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Everything posted by shuller70

  1. shuller70

    looking for a cheap, used rifle.

    Thanks I will look
  2. shuller70

    looking for a cheap, used rifle.

    Yeah that is all I am really looking for is an action I will have to try a pawn ship and see what they got
  3. shuller70

    looking for a cheap, used rifle.

    Thanks I will try there I live in willcox which is about an hour away, thanks again
  4. shuller70

    $1,500, FIRE SALE (Sako and Zeiss)

    How much for the 22-250
  5. shuller70

    270 with 6.5 x 20 with turrets

    What is the price of the gun, thanks
  6. shuller70

    .22-.250 & .257 Weatherby Magnum

    pm sent