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Everything posted by sandman

  1. sandman

    Hypothetical Bear Questions????

    I recently was in a situation similar to this. I started walking up a mountain before daylight in an area where I had seen some bears. My dad and I made it to the top where the bears were right at first light and then we heard the dogs. There were dogs running all over the hill the rest of the morning. It really sucked to hike all that way to have it ruined. we did not ever see a bear but if I did I would have shot. There are many bears on the hill, how do you know which one the dogs are on?
  2. sandman

    My 2012 Arizona bear

    awesome job. way to get it done the hard way
  3. sandman

    muzzeloader bullet recomendations for elk

    thanks for the help. the setup is a TC encore 150 grains pyrodex pellets
  4. A friend of mine is going on his first elk hunt. We are wondering what everyone has had sucess with using for muzzleloader bullets on elk
  5. sandman

    My bear

    having self control like that deserves an award. The big 10 is a great achievement, but having great ethics when your alone and know that no one is watching is a far greater achievement in my eyes
  6. sandman

    When it all comes together!

    i love the look of this bull. congratulations
  7. sandman

    7 for 7 filled

    awesome job. congrats on some great memories
  8. sandman

    2012 archery bull

    After 11 days of chasing bugling bulls around I finally got one on the ground. I worked in close to the herd and held tight until this bull pushed his cows by me at 50 yards. He was bugling as my arrow passed through both lungs, he expired less than 60 yards away.The hunt was everything I could have wanted. I passed on smaller bulls almost every day and had some chances at some bigger bulls ( i missed ). Thank you dad for teaching me everything I know, I had a blast spending the time in the woods with you again this year and I look forward to many more to come
  9. On the second day of the archery season colton arrowed the buck we have been chasing for a year. Last year we both missed shots at this buck that colton named Buddy. This year colton found him in the same spot and he had put on a lot of mass. Colton watched this buck grow for about a month before the season. Opening day he was able to sneak to within 60 yards of Buddy bedded in some thick trees but could never get a shot. The second evening Colton was able to get a shot off and it found its mark. The buck ran about 200 yards downhill and died. This is one of the heaviest deer I have ever seen and the pictures don't do it justice. It is an awesome muley of a lifetime and it will be hard to beat. Colton put his time in and deserved to finally get this buck on the ground. Congrats Colton, I am glad I got to be a part of it.
  10. sandman

    Utah Redemption Buck!!!

    what a week. a giant desert deer and a high country muley awesome job
  11. sandman

    AZ Desert Non-Typical!!!

    Awesome buck. I love unique deer like that. congrats on beating the heat to take such an awesome deer
  12. sandman

    Searching for West

    I really thought it was entertaining and I enjoyed it but maybe if he spent less time setting up elaborate camera angles and more time hunting maybe he would have been able to get an elk or at least get one on camera. I enjoy watching some of these videos but it seems like they let the video take away from the hunting experience.
  13. sandman

    Things your huntin buddies do that drive you nuts : )

    people that always show up for the hunt but never want to put in the time before the season. To me the scouting and preparation is the best part of the hunt, sad to see so many people miss out on the whole experience
  14. sandman

    Post your Pics

    my 2011 archery bull
  15. sandman

    bowhunter happening thank you

    Thanks to the arizona bowhunter association and all that were involved in putting on the bowhunter happening. It was a great time and the course was a lot of fun. On top of all that I won a pair of vortex kiababs in the raffle. I couldn't be a happier guy and can't wait till next year
  16. sandman

    bowhunter happening

    does anyone know what time the shoot usually ends on sunday?
  17. sandman

    2012 archery mule deer

    I was lucky enough to be able to get a shot at this buck as he was chasing some does around. My biggest muley with a bow!
  18. sandman

    Father Son Turkeys

    After a slow morning on the second day of the hunt colton and I decided to take a walk on a ridge where we had seen a lot of turkey sign. My dad would drive around the ridge and pick us up on the other side. When Colton and I reached the top of the ridge we did a yelp and immediately had a gobble in front of us. I looked up and could see that it was coming toward us. We hurried up and found a place to set up and waited. He came in to 25 yards when I shot.I called Dad to tell him the good news, and he said he was going to try some calling while he was waiting for us to get down the mountain. As colton and I were headed back we heard a gunshot and both of us couldn't believe it. My dad had just got one too. Both of us tagged out within 20 minutes of each other. Awesome day and one of the most memorable trips I have had.
  19. sandman

    Hey Turkey Hunters

    Hard to go wrong with a remington 870
  20. sandman

    Apartment help

    My fiance and I are moving to the valley next month for job reasons. We have never lived there before. We are from Prescott az. We thought we could ask for help to find a good apartment that is not too strict and is hunter friendly. We would like to be near chandler because that is where our jobs are. Any info would be highly appreciated.
  21. sandman

    Big Elk Set

    My biggest set of the year. They have been chewed on a little bit but are still the heaviest sheds I have ever held. And here is my 2012 total so far.
  22. sandman

    coconino forest changes starting in may

    We as outdoorsmen and hunters need to leave comments on the kiabab and coconino website, and let them know how we feel about these new rules. They need to remember that they work for us. If enough of us express our concern to the forest service we might be able to change these absurd rules.
  23. sandman

    how many points do you have?

    I now have 13
  24. sandman

    CC Hits

    I got an elk tag. archery bull just don't know where
  25. sandman

    Awesome shed trip

    just got back from three days in the hills looking for sheds. It was one of our best trips yet. Day one started out with a lot of excitement when I glassed up a mountain lion bedded under a tree. My dad had his rifle and was able to bag his first lion. My dad headed to town to check in his lion while colton and I kept looking for sheds. The rest of the day was fairly slow resulting in only one brown 6 point and an old rag horn chalk before dark. We made camp and had an awesome dinner of hot dogs over a campfire and slept under the stars. The next morning started off with a bang again as I found a brown shed laying in the middle of the road on our way to the next spot. We love to find easy ones like this and start counting before we start walking. When we arrived to our spot colton immediately glassed up the brow tines of a shed in the bottom of a canyon. We did not know how big it was but colton decided to hike down to get it and we were suprised to find a giant. The next walk went well and I found my best shed to date. This beast had a 24.5 inch royal. All in all it was a great time and I can't wait to get out and do it again.