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Everything posted by venadito

  1. venadito

    Eberlestock gunslinger 2

    Interested in your pack. You can text or call me at 520-850-0084. I am in Tucson where are you. Thx!
  2. venadito


    Hello Azruger....Give me a call or text 520-850-0084...I'm Sergio btw.
  3. venadito

    Youth liscence and hunt question

    He is considered youth going in during the draw and will still be legal after he turns 18. I was told that by a GF employee(officer). You will not be cited for being 18 and hunting the youth hunt. You don't need to buy him a new license. I hope this helps.
  4. venadito


    Hey SYD34... I am in Tucson...Can you call me tomorrow or text me would like to talk to you about your Colt...520-850-0084...I asked a couple of friends to give you my message...(don't know if they did or not) Thank you...hope to hear from you.
  5. venadito

    Panthers vs Broncos SB

    I'm sorry but the game was over right after the singing of the National Anthem...
  6. venadito

    SOLD-Remington 7 Ultra Mag-**PRICE DROP**

    Can you text me #520-850-0084...Thx! I am in Tucson.
  7. venadito

    Gone. Thanks.

    Can you please call me or text me at #520-850-0084...Thx!
  8. Hi Bradaet... My cell #520-850-0084...Did you sell your Zeiss scope already?...If you did then disregard this message, if not please send me your contact info...Very interested in the scope...Thx! Ps-I am in Tucson...
  9. venadito

    Cecil the Lion

    Right wingers, left wingers who gives a flying ***k... Whoever brought Planned Parenthood or the Marines that were killed has nothing to do with this issue...*There was and is a lot of outrage on social media for these issues too... This story is about a Jacka** that poached a lion...The outrage from social media is from people that don't have a clue about wildlife conservation and or hunting...Mr. Dentist gave us hunters a black eye for this one... From what I have read, the facts of this matter is that the dentist poached this lion plain and simple...Is the dentist at the mercy of his hired outfitter?...ABSOLUTELY! But I am willing to bet that this is not the first time he has hired this outfitter...Suffer the consequences... They say a man's reputation follows him everywhere...This Dentist is not a hunter he is a poacher that has been caught before, sorry no matter how he tries to spin it, he is already looked at in a negative way...Regardless of how much money he has spent over the years going on these safaris. They all tried to destroy the collar that was on the animal...Guilty!
  10. venadito

    Cited by AZGF

    AZLance... I'm with you on this one... Heck, I even remember hunting with someone that called those shitbirds "practice birds." Anyway thought I'd comment...
  11. venadito

    Lost my hero this week!

    He was a war hero, husband, father, grandfather, great grandfather, hunter, scholar, gentleman, and my HERO! Stan, that is a very nice statement to honor your father with. Sorry for your loss.
  12. venadito

    RIP little friend!

    Awesome post and tribute to a great friend...I feel your pain...
  13. venadito

    Obama joke

    Good one Coon!
  14. Really Oneshot? C'mon man... Fact check Brother! Trying to spread tall tales does not help your cause....
  15. venadito


    Guys... C'mon Man... Justin just for the record I thought it was funny...Got me too but it's cool.... LMAO!
  16. Hey Gang... I had to comment on this subject. Extremists are simply extremists! Do we have them here in the U.S.? Absolutely! Are they muslim, islamists, christians, catholics, protestants...ABSOLUTELY! If you try hard enough, they exist in just about every religion. I am pretty sure that even the new catholic pope has said some things that even he will burn in heck with. Do we recall the mass molestations of countless young men by catholic priests? What I'm trying to say is that people will believe what they want to believe. It doesn't matter if they read it as fact or they heard it but is it true. For some people it is easier for them to believe than the possibility that maybe, just maybe, their interpretation of the bible or curan or other their religious tool is a little off. The word according to Venadito!
  17. venadito

    Chuck Norris-isms

    I had my doubts but now I definitely know you guys are GAY! Fantasizing about good ol'Chuck what is he now 100 years old? I know it can get boring waiting for the fall draw results to come out but Chuck-isms? SERIOUSLY.... Just kidding guys...Funny thread LMAO!
  18. venadito

    Meeting the In-Laws.....

    American Thunder this is a great topic you started...Everyone that has posted has been right on. That is what makes this topic so true, whether you believe or you don't...Science vs. Creationism I use what I've learned along the way to be a better person. One does not have to go to church to be a better person. Some may argue that their interpretation of the bible is spot on others argue that the bible is off. Whatever side you're on the focus should be the common thread and that is to have compassion, kindness, and patience towards everyone. It doesn't matter who inspires me but as long as I'm motivated to be better today than I was yesterday.
  19. venadito

    Freedom lost again

    Thanks a lot, Bin Laden! Like someone else on this post said, "why force a business owner to do something he clearly did not want to do by making a cake for a gay couple". No harm done, but where does his business go for his lack of trying to provide a service to everyone. Where does it stop for this business owner? No shirt, no shoes, no service why doesn't he include if you're gay no service or even if you're black no service, or if you're a soldier no service, if you're handicap no service...My point is that the business is going to suffer for his lack of service. They forced him to bake a cake maybe he sprinkled some dried dog turd shavings on it to make his point. Would you, being a customer go to a business like that? I wouldn't if he is having to pick and choose who he serves. After all said and done did the couple still pay for that cake and did they serve it? I sure hope they didn't. I read somewhere that life is not about being christian or catholic or even protestant, it is about being Christlike which probably means being non-judgmental, accepting, loving, kind, generous, peaceful, compassionate, and patient. Use your religion to be a better whatever you already are. Maybe we all can safely assume that we've all created God into our own image if it turns out that your God hates the same people you do. Sorry but I had to comment.
  20. venadito

    Leupold VXIII 6.5-20x40 varmint reticle

    I am interested in making you an offer for your scope. I would rather talk to you on the phone my computer in not working at the moment. If you can call me at 520-850-0084 name is Sergio. I am in Tucson but can meet anywhere. Thx for the info.
  21. venadito


    Did you sell your Backpack? I am interested in it and would like to make you an offer on it. If you can text me because I will be in and out today I will not be checking my computer. I am Sergio and my cell #520-850-0084. Ps-Thanks for your time and I am in Tucson.
  22. venadito

    Rifles and other stuff for sale!

    Yes it is... Thanks for looking!
  23. For Sale! Ruger Model 77 25-06 Caliber with Med. Scope Rings. Pretty wood stock! With this rifle I will include some loaded ammo approximately forty-some once loaded rounds. Sweet shooter I would prefer to keep but daughter wants a different caliber gun. Rifle is in mint condition fired approx. 60 times more or less. I will try to load pictures later. $550 includes ammo. Ammo is 117 grain Sierra BT (Pro Hunter) loaded with R-22 (50.5 grains) 3092 FPS... Savage Mk. II 22 Lr. brand new never fired and will sell with a gun case. All paperwork included and I do not have the original box. I've posted this once before and did not sell it now it's time to try to sell it again. It has the Rocky Mountain Elk Foundation emblem on the side of the stock. You will not be disappointed. $300 or best offer... Set of Tires with Wheels Set is four BFG Mud-Terrain tires with Ford 5-lug (2003 or older 5 on 135 Rims alloy factory including lugs) Tires have plenty of life left 50-60 percent tread left. Listing these at $450 or best reasonable offer! Leupold Vari-X III 2.5- 8 variable scope. These are selling at Cabelas for $329. I am selling this scope for $275 obo, it's in like new condition I do not have the original box. Harris Bipod Its is the shorty that extends 8-12 inches. $60 obo. Shotgun Ammo Winchester Drylok Super Steel #6 Shot in 20 Ga. I have five boxes of this stuff that I bought for a North Dakota Pheasant Hunt been sitting in my safe since. $80 obo! Interested in any of these items call me (Sergio) I am in Tucson Cell #520-850-0084...Thx for your time...
  24. venadito

    Rifles and other stuff for sale!

    I know someone out there needs a really good shooting rifle(Ruger M77-25-06 Rem.)...Leupold Vari-III 2.5x8(perfect glass for an AR)Get some offers going guys! Thx!.....Call or text 520-850-0084 Rifle comes with the after market pad, and the factory red pad.