe South African Safaris. The package can be used anytime in the next 2 years. Asking $2,000. Message me for further details if interested.
  3. sandman

    African Hunt for sale

    sale pending Monday. Will repost if necessary
  4. I am looking for a vortex skyline 80mm ed scope 20-60 power
  5. I would do exclusive pursuit outfitters or high point outfitters. Both of these outfits know 10 really well and will give their best effort to find you a big goat.
  6. 6a is a giant unit with elk crawling over all parts of it. I would recommend To scout some new areas. That is the fun part of hunting anyway, get out and explore some new country and don't let something like this ruin your hunt. I hunt to get away from the problems of the world, if you hunt where you know he is going to be, you will be inviting the problems in. Good luck and enjoy the hunt
  7. sandman

    How many animals have you harvested in Arizona

    4 archery mule deer 2 rifle mule deer 1 muzzleloader mule deer 2 archery bulls 2 rifle cows 1 rifle coues 1 lion 1 bear 8 shotgun turkeys 1 archery turkey 8 archery pigs I think that is all of them, might of forgot some pigs.
  8. sandman

    Getting it done at 92 years old!

    Amazing. I can only hope to still be hunting at that age. Congratulations
  9. What a great memory for the both of you. I can remember doing things just like that with my dad. It is what sparked my passion for the outdoors. You can't help but be hooked after that
  10. sandman

    Finally My Turn!

    Awesome bull. congratulations
  11. sandman

    My Bride and her buck **UPDATED***LOL

    Awesome character. Very unique. Congratulations
  12. Congratulations Shelton. Awesome archery buck
  13. sandman

    *Monster Goat in the Dirt* 2014 Antelope Hunt

    Great story. I really enjoyed reading about the preparation for your hunt. To me that is the most enjoyable part. Tagging an animal is just a bonus. Congratulations
  14. sandman

    Which December tag?

    None of those hunts are a walk in the park. They have low densities in some rough country. It will take a lot of work
  15. sandman

    AZ Rio Grande

    Amazing accomplishment. I would love to harvest all 3 species with a bow. Congrats
  16. sandman

    The 2014 Elk Show Begins Now

    I saw the bull with the 3 inch cheater on his brow tine a few times. Those are great pics of him
  17. Just curious what units you guys think an archery hunter stands a good chance in. When I draw a tag I really want to try it with my bow but don't want to draw in an area where the terrain limits me to a rifle. Thanks
  18. sandman

    The 2014 Elk Show Begins Now

    I really enjoy the pics you take. Keep them coming
  19. This weekend was my first time hunting coues deer. I have always hunted mule deer but decided I would give the whitetails a try. My wife Shelby put in with me. This was not only her first coues deer hunt but her first rifle deer hunt, and she was still trying to tag her first big game animal. Opening morning went pretty slow with only a few does spotted until around 10:00 my friend Colton spotted 2 bucks in the canyon below us. After a failed stalk attempt we relocated one of the bucks bedded across from us. Shelby got set up and after a few misses, she calmed her nerves and took her first buck. Congrats Shelby! The next day was my turn. Lots of does early in the morning and around 9:00 Colton did it again and spotted a nice buck bedded about 600 yards from us. With the wind blowing hard we decided to get closer and after a quick hike we ended up on the ridge across from the buck at 280 yards. Colton and Shelby sat with me and my Dad was on the ridge behind us as they watched me take my first coues buck. It was an awesome experience and a hunt I will never forget. Thanks to everyone that helped and Congratulations Shelby!
  20. I have done some bear hunting in the past, but have never been able to get lucky. This time I went with some friends to some new country. We saw 11 different bears and had some missed shots. But I was able to connect with this bear after one of my friends spotted him in the canyon below us at 200 yards. It was one of the best weekends hunting I have ever had, but also one of the most physically demanding. Packing the meat and hide out of the steep canyon was extremely difficult, but well worth it. Luckily I had 3 other guys to help me get it out of there. Thanks for the help guys!
  21. sandman

    My First Bear

    They were feeding on acorns. I am having a rug made, I have always wanted one. I used a 30-06 with hornady sst bullets
  22. sandman

    The Horseshoe Turkey

    Scouting started for this hunt easter weekend. My dad and I found some birds in an area we liked that we thought would have very little hunting pressure. We continued scouting for the next month and found some roosting areas. Opening morning was uneventful due to high winds and a lack of gobbles. That evening while walking around trying to roost some turkeys for the morning I found the smallest horseshoe I have ever seen. I didn't think it could actually be used for a horse so it must have been made for good luck. So i picked it up and put it in my pocket. Shortly after that we roosted a turkey, things were already looking up. The next morning my mom, dad and I walked into a couple hundred yards from the roost and set up. After the birds flew down we began calling and we could tell the gobble was getting closer. About 5 minutes later I could see a big tom walking through the junipers. He came into about 30 yards and hung up directly behind a big juniper tree. I could not get a shot and had to wait as he strutted and gobbled right in front of me. About 15 minutes later he finally took a few more steps and I was able to get a clear shot through a small gap in the tree. He dropped right in his tracks. Now I knew the horseshoe was good luck! It was awesome being able to share this exciting moment with my mom and dad. That is what it is all about, exciting times with awesome family. The turkey had a 9 inch beard and will make a great turkey dinner this coming weekend.
  23. sandman

    The Horseshoe Turkey

    Scouting started for this hunt easter weekend. My dad and I found some birds in an are we liked that we thought would have very little hunting pressure. We continued scouting for the next month and found some roosting areas. Opening morning was uneventful due to high winds and a lack of gobbles. That evening while walking around trying to roost some turkeys for the morning I found the smallest horseshoe I have ever seen. I didn't think it could actually be used for a horse so it must have been made for good luck. So i picked it up and put it in my pocket. Shortly after that we roosted a turkey, things were already looking up. The next morning my mom, dad and I walked into a couple hundred yards from the roost and set up. After the birds flew down we began calling and we could tell the gobble was getting closer. About 5 minutes later I could see a big tom walking through the junipers. He came into about 30 yards and hung up directly behind a big juniper tree. I could not get a shot and had to wait as he strutted and gobbled right in front of me. About 15 minutes later he finally took a few more steps and I was able to get a clear shot through a small gap in the tree. He dropped right in his tracks. Now I knew the horseshoe was good luck! It was awesome being able to share this exciting moment with my mom and dad. That is what it is all about, exciting times with awesome family. The turkey had a 9 inch beard and will make a great turkey dinner this coming weekend.
  24. sandman

    Dear A hole on the ATV

    Awesome sets Brent keep it up!
  25. this is my first bobcat ever. and it just happened to be while i had a bow in my hand.