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Everything posted by Alpinebullwinkle

  1. My son from Phoenix has the Unit 27 muzzleloader bull hunt in September. His gun is a 54 caliper Knight muzzleloader. He has not had any luck finding 54 cal black powder "pellets". He can find loose powder, just not the "pellets". Anyone have a recommendation where he should look next?
  2. Alpinebullwinkle


    I find old salt licks very frequently. Many that are abandoned, but agree it is difficult to determine if truly abandoned unless checked routinely year after year. I realize most hunters are not residents of the area (like me) so salting becomes seasonal on their part. Having said that, I would never mess with another persons property (camera or stands). Too much real estate in the national forest for confrontation on such enjoyable activities in the forest. Call me old school I guess. Admittedly once or twice when I am surprised by my picture being taken by a well hidden camera I will leave a rock on top of the camera to let the owner know I realize I had my picture taken by surprise and was obviously in the remote area. Lots of good comments on this subject which I also endorse. Sure wish morals in the forest were like they were 30+ years ago!
  3. Alpinebullwinkle

    "Boom" Maybe a 2 week adventure..

    Energy level and pacing yourself will be the key. Now that I am a geezer I have to plan "light energy" hunting days among the "strenuous trips" so to stay in the field each day and optimize chances for the desired trophy.
  4. Alpinebullwinkle

    Memorable Shots

    Probably the best shot for me was the mountain lion I called in one May day using my diaphragm elk call and trying to imitate a momma elk having birthing problems. The lion passed me at about 35 yards. When she was behind a big ponderosa pine I pulled out my 44 magnum pistol and aimed directly at her midsection since I really can't hit the broad side of a canyon with my pistol. Shocked me significantly when she rolled over with the bullet penetrating her neck. I only missed my target by about two feet but the shot was still lethal. I approached her with a big stick in my hand and when I poked her to check for remaining life she jumped up and gave me one last act of defiance swipe before she expired. Almost had a heart attack. One neat thing about the mount I did with her is she had lots of porcupine quills in her mouth which I left as I found her. She now looks much better on my wall than when I shot her.
  5. Alpinebullwinkle

    Lets see your best

    I almost feel sorry for scumdevil fans since their sports programs have been so terrible the last 5 years or more. Notice I said "almost"
  6. Alpinebullwinkle

    Elk call question

    I buy new each year. Very seldom happy with the performance after one year of storage indoors on used ones
  7. Alpinebullwinkle

    Deer shed poll..

    Traveling routes for me
  8. Alpinebullwinkle

    Wild Horses

    After AGFD addresses the buffalo issue successfully they need to turn their attention to the wild (feral) horse issue that is accelerating rapidly in concern.
  9. Alpinebullwinkle

    Tips on Wader purchase

    Oneshot I used to hunt (back home) the Adirondacks in the 1960's, particularly around Lowville, and Brantingham Lake. Lots of deer but definitely not the fun experiences I have had in Arizona the last 45 years.
  10. Alpinebullwinkle

    saw first elk calves of 2017 today

    Guess it was about 3 weeks ago when I viewed the first calf for 2017. Seen quite a few since and some cows with twins. What is everyone else seeing? I like to count the ratio between cows and calves and always thought 50% cows with calves "surviving" is an exceptional year. This might be the first 50% year I can remember in 10 or more years. Maybe the best year since the wolf reintroduction program. Timely spring rains and acceptable winter might be having an abnormally positive impact on this years offspring. I realize the cows hide their calves for safety from the three predators (wolves, mountain lions, and coyotes) but looking at the herds around town it seems easier to judge this annual question. The cows sure seem smart and prefer to drop their newborns within town limits where they must think survival opportunity is greater around human population than out in the "scary forest" !!
  11. Alpinebullwinkle

    Whats the longest youve left an Elk in the field

    I've been involved with harvest of at least 40+ bulls for either myself, family or guiding others in the last 45 years. Luckily we've only had a few bulls that we did not recover until the following day, but unfortunately in every one of those cases the meat was spoiled after being unprepared and left overnight. The good news is every bull recovered the same day there was no loss of meat. Once the bull is located on the ground the hide is always removed as quickly as possible, either by the non-gutting method (preferred) or conventional gutting method. We usually try to hang the meat in a tree overnight if short on time for a long pack out, but on occasion just had to find some big rocks to lay the meat on in the absence of good hanging trees. I always try to leave a shirt with human scent to keep the predators away. We've only lost two deer out overnight to predators, and each time unfortunately we did not leave human scent to detract predators.
  12. Alpinebullwinkle

    Camera Problem

    One of my oldest cameras still in "temporary use" is a Primos Truthcam 60. My problem with it recently is when setup it takes 4 or 5 pictures then shuts itself down. Anyone else experienced this issue and if so any recommendations how to fix it?
  13. Alpinebullwinkle

    Camera Problem

    Thanks for the responses gang. I've been pretty much going the GG route like him.
  14. Alpinebullwinkle

    Is Trump Already Making Deer Hunting Great Again? (pics)

    50 yard pack to your vehicle..........that increases the score on your deer to 200" !!
  15. Alpinebullwinkle

    Recent pics

    Great pics!!
  16. Alpinebullwinkle


    Wow $100 per head. That's the most expensive elk hunting seminar I have ever heard of in almost 50 years of hunting! Wayne Carlton never attracted those numbers as I recall. Must be you are going to share some real "top secrets".
  17. Alpinebullwinkle

    Primos Cam in 23N

    Totally agree with NTS. I've maintained numerous trail cams for 15+ years....often without a permit to hunt. Can only claim one animal (a 124" archery coues) that I was aware of from my camera, and harvested in only 4 hours of hunting. Never harvested a bull I had a picture of that I was purposely hunting. Guess that is because the coues maintain a tighter circle in their lifetime and the great bull pictures are retrieved in the summer, prior to them relocating in August chasing their harems. Great exercise for a geezer like me either way...... and it sure is exciting to be surprised at numerous locations by animals I was not aware of, or had ever viewed. It does raise the anticipation of the hunt when we are lucky enough to draw a tag. And like NTS says...... family and friends enjoy the pictures as well.....usually without killing the animal !!!
  18. Alpinebullwinkle

    Diaphragm Elk Call

    Red........ because it is the color I can make consistent sounds that don't alarm........ as opposed to the Hoochie Mamas that all the pied pipers in the woods seem to prefer
  19. Alpinebullwinkle

    Rice small mouth fishing.

    Terranzulza fly my wife's grandfather tied is the best fly that ever produced small mouth for me on the Black. Before I became a fly fisherman the Mepps spinner worked best for me. My father-in-law always kicked my but though with hellgrammites or crawfish he would snag on the river.
  20. Alpinebullwinkle

    Small Mouth Fishing on the Black River

    I've got plenty of rattlesnake and bear stories I can share from my fishing trips to the Black River over the last 45 years. Best advice I can share is wear leggings for the rattlers and carry a 44 magnum for the bears. Both have come in handy for me a few times!
  21. Alpinebullwinkle

    Kittens on cam

    Yes some one needs to "balance the nature" out of those cats. Let the air out of em immediately!!
  22. Alpinebullwinkle

    5BS Early Archery Bull

    That has happened to me twice. I'm not gonna let it happen again. Those dudes have a bad attitude that time of the year! I don't like fearing for my life if I can avoid it.
  23. Alpinebullwinkle

    Tree Stand Info Request

    I am aware of many tree stands like this that have been left in place for years. What surprises me most is I almost never find anyone using them. Are these guides leaving them up all year, abandoned, or some other situation? These are remote locations where I have found them so I'm guessing just too much trouble to take them in/out every year so they just leave them (not abandoned).
  24. Alpinebullwinkle

    good and the bad

    Unfortunately it seems today's youngsters are being born without the morality gene! This stuff never use to happen 20+ years ago
  25. Alpinebullwinkle

    Found Camera

    Now that I have reached "geezer status" I maintain a running word document on my computer to keep tract of the 6-9 cameras that I maintain annually. Some of my older cameras do not allow updating the date or time on the camera. But I keep track of the camera type, number/size of batteries, size of the data card, date and time I set up the camera and general description of how many pictures/types of animals the cameras capture. Sure is good exercise and very interesting pictures that I get surprised by. Last year my best picture was a 6-point bull shoving his horns in the face of a mountain lion. Unfortunately it was a night picture and not the best of quality. Might have been a prize winner if taken in the day time light. Also get lots of pictures of bear noses. They seem to be very curious chaps......as much as the elk are.