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Everything posted by Rembrant
I'm with Stanley, you guys aren't thinkin. Mike
Another brilliant Obama appointee
Rembrant posted a topic in Political Discussions related to hunting
Obama does it again. As the Health and Human Services Secretary, Obama has appointed Kansas Gov. Kathleen Sebelius, a pro abortion advocate who has received tons of money from "pro choice" advocates. She has voted against doing away with partial birth abortions, and has defended and even thrown partys at the governors mansion for Dr. George Tiller, a person who is on tril now for continuing to perform late term abortions when it was outlawed. Way to be Mr. President, at least you're consistant. Has anybody noticed this guy doing anything GOOD for this country yet? Mike -
Proposed change to Wild horse and burro act
Rembrant replied to cmc's topic in Political Discussions related to hunting
Sorry Lark, it went over my head. Global warming is your rant: Evolution is mine. They are both closely related. Evolution is so widely accepted as the truth that whenever it pops up in discussion, I just can't help but to lob a big fat wrench into it, hoping people will get to thinking for a change. Here's how they are related: Evolution declares that all creation simply happened over time, randomly, with no help from any kind of guide - or God. Evolution is the communists creed. If there is no God - we have a brand new ball game with different rules. Rule #1 is, we don't have to be accountable to the big eye in the sky. Rule #2 is, we're on our own without a Father, so we gotta take care of our "Mother Earth". Enter "human secularism", where WE are in charge of our continued existance. Our destiny is in OUR hands (not God's) and we gotta figure out how to conserve our resources so humanty can go on and on. And since we are evolving, we will get this figured, stop warring and live together in a humanistic utopia. Sounds reasonable, but there are some problems. One gigantic problem is the United States of America. Those folks believe in God! They founded their country on Judiac-Christian principals (that darn Bible), and look what they're doing to humanities resources! They're burning them up! The secular humanists, socialists and communists gotta do something about this! And they have. They have infiltrated this great nation by using our freedoms against us. They have used our mass media and our educational systems to change our way of thinking. It seems logical and good, after all we should take care of this planet. What could possibly be wrong with being green? But trusting Americans just can't see where this is going, and we don't seem to care. Lark, you are absolutley right about transportation being a right that will be taken away. Why should we be burning all that energy just to get around when so much of the world is still walking? But it's not just about taking away freedoms, it's about conserving humanities resources. Freedoms will dissapear to take care of the greater good. We gotta take care of our "Mother". Global warming is a great tool for this. Can't have too many babies either. They are a 'burden' to society. Just ask Pelosi. Now Obama is going to limit medicare to better take care of younger people's insurance needs. Guess old people are also a liability and need to go away too. that's OK as long as you are young and an asset - just don't get old. Secular humanism isn't coming - it's HERE NOW! Has anyone noticed that we save whales and kill babies? And this great nation has just elected a secular humanist/communist to lead us into the future. We have identified the enemy, and he is us. None of this surprises God. He's still on His throne. He knows the beginning from the end, and He has a plan. Mike -
Proposed change to Wild horse and burro act
Rembrant replied to cmc's topic in Political Discussions related to hunting
now we have wild horses and asses here again, just like they used to be. sorta like the mexican wolf is now. really, they did originate here. Lark, The first "Horses" Hyracotherium were 20" inches high at the shoulder, 4 toes on each front foot and 3 on the hind feet, and walked on pads like a dog. Had an arched back, short neck, short snout, short legs, and a long tail. I know!!! "cause I looked it up at "The Talk Origins Archive" - it's on line so it has to be true, right?. Here's a quote: "It browsed on fruit and fairly soft foilage, and probably scampered from thichet to thicket like a modern muntjac deer only stupider, slower, and not as agile." Really? That would be some really fantastic science to know what the animal ate to the specitivity of fruit and fairly soft foilage ( must o been fruit thickets). And to know that it scampered like a modern deer species? - But only different. I read through the whole thing, about how the the "horse evolution" looks more like a bush than a tree, how several of these strange species existed at the same time and there is no aparent direct line to the modern horse. The only thing I missed was where the princess kissed the frog and it turned into a human. I'll have to go back and read it again because I'm sure it's in this fairytale somewhere. There were no horses in the Americas until the old world folks brought them here. Those fossils were of very different animals that didn't turn into anything but dead. Will someone, anyone, but especially evolutionary biologists, please look up the mathematical possibilities of random mutations causing evolutionary changes in living organisms in the eledged time frame of 18 billion years! I know a Phd. evolutionary biologist named Rick Oliver, who lives in Tonto Basin. He quit drinking that sweet flavored, colored water a while back. Very interesting fellow to talk with. He's wondering how (he knows why) Darwinians can omit the math from the equasion. Science is math, right? Mike -
Yeah, but look at the bright side: Eleven 500 pound range mowers have been removed from the desert, and I'll bet the coyotes aren't complaining. If those low-down scoundrel law-breakers keep it up, there won't be a need for a wild burro act. Random acts of common sense like this could put burro-crats on the endangered list. Mike
Gary, Hang in there. God has you right where He wants you. You are asking for prayer. You are dependant on HIS power. That's a good place to be, because from there, you can view the world differently. A lot of people on this site believe hunting is the most important thing in the world. This may sound crazy, but it's not. The planet is awesome, but this world stinks. And we are not made for this world; we are made for eternity. The world was made for us; not for our every desire, and a cake-walk life, but for us to walk through the krap and come out the other side knowing more about love. You have an advantage over most people. They think this planet and thier lives are all there is. How sad. Depression? Good chance, but what the heck is depression? You should get that checked out, but please don't buy into that medication trap. If you already have, it is probably what's bothering you. If you're not currently in church, go back. If you don't like the church you're in, go find one you can tolerate, and get involved. You can help with molestation victims and thier families. You can help with grieving people. You are qualified. Surround yourself with Christian men. Your Heavenly Father wants a closer relationship with you, Gary. Give it to Him. You didn't ask for advice - you asked for prayer. I give you advice, and have already prayed for you and will continue. Your passion for the outdoors? The outdoors will never be the same for you Gary. You've seen too much, and you know too much to ever pursue the outdoors in the same way ever again. Find out what God has in store for you. Hunting will pale in comparison. Jesus needed to climb hills to get away from the crowds. He needed quiet time. You will too. So go, and enjoy, take a brother with you - there's alot to talk about. Call me if you want to - any time, (928-699-4023). Hang in there buddy, God loves you, Mike
Proposed change to Wild horse and burro act
Rembrant replied to cmc's topic in Political Discussions related to hunting
Shoot shovel and shut-up ain't good enough. I want to be able to take a burro hide to Clay and get it tanned. Just think of the econimical stimulation generated by open season on horses and burros! Just another example of liberal thinking at its best. Save the exotic species at the detriment to the native species and habitat. Utter confusion. Mike -
Exellent question. And you're right. The people that have attended Bible colleges and/or people that have the ability to read Greek and Hebrew will tell you that "fear of the Lord" would better translate to "taking God seriously". Having a healthy fear of God would be like having a healthy fear of a thousand foot cliff, or a Mohave Rattlesnake. As long as you have the facts sorted out and make the right choice, there is no reason to be afraid of these things. The mere realization of GOD, who has created the heavens, and knows all the happenings on this earth down to the cellular and molecular level, is enough to get my knees shaking. We tend to fear what we cannot understand. It's good to read the Book to see how this GOD that should be taken seriously has interacted with human-kind from the beginning. This is also a bit unnerving. Even Israel, who is just downright bad to the bone, economically, militarily, and in a lot of other ways, was exiled from her homeland for nearly 2000 years. Why? Because they turned their back on God. They stopped taking Him seriously. Wonderful, isn't it, that this almighty God that judges all, has sent His Son to live as a human, and then to be sacrificed for our imperfections - because He knows our hearts and our incapability to ever live up to His standards? All we have to do is suck up our pride and accept this gift. Taking God seriously should never stop, yet is is hard to fear someone that loves us that much! Check this out: 1 John 4:18 There is no fear in love. But perfect love drives out fear, because fear has to do with punishment. The one who fears is not made perfect in love. Thanks TLH, Mike
NRS, I believe Jesus said that Satan can decieve the very elect, which means believers like you, and me and anybody! Your interpretation is non-the-less true though. Satan's job is to kill, steal, and destroy. A lot of carnage can happen through leaders. Look what he did by deceiving Hitler. Mike
About 13 years ago when I sobered up and started going to church, I listened to a man speak one night, who said some very interesting things. This guy was an active Russian general, touring Christian churches in the United States, telling his story and raising money to buy Bibles for the Russian military. I ain't making this up. One of the things he said was that The USSR had a lousy economy and a zillion problems as a result of many decades of athiestic communist rule, and that the United States is the great country that it is because it was founded on the priciples of the Bible, that we acknowledge God in our courts, and even on our money, and we offer our citizens the freedom to worship God. When people make up their own rules, they screw it up; personally, corporately, or nationaly. When we do things God's way (and He doesn't leave us guessing, it's all written down) things work out a lot better. There are a lot of things that Obama is changing, or is going to change, that will be steering this great nation away from doing things God's way. Here's what God says about walking away from Israel: Numbers 24:8-9 (New International Version) 8 "God brought them out of Egypt; they have the strength of a wild ox. They devour hostile nations and break their bones in pieces; with their arrows they pierce them. 9 Like a lion they crouch and lie down, like a lioness—who dares to rouse them? "May those who bless you be blessed and those who curse you be cursed!" We will never need to fear Israel as long as we continue to bless her. And she will never attack us unless we get so crazy as to attack her first - she has great restraint. I don't think need to fear Isreal; we sould be fearing GOD! Mike
We're gettin ram-rodded, Lark. Their ain't a republican that'll touch anything Obama's doing. They're just hoping the American public will wake up from the Kool-aid uphoria and start screaming. Ain't no telling what all is gonna change by that time, but so far we got: Guantonimo Bay prison closing Reinactment of the Mexico City Policy (where we get to pay for foriegn abortions) The 700 Billion spending bill. Also I heard former UN embassador Bolton say that the new US embassador declined to vote on a resolution currently in the UN that is anti-Israel. The United States has NEVER not voted - until now. How many short weeks has it been? On the horizon: The Fairness act The Freedom of Choice act. Gun bills; don't think he won't! Wait and see what we get when it's time to pick a new supreme cout justice. And God knows what else. You got to hand it to him, he said he wanted to fundamentally change this country. And he ain't wasting no time. Mike
The "Spending Bill"
Rembrant replied to Coues 'n' Sheep's topic in Political Discussions related to hunting
God has everything to do with everything. He did not say He wouldn't interfere with the world again, He said He would not judge the world with a flood again, The next time it's fire. Blacks did not elect Obama, they only helped. The slow poison of secular humanism, Darwinism, Hollywood, higher education dominated by liberal professors and political correctness has been changing the culture and the hearts of Americans for 50 years. The younger people are the most susceptable, and it was the younger people along with minorities preconditioned for socialism that were the driving force. What is puzzling is the number of older rational people that fell for it as well. Utter confusion, and yes, there are hard times ahead. Mike -
The "Spending Bill"
Rembrant replied to Coues 'n' Sheep's topic in Political Discussions related to hunting
We elected a communist that is selling us out. This stimulis package will bankrupt us and we will need a foregn bail out. Then we can give up our soverienty and take a gaint step towards a "one world" economy. We are being so incredibly stupid, that I wonder if God isn't putting this confusion on us. Judgement time. He's done it before. There are Biblical examples of God causing confusion in opposing armies to the point where they kill themselves. This country is the greatest in the world. we have all the recourses, abilities and smarts that we could ever need - yet we are self destructing. How in the world did a social organizer turned junior senator, whos never had a real job in his life, become the prsident of the United States?! Confusion. Mike -
Keith, Scientists say that there could never have been a global flood, like the one described in the Bible, but there surely must have been oceans on mars.
Obama , with the stroke of a pen has reinstated the "Mexico City Policy"(MCP). This frees up money for "family planning". Am I the only one who thinks the term, family planning, should be changed to what it really is - killing unborn babies? I'd buy it if they called it anti-family planning. Bush got rid of this policy after Clinton had it in place because having taxpayers paying for abortions is controversial, not to mention he had the balls to stand up for his moral convictions. Not all taxpayers agree with abortions at all, let alone paying for them. And a lot of folks are OK with abortions, but they don't want to pay for them. But this MCP isn't just about us (the paying taxes part is), nope this money will also go to international groups. That's right; our tax dollars will also buy abortions in other countries. Sounds alot like taxation without representation to me. Obama is also expected to restore funding to the U.N.Population Fund (UNFPA). Bush had banned that too. Obama has stated, "By resuming funding to the UNFPA, the US will be joining 180 other donor nations working to reduce poverty, improve the heath of women and children, prevent HIV/AIDS and provide FAMILY PLANNING assistance to women in 154 countries." !!!! Sounds like more taxation without representation to me, and at a time when we really need to be getting our own financial act together. BTW, you gotta love the Pelosi quote about the MCP, "This will help save lives and empower the poorest women and families to improve their quality of life and their future." Help save lives and improve futures??!! Whos??? Not the babies. Since when did having children equate to threatening lives, lowering quality of life, and threatening futures? What do you value the most in your life? Mike
AZGFD Votes to oppose HB 2235
Rembrant replied to scoutm's topic in Political Discussions related to hunting
I think this is the real question: Why is the Arizona legislature concerned with Game and Fish Dept. appointments? -
Obama finally tells us where he stands!
Rembrant replied to az4life's topic in Political Discussions related to hunting
Excuse me guys, I clearly heard Obama say what he wanted to do: He said he wanted to "distribute the wealth", and "fundamentally change this country". And guess what? He's already on the fast track Fundamentally change this country???!!!! Whoah! Mike -
Bush Commutes Sentence of Agents
Rembrant replied to jamaro's topic in Political Discussions related to hunting
This thread just took a good turn, and is in the light of what most of these political posts will be in the future. I was wondering when my conservative friends would start posting about the radical changes Obama is already making happen. There's a lot to talk about. Thanks az4life. Mike -
Being patient after the shot....
Rembrant replied to Coues 'n' Sheep's topic in Bowhunting for Coues Deer
CnS, That could very well be the most important post I have ever read on this site. Thanks, Mike -
Being patient after the shot....
Rembrant replied to Coues 'n' Sheep's topic in Bowhunting for Coues Deer
12 hours is the consistant time frame used in these posts for the trailing of a gut shot. Many years ago a friend from Ohio told me to wait 24 hours on a gut shot, and that the animal's likely route of escape would be in a straight line, and probably won't go more than a hundred yards - if that. I think that is good advice. Only in that situation once, with an elk that I liver shot. I did not heed that advice and pushed him. Only then did I wait until the 24 hours from the shot time and began trying to trail. The area was way too concentrated with elk tracks and I had no blood to work with. I was simply "going through the motions" of grid walking when I heard a crash and heavy breathing. I snuck up to the where I thought the sound came from and found my bull freshly expired. I had actually heard him fall!! I think 24 hours is the best strategy for gut shots. Mike -
Happy birthday my conservative brother! Mike
Greyghos, Obviously we stick up for each other on this forum. Sometimes we write stuff that expresses a view and it comes across real narrow and sharp. I know I have. Amanda told me one time that it is difficult to fully express yourself typing on a computer in a short message -with out writing a book. Talking is easy. In this punching keys back and forth, it is really easy to be misunderstood. A little grace goes a long way buddy - and we all need it from time to time. This same grace can apply to you too. Keep posting. Mike
Congratulations on a super fine whitetail buck! Your photos are very, very nicely done. No blood, and lovely landscapes. Yes beautiful landscapes; taken from some higher country overlooking pine covered canyon lands, with burn areas intermixed. In fact, you guys are carrying that fine buck through a section of burn to get him out. The forest appears to be mostly ponderosa and oak mix. Looks like a mid-day time frame and a view from South to North. Way off in the distance is high country again, and a lot of it, but the photo that is aimed to the Northwest with the cragy mountains is the most interesting - and most revealing. You guys are good hunters and apparently know what you are doing. My Hat's off to you! You guys have put in the work - and the time, and it's finally paying off for you. I love that stuff!!! If I ran into you guys somewhere and recognized you from these photos, and asked you to tell me exactly where your hunting spot is, would you tell me? A complete stranger - that you don't know from Adam - wanting specific information about your honey hole? I doubt it. So why is it that recognizable photos of your sweet spot show up on the world wide web, that provides access to every Coues hunter in the world with an inquiring mind? I'm not trying to pick a fight, but I have a vested interest in that real estate too! And I guarantee you that I would never attract the attention of e-scouters and encourage them to hunt where I do - and where you do. Why rob them of the joy of putting in the work and time of finding their own honey holes? And why take the chance of crowding yours? You probably would't think that someone could identify your hunting spot just by looking at these photos, but I did. And if I did, then someone else can, and people tend to talk alot. Please do not take this post as a jab, but more as a favor. Your hunting spot is a very special place. Mike
I think it would be very nice to return the trash to Mexico. Kind of an international sharing program. Mike
As for the fella with the negative comments, I once read, " don't worry about the stick in your brothers eye, when you have a log sticking out yours!" What's in your closet?????? Yeah I read that too. It's a direct qoute from Jesus. please indulge me in a poem: Blameless? ‘Tso easy to find fault in someone, When that guy’s not the man in the mirror. And when the blame is aimed at Yours Truly, The accusations seem so unclear. I can see the speck in my brother’s eye, But not see the spear through my head. And shoot those arrows and flaming darts, But not notice I’m spiritually dead. So when I’m the target of all that blame, Shall I throw it back and see, If the words can hit mark and penetrate, A person who thinks just like me? Or maybe consider the words of a man, With an outward vision so clear, Who can spot MY speck from a hundred yards, When his own plank is nailed to his ear? Maybe the God who loves me so, Has sent this man to my aide? For if it is God who is searching my soul, Of what shall I be afraid? Perhaps I should take a good hard look, At what he don’t like in me, For if, through the fear, I can see it, I just might be set free! Michael Fabritz 2008