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About beardown33

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  1. beardown33

    31 days till its open "naturebob"

    Also looking forward to the story.
  2. beardown33

    HB 2072 Sale of big game tags

    To say the highlighted section above is misleading is generous in my opinion. To begin with, the quote "the change in drawing odds is so small that it cannot be calculated" is completely false. Not only from a mathematical standpoint but also because the tags that will be taken from the general public will be some of the best tags the state has to offer. If 5 of the 25 unit 9 early rifle bull tags are taken away, we have lost 20% of our opportunity for this once in a lifetime tag. Additionally, the AZ G&F commission didn't find out about this bill until last Friday and voted overwhelmingly 5-0 to oppose it today. It is clear to me this bill is bad for AZ sportsmen and wildlife and should not be enacted. I have contacted my legislators and urge all others to do the same to rally opposition to this thinly veiled attempt to steal AZ state resources in the name of enriching oneself and one's cronies.