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Everything posted by Rembrant

  1. Rembrant


    This paints Obama as an idiot, as he may very well be. Yet, his presence as commander and chief is much more sinister; I think he knows what he's doing - about as much as the people behind him know what they are doing. Every thing he has done, every step of the way has been to bankrupt this country to force us into a one world economy. This is Biblical stuff, and God is allowing it. Interesting that on the social end of things, this country is stepping further and further away Judiac/Christian principles. The writer from Canada can clearly see the danger. Why are we so blind? Mike
  2. Yesterday our liberal senate pulled a fast one. They attached hate crime legislation to a defense bill. We gotta pass the defense app. bill to support our troops. It will pass even without republican support and we don't have a man with balls in the whitehouse to veto this thing like we did the last time they tried. What is a hate crime? Basically if I beat you up, I am facing an assault and battery charge. If I beat you up and you simply tell the authorities that you are a homosexual, now I am charged with a felony and prison time. But it don't stop there. This legislation will spill over into speach. If I bad mouth a homosexual, or peacefully demonstrate at a homosexual event, guess what? Felony and prison time. What's next? How about a preacher reading the book of Romans, or Leviticus in a church; reading the Bible where it concerns homosexuals? You got it - hate crime. McCain stood on the senate floor yesterday and called the move a sham. He called it a complete mis-use of the democratic process. I have changed my mind about Obama after talking with an older German American man at an art show recently in Pine. I asked him if he thought Obama was a communist. He said no, he is not a communist. He is a fascist. Had to look it up. I believe he is correct We are in big trouble my friends. We are worried about the person in front of us whispering something about anti-hunting, when we all have a big 4 x 4 aimed at our heads from behind in mid swing. America bless God Mike
  3. Any thoughts on the new supreme cout nomanie? Any comments about the proposed heath care reform? Anybody hear what McCain said about it? Presidents latest foriegn tour? Nuclear agreement with Russia? The plan for yet another stimulus package? Palin's future? Korea's missles? Iran's nukes? & so called election? Or is just that these things don't have antlers? Mike
  4. Rembrant

    Storm Destruction

    Glad you weren't in it Scott. Mike
  5. I don't know about "false prophet", but I don't think he is a Christian, and I have my doubts about him being an American. Mike
  6. Rembrant

    presidental failure

    America wake up?! Are you kidding? America voted this guy in and LOVES this man. Watch this guy get the Nobel Peace Prize. Does his love for the Muslim people surprise anyone at this point? Why shouldn't he offer billions in scolarships, he has already made it possible for us (the US) to pay the world's abortion bill - one of the first things he did and nobody flinched. Bush brought our national deficit to an all time high (because of a war that liberated 2 countries, ousted an evil dictator, and gave us a military presence in a troubled part of the world - where the oil is), where Obama's "stimulation package" AND bailouts are gonna times that by 4! GM is 60% owned by the government and nobody fought it? It's all about a one world government. That is Obama's "Change". He said he would "fundamentally change this country", and he's gettin'er done! You see anybody waking up? No really, you see anybody waking up?! We are now a nation that doesn't know our history. The average voter doesn't know where we have come from, what we have done in the world and for what reasons. Dumbstruck. Lemmings. Utter confusion. But GOD is still on the throne and is allowing these things for His purposes. Mike
  7. Rembrant

    Unit 10 for mulies?

    You are 25 years late. Mike
  8. Rembrant

    advice and thoughts

    It's called maturity. Remember as young men, drawing blood was the most important thing? Remember when killing a 2 point was success and not filling a tag hurt? As we get older watching small bucks walk away is cool, and hunting for that special rack holds more importance - and it don't hurt to not tag out. As we grow older yet, we find things even more important than hunting (previously unthinkable), things like relationships with our friends and love for our family. Don't quit hunting. Use it to find solace and to build on those special relationships - and especially that most important relationship - see Ernesto's quote above. Mike
  9. Rembrant

    You Go Girl

    Heard this morning that (so far) this lady won't be stripped of her California crown, but her runner up will take over her duties as the Miss California spokes person. In other words, she still has the jewels, but not her job. This is because she has become an official spokesperson for the sanctity of traditional marraige. Guess it's OK to speak up against global warming, speak for PETA against cruelty to animals, but you had better not open your mouth in support of traditional marraige. Utter confusion. Mike
  10. Rembrant

    Story of Stuff

    This is what Obama would have us believe: large companies are bad, people are creating global warming, it’s OUR fault that other countries don’t manage their resources responsibly, and the government needs to take control of everything – including the money. I think he should travel around the world and apologize to everyone. Oh, wait a minute, he already did. There is a lot of truth in this video though. People are caught up in materialism. I found it interesting that the happiness scale showed Americans were the happiest in the 1950’s (how’d they figure that anyway – been surveying Americans on the happy scale since before the fifties?) I think that is a pure assumption, though I would assume the same thing. Back in the day, we had less stuff and more family. Less places to go and things to experience and more quality time with the people we love. And more time for God. This video is an attempt to explain the new “golden arrow”. That is the notion that we must stop destroying the planet so that humanity can continue on and on and on with our own brains and by our own power, creating a human utopia. There is no mention in this video that the Bible speaks against coveteousness, gluttony, and fiscal responsibility or that God turned this planet over for us to steward. These folks can’t say that because if we open that can, we’ll find out that God also told us to “go forth, multiply and subdue the earth.” Think it’s a coincidence that we have? They also won’t tell us, that to achieve this new golden arrow, capitalism must go, consumption of gasoline must go, personal vehicles must go, babies must go, religion must go, freedoms must go – and the guns will go quickly to make this transition run smoothly. But the biggest pressure point will be the government’s grip on the economy. In communist countries (oops, did I say communist again?), if you disagree with the government, you won’t have a house to live in, or food to eat. No need for a fire fight. I know I sound like a mad man. I can hardly believe I’m writing this. I never thought I would see this stuff in my lifetime – BUT, Obama is moving in this direction unbelievably fast. Watch this guy. Find out what he has already done, and watch him closely in the future. I believe in this country and in the power of our people, but about half of our population has been struck dumb! I’m thinking God is making things happen, like moves on a chess board to fulfill His purposes. He can do that, because He is God – and we are not. And He’s done it before; read the Bible. I choose to place my faith and confidence in Him, and not the utopia that human secularism promises. Oh, BTW, it doesn’t surprise me that this video is being played in our institutions of higher learning. Mike
  11. Rembrant

    Obama's Youth brigade

    Dang Mike, you look like a radical right wing extremist! Even the conservative talk hosts are careful to say that they believe Obama loves this country and that he is doing what he really believes he should do by (wrongly) pushing his socialist agenda. My butt! He's a flippin' communist. His goal is to bankrupt the United States and push us into a one-world economy. Our greatest financial deficit was achieved last year, and Obama is going to up that times 4! The national civilian security force will be used to confiscate the nations guns. Mere speculation on my part? I sure hope so. But why have this additional force? This is the first year ever that the executive branch was not represented at the national day of prayer, when other presidents attended, called for, and or lead the nation in prayer. Obama meets with, shakes hands, and bows to foriegn leaders that verbally slam us to our face and stab us in the back, yet he now refuses to meet with Isreal's prime minister. Obama is considering circumventing the congress and abolishing the law of our military that bans homosexuals. Even members of congress that are in favor of abolishing the law are rightfully upset about this plan. Congress is one of the three branches of our government that affords ballance. The president is not supposed to have all the power. People accuse Bush of ram-rodding us into the Iraq war, yet ran it through congress like he's supposed to do, and they voted for it. And the people of this country love him. Utter confusion. Mike
  12. Rembrant

    You Go Girl

    To heck with answering questions "correctly" and the political correctness lie. This is America. When did it become OK to elevate sexual deviation to a level to something that can't be exposed for what it is? This young lady didn't even do that. She simply stated her stance on marraige - which is based on time proven truth. SHE ANSWERED THE QUESTION CORRECTLY, and she is guaranteed her right to express herself by this great country's 1st ammendment. What the heck is a homosexual man doing at a beauty contest? And why is a BEAUTY CONTEST being politicised? Answering that question any other way would have been wrong. Wake up!!! Mike
  13. Rembrant

    Good Idea or Not

    Turkeys are considered big game in Arizona, but are really just big game birds. Game birds like quail and dove are game birds. Game birds have incredible mortality rates every year because of hunting and other natural predation, yet they bounce right back the next year. On good years, where the conditions are favorable, they can bounce back with incredible numbers. The turkeys can handle it. There may be pressure on mature 'boss' birds, (maybe), but the general turkey population will be fine with the addittional youth pressure. Mike
  14. Rembrant

    Miss America

    I commend her for having backbone and standing up for what she believes in. Non-believers run the risk of falling prey to political correctness - being blown about by the changing winds. This young lady knows exactly who she is, and doesn't care what other people think. Her foundation is built on the Rock. Go figure; a California blond, in a beauty contest, with more gravity and grit than most people. If you don't stand for something, you'll fall for anything. Yeah to her! Mike
  15. Rembrant


    I want a bumper sticker that says, "GOD FEARIN', GUN TOTIN", BABY LOVIN', RIGHT WING EXTREMIST" Mike
  16. Rembrant

    neat little story

    Neat little story that applies to the entire forum, but in the light of a very revealing 6 page attempt to discuss theology, I thought this would be the place to share this: Once upon a time there was a young bird that lived with his own kind in the Arctic Circle. This particular species of bird would not migrate south every year for the winter, but remain on the frozen tundra year round. The young bird was not happy with this situation and decided to break rank with his own kind and migrate to a warmer climate by himself. He had made very good progress (for a non-migrating bird), but somewhere above North Dakota he succumbed to the cold and fell to the ground. He found himself in a barnyard, moments away from freezing to death. The barnyard cow, not knowing the bird was on the ground, nearly stepped on him and then buried the little guy in a fresh pile of cow poop. “Oh, just great”, the bird thought to himself, “Not only am I dying, but my last breaths are heavily tainted with cow manure vapors!” But within a minute or so, he noticed that he was beginning to warm up! A few moments later, the barnyard goat walked by and inadvertently kicked the bird loose from his stinky prison. The bird was elated. Not only was he saved from freezing to death, he was also now freed! He was so happy that he began chirping and singing at the top of his lungs! Then, the barnyard cat jumped him and ate him. There are three morals to this story: 1. The one who craps on you is not necessarily your enemy. 2. The one who gets you out of the crap is not necessarily your friend. 3. When you get crapped on in your life, quite often it is best to just keep your mouth shut and see how it all sorts out. Mike
  17. Obama has overidden Bush's ban on government funded embryonic stem cell research. Cha-ching! Mike
  18. Rembrant

    mormons and big love

    Matthew 22:29 Jesus replied, "You are in error because you do not know the Scriptures or the power of God. Luke 23:34 Jesus said, "Father, forgive them, for they do not know what they are doing." John 14:6 Jesus answered, "I am the way and the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me. Matthew 7:14 But small is the gate and narrow the road that leads to life, and only a few find it. Father God, Thank you for Your Truth. Thank You for not leaving us with nothing but to conjure up our own religions, but instead leaving us historical, researchable, and believable evidence of your fingerprints on, and Your love for mankind. Thank You for Your Son, who is the Truth, the Way, and the Life - You know we need His saving grace. Help us to see who You are, and how You would have us live. Give us a hunger to search Your Word, and to base our lifes on these truths. Help us to understand that man made religions require that we DO things to earn our way to you when earning our way to heaven is impossible. Please reveal to us that the 'work' has already been done by Jesus on the cross and that we need only accept it. Thank You for the reality of a faith so simplistic that children can grasp it. Help us to be respectful, yet never compromising, on something so important that You created the heavens and the earth for the sorting of souls - for the ones who can accept your gift with the heart of a child will live and reign with You forever and ever. You alone are, AWESOME!!!!! Amen, Mike
  19. Rembrant

    Athiest Day

    Neat story. Probably not true. Seams reasonable though. Christmas is a nationally recognized religious holiday. Maybe the athiests should have one too, because even though they choose not to believe in God, their lack of belief is a belief. Their refusal to accept any religious belief system is a belief system. Their lack of a choice is a choice. If the Christian is wrong, then the result is what the athiest believes: his dead body will go to the ground - end of story. If the athiest is wrong... mike
  20. Rembrant

    Pray for the jobless

    For those of us that have that inclination; let's pray for these guys that are losing their employment - that they can find new jobs, keep their heads above water and provide for their families. I also pray that our great God will reveal Himself in these situations and hold tightly under His feathers those who will love Him. Amen
  21. Rembrant

    Get ready, Again

    This "product" was developed and marketed by Hewlit Packard, IBM and a couple other American companies, and they have made billions in China - American companies helping a communist country to keep the boot on the neck of their citizens. Some people will do anything for a few billion dollars. In China, the authorities have the ability to, in an instant, see who you are, how many kids you have, who your landlord is, where you work, etc. Now these companies are looking for new markets. Looks like a good time to try the U.S. Janet was against the Federal 'Real ID', but now is thinking the states can keep control on drivers licenses but the spychip can still be included. Only a matter of time untill it's federalized, but who wants it on the state level either? I can't believe the stuff that is on the incoming tide aimed at America. But what did we really expect would happen when we elected a communist for a president? Mike
  22. Rembrant

    Prayer Request

  23. Rembrant

    Officials euthanize AZ jaguar

    I'm sorry I can't make the memorial service. I know that iI will miis the burning of sage and poetry/song/prayers that will release this great cats spirit to the sky. But seriously.... I appreciate the level-headed responses in this thread. Mike