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Everything posted by Rembrant

  1. Rembrant

    Vice President Choices

    God is Good makes a good point. If Hillary is the vice pres., Obama will die. Mike
  2. Rembrant


    Legalization will only legitimize the profit - not make it go away. And then, because "it's leagal", it will stupify even more of our young people into liberalism. Mike
  3. Rembrant

    New Tshirt design

    chef's design is wonderful. Mike
  4. Rembrant

    Awesome Flop-Ear Shed....

    That is the finest pooch potrait I have ever seen. Mike
  5. Rembrant

    watch this

    Looks like somebody in Utah has access to growth hormones and darts. Mike
  6. Rembrant

    Gutless Field Dressing

    The gutless meathod came in handy once when I was a long ways from base (backpack) camp, on deer, and it was getting dark on a mean mountain. The method is quick, and puts the animal in a form that is highly carryable. Got me back to camp at dark O'clock with my head and meat, and without the stress of stumbling around in the steep desert with a flashlight. Mike
  7. I know quite a few people that work with the Game Dept. Pretty close to a couple of 'em. Mike
  8. Rembrant

    Your next President?

    AZ4Life, You are certainly correct about adding anything to the Bible. Also, Paul warned many times of steering away from the original gospel, that being Christ crucified - and resurrected - for the redemption of mankind. This warning came from the first century where people were already making up their own versions to suit their own fancies. Fact forward to the 21st century. Now we have "many paths" to heaven, and Jesus being the "Way, the Truth, and the Life" is lost in all these "paths" for zillions of people. Interesting that Obama comes from a form of Christianity that lables itself as the "Liberation Gospel", a form of black pride that revels in its blackness and not the original gospel. This is hardly noticed in an American culture that preaches tolerance and revelance, and has chosen to look the other way when the Truth is trampled on and discarded as being intolerant and unrevelant. God help us. Mike
  9. Guys, Breathe in. Breathe out. Good, now keep doing that, and stay away from the Az G&F site and this site until someone calls you to tell you what they got drawn for. This way, you may be able to do something productive for the next few days. Mike
  10. Rembrant

    Late night snake

    I hope you didn't kill him. That's the nicest and most benificial snake around. They eat rattlers, and that's why they call em King Snakes. When I find em, I bring em home and let em go on the property. A lot of people kill snakes of all kinds because "IT WAS A SNAKE!!!" Mike
  11. Rembrant

    Shedding some light on the COUES bone pile

    I owe an apology for the last post. Antler art has never turned me on - not sure why. But it would have been better to say something nice or not post at all. For that I am sorry. I know a lot of folks love the stuff and an artist is pretty screwed up if he's gonna sit back and post something that could be taken as disrespectful about another artist's work. So, I apologize for - in one sentance - disclosing the bad morning I'm having at someone else's expense. Maybe I'm just jealous 'cause I can't find big antlers like that. My bad, Mike
  12. Rembrant

    Shedding some light on the COUES bone pile

    There is no accounting for taste. Mike
  13. Rembrant

    Mountain Lions

    Yep, a cat is pretty much a cat. Maybe the african lions and other giant cats lose a bit of athleticism with their bulk, but a cougar is lean. I say we consider a house cat leaping 7' and give the mountain lion credit for being able to do the same thing proportionally, and put the burden on the nay-sayers to prove otherwise. Mike
  14. Rembrant

    skiing in june

    Lark, What you wrote is the truth, and makes me glad that I don't love this world, but rather, the ONE who makes worlds. Mike
  15. Rembrant

    skiing in june

    That would explain why people die from carbon monoxide poisoning in or behind a boat. Boats don't have emmission control? Always wondered why people can die sitting in the back of a boat, but not at a traffic light in Phoenix. But the science you just threw at us (that I can barely get the gist of) says that complete burning rarely takes place, so we are still getting carbon monoxide in the air. And I sure as heck know that we still have smog, so now I'm wondering what the make-up of our smog really is. I'm sure this stuff is probably common knowledge. Something else to look up. Mike
  16. Rembrant

    skiing in june

    Uh, I'm no scientist, and I haven't done a whole lot of reading or studying on the subject of global warming, but this last attached article seems flawed in a couple of very basic ways: #1. This guy says we don't have smog in big cities like we used to because of the improvements in emissions control. No doubt emissions control has help, but we have about a zillion more vehichles on the road now, and last time I looked at a big city in person or on TV, guess what? There is really bad smog in every large city in the world. #2. His arguement about carbon dioxide sounded pretty good until I remembered that I learnred in grade school that the burning of fossil fuels creates carbon monoxide, not carbon dioxide. Mike
  17. Rembrant

    Where's This? Pic #2

    I keep thinking south side of Beaver Creek/Cedar flat area, but I seem to be remembering a porch and a cistern on that shack. Mike
  18. Yep, what Tony said. Mike
  19. Rembrant

    skiing in june

    Lark, Saying that snow in June means we're not having global warming, is like saying that 20 years of drought is proof that we are. Too simplistic. You know that we are having global warming because the polar ice packs ain't what they used to be. The question is whether man has anything to do with it, or not. I agree completely with you about the political legislation of the weather - for monetary gain. Mike
  20. Rembrant


    I'll stop by to say hi while on my way home to Tonto. Mike
  21. Rembrant

    Online Apps

    Way to be Game Hauler. Now you've done it, you've opened a can of worms. Now you have offended people that think you are calling them less than a hunter (that's my favorite one). Now you've offended people who love the internet and don't have enough spit to seal an envelope. Now you've offended people that aren't able to save up all year (for whatever reason) to buy a tag. Way to be. Mike
  22. Manditory surveys AND manditory Hunter Ed certificates. That's what I say. The question is how to get 'er done. Amanda offered good suggestions. To rip up the survey cards because it's not required for everyone to fill em out is like quiting the highschool basketball team because you're not getting enough playing time. Stupid. Mike
  23. Rembrant

    Buying a small boat

    Take them to a boat motor mechanic and have him go over them. You can probably do some good yourself except that the plastic impellers (a boat motor's water pump) needs to be replaced. And there are gaskets and O-rings that may need replacing that a good mechanic will go straight to that you won't know about. Mike
  24. When a survey card is not returned is is considered unsuccesful. Falsefying hunter success isn't the answer, Mark. Mike