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Everything posted by Rembrant
Just ain't sittin quite right that one of the most respected members of CW.com tells the world wide web that he threw someones equipment into a waterhole, even if it is deserved. Many mentions of a high road; I can't see it from here. Mike
Happy B-Day Doug. Stay grateful. Mike
Thanks for posting that Mark. I'm glad you finally got some resolve over this issue. You're a good guy Mark, to humble yourself while lifting someone else up. I know that Clay didn't write that check knowing you would make such a post; he did it because he is a business man with uncommon character. No one else will ever mount my stuff but Clay. He's the best. I did him small favors years ago. Since then he has blessed me with much larger opportunities. Clay's kindness goes beyond the norm; he isn't just a good guy, he is loyal to his friends and customers. Thanks again Mark, Mike
Natural selection is a big part of evolution. Animals that are tough and cunning enough to survive invironmental changes get to propagate and the ones that can't cut it dissapear. I would think that most of our wolf lovers are Darwinians. The Mexican Wolf couldn't cut it and it dissapeared. Why would a Darwinian work so hard against what they believe in. They would say that man's intervention in the natural system was the cause of the wolf decline. So, man's intervention should reverse the problem? What man ain't natural? Mike
Hang your water in a tree to keep away from Yogi. Don't ask me how I know. Mike
The only reason we cuss so well is that we practiced it real good when we were kids. Kinda like riding a bike. The more practice, the better you ride. Once you learn how to ride a bike, you can always get on one and ride it, it's easy! Think you could ever get on a bike and not be able to ride it? I mean really try to ride it but just keep falling over and crashing until someone suggests training wheels? Nope, ain't gonna happen. Same thing with cussing, you can spend years practicing not cussing, a slow deliberate process of renewing the mind, and once you think you got it wooped, you slam your thumb with a hammer and guess what happens? Dang, it's hard to quit cussin. You are to be commended Lark Mike
Thank you for saying that Big G. I just had a resident - with a home next to the fire line - tell me that this Shultz fire was rolling along Little Elden until it hit the old Elden Burn, and went no further in that direction. This is a 35 year old burn working as an effective fire line. If it were to cross the Inner Basin and over to the North side, the maze of burns up there would stop it at that end. I say as long as it is not threatening property, let her burn, reducing the chances of catastrophic fires in the future. Of course we should pull no punches at saving homes and property, but why spend $8 million fighting a fire in a wilderness area that hasn't seen a decent burn in a hundred years? Why do we save pine trees just to have them - at such a cost? Heck we don't even log em anymore. People that are talking about irreversable damage from these fires (this morning's Republic) don't know anything about nature. The only thing that offends me about a dead ponderosa is that it's not being turned into lumber. Most people's attitude about fire reflects the attitudes of the greanies. Most people think forest fires are terrible. Period. Go figure. Mike
Wounded Bear, what do you think caused it?
Rembrant replied to CouesWhitetail's topic in The Campfire
Possible snake encounter. but two bites? Mike -
I certainly hope no one is hurt or any property is damaged. It's a shame that folks gotta evacuate their homes. It's also too bad it was man caused. A natural caused fire in a wilderness area would be allowed to burn. Fire has been suppressed on that mountain for way too long. No deer food except in the very few meadows and the upper slopes at the top of the timber. The rest of it consists of canopy so overgrown that the sun can't hit the ground, and no brows/graze can grow; full of deadfalls anyway - a tenderbox. And this is what we get after 100 years of fire suppression. BOOM! This mountain is not damaged or ruined. All that canopy is being recycled and returned to the nutrient cycle. And it's way overdue. Think of the grasses, forbs, shrubs and aspens that will regenerate; deer food! Can you imagine the fall colors on that mountain in 5 to 40 years from now? Now the mule deer can spread out from that Mt. Elden deer factory (that was created by the Elden burn approx. 35 years ago), and populate what will certainly be some of the best mule deer habitat in the state. And it won't take that long. People got all emotional over the Rodeo-Chediski fire; been there lately? This is the best thing that has happened to that mountain in my lifetime. My prayer: No human casualties, no property damage, and maximun acerage burned. Mike
Boycott Question
Rembrant replied to Non-Typical Solutions's topic in Political Discussions related to hunting
Conspiracies usually involve a little more than bloviating. -
And when asked what the N.M. policy on UDA's is, the law enforcement guy says, "We have been told to make a very careful review of our policy". Is that because they don't know what it is, or maybe it's a secret? Notice that the victim is hispanic? And he wants N.M. to adopt the new AZ legislation? Guess it ain't a racial thing after all, is it? Mike
Yep the Suns screwed up. As a buisness they should stay neutral; as individuals they can express whatever they want. In effect the Phoenix Suns are supporting illegal activity - this is not very community minded, is it? If they want to show us they have heart, they should bear down and win a championship. This is another example of illogical liberal thinking; who buys Suns tickets - undocumented alliens? Talented celebrities like Nash are gonna have their cornball ideas, and they can certainly express them in this great country, but the Suns franchise is making a grave error by not staying neutral. Mike
Wowie Zowie!! I think my last post was misunderstood. Not the first time. I am not defending illegals. I am defending this great countries sovereignty and diversity. When we put race above citizenship we have trouble. Are the folks that are protesting this new bill concerned about the laws of this country or are they concerned about people of their own color/race being able to come and go as they please? Upholding the laws of this nation is not racism. Breaking the laws of this nation for the benifit of people of your own race is. Mike
If you hold your ethnicity in higher regard than you hold your citizenship, and other people do the same, then what we will have is a bunch of tribalism and warring among us - just like the rest of the world, and all the world history before us. But if we hold our citizenship in this great country higher than our ethnicity, then we can continue to be the great country that we have been for over 200 years - in and by our unity; under God. We can do this as we have done - with no threat to any of our many cultures. Our diversity is a big part of what makes us strong. There is nothing wrong with maintaining our various cultures; check us out! Look at all the various people types, foods, ideas and even the languages. The Navajo language was (wrongly) supressed by early white educators on the reservation; I have heard the stories first hand. Yet now we celebrate this language in that it helped us defeat the Japanese in WWII! Does God regard any race obove another? Did Jesus die for any certain people group and not all of mankind? Of course not! If I regard my race above yours, and you regard yours above mine, are we then immitators of Christ, or pawns of Satan? Holding race, culture, or language as being more important than what it takes to be a citizen of the United States is indeed racism. Racism is sin. 1 Peter 5:8 Be self-controlled and alert. Your enemy the devil prowls around like a roaring lion looking for someone to devour. Mike
Anybody notice that the AZ legeslature and the Govenor have passed a bill that will allow AZ residents to cary a concealed weapon without a permit? Also AZ residents will be able to purchase a weapon that is made in AZ, and that does not leave AZ, without having to register it. This includes protection for private reloaders. Who makes guns in AZ? Ruger. Think their sales will go up? Think any other gun manufacturers might want to come to AZ? Looks like an economic stimulous package that will work. Pretty cool also that the AZ constitution was amended to make hunting and fishin by legal means a RIGHT of AZ residents. Just when the whole country seems to be turning left AZ makes a hard right. I am so proud! Seems our conservative legislature recognizes that we have a communist president and is taking measures to ensure that the "Federalists" will not trod on our states rights. Mike
The Boy Who Wanted To Drive
Rembrant replied to CouesWhitetail's topic in Coues Deer Hunting in Arizona
'nother church joke: An older man and his wife were attending a church service when the woman slid the man a hand written note that read, "I just had a silent fart escape me. I am so embarrased, what should I do?" The husband wrote her back, "You should check the batteries in your hearing aid!" -
Couesfan, You have historically shared with us excellent posts, but now I know you are a genius - and in good company: Leonardo Divinci quote: "Simplicity is the highest form of sophistication." "Any intelligent fool can make things bigger and more complex... It takes a touch of genius - and a lot of courage to move in the opposite direction." Albert Einstein God always takes the simplest way. Albert Einstein Mike
I heard one of the opposing arguments to this bill on the radio; some lady was saying that if this bill passes, then everyone in the state will have to carry ID at all times! No change for me. How 'bout you? Gotta hand it to her - at least she understands what the bill means. Mike
You are correct, KCA205. I thought it was a done deal. Just looked it up - the state will vote on it in Nov. What are the odds it passes? Mike
So, AGAIN, I was mindin' my own business....
Rembrant replied to COOSEFAN's topic in Non-hunting trip reports
And by the way, I also have pic #4 on my screen saver. Thanks Couesfan, Mike -
Absolutely wonderful! ALLAMERICAN, PRO MILITARY, and ANTI ABORTION, all in one fell swoop! Mike
So, AGAIN, I was mindin' my own business....
Rembrant replied to COOSEFAN's topic in Non-hunting trip reports
It is perfectly legal to kill 4 snakes a year with an AZ hunting liscense to be utilized any way you choose. Diambacks are no more "an integral part of our little chunk of land" than the Blacktails or Mohaves. I hear what you are saying though, Coach; like Couesfan says, if they get close to homes, kids, or dogs, they die - and rightfully so. Fact is, a ton of snakes bite the bullet every year for a lot of good reasons and not so good reasons. What bugs me is when folks see one while driving and dispatch them for the rattle, leaving skin and meat to the ravens. I think they can take a lot of harvest every year and maintain good populations. I know a rancher that claims to kill upwards of a hundred a year, and I can still find them on his turf. Yep, that's wrong - just an example of their resilliance. I think what really hurts them is loss of habitat to development and folks who over collect from dens. I love snakes, but woke up from a nightmare just this morning; had a giant Coontail slip my tongs and come at me. I was back peddling and tripped. Next thing I knew, the serpent was staring me down from about 10 inches!! Woke up with my heart rate pounding like I was 17 in a highschool basketball game!!! Mike -
Next on the "Change" agenda is immigration reform. Reform means giving all illegals amnesty and citizenship. When the alliens that went home for lack of jobs find out, they'll be back in droves. This will not be about the alliens or jobs. Healthcare is involved because that makes Amercan citizenship all the more sweeter. Timing. All by design. It's really about gaining millions of votes for the communist, er, I mean the democratic party. It's all about POWER. Still think I'm nuts? Watch!! Another three years is way too far away. November is way too far off for my comfort also. Think the annointed one can't ram-rod this one through? Mike
A Wee Little Change in Our Country
Rembrant posted a topic in Political Discussions related to hunting
Not one remark on the new healthcare law. Are we in a coma? Mike -
Happy birthday friend, May God grant you many more! Mike