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Everything posted by Alpinebullwinkle

  1. Alpinebullwinkle

    Unit 1 Trophy Bull

    That location must be close to the nuclear dumping ground heh?
  2. Alpinebullwinkle

    How bout them Devils!

    I thought ASU was both a women's and men's school? Don't they have any men's sports programs?
  3. Alpinebullwinkle

    How bout them Devils!

    Can't believe how bad my Cats stunk last nite. Every one of them stunk. Wonder what is wrong with so much talent this year? Even winning all those games they don't look dominant with such a high talent level and length advantage.
  4. Alpinebullwinkle

    How bout them Devils!

    I predict the scumdevils will have to beat (upset) U of A at home just to make it to the March Madness tourney
  5. Alpinebullwinkle

    When golf gets too boring!!!

    Looks like he shanked his 1-iron shot on that hole!
  6. Alpinebullwinkle

    How bout them Devils!

    Does ASU basketball have a chance to make March Madness this year for a change? Maybe way too soon to ask.
  7. Alpinebullwinkle

    How bout them Devils!

    I always get a kick out of ASU fans/grads when they make the statement that Tucson stinks. My relatives live in Phoenix and every time I go there to visit all I smell is cow pies!! So tell me........ what actually is wrong with these scumdevil fans? Do they really have problems with their olfactory glands? Or is it more serious than that.......possibly missing the deuce of diamonds in the deck?? It really is ironic as almost year in and year out all their significant sports programs stink. Unexplainable I guess.
  8. Alpinebullwinkle

    Nephews Elk

    Looks like that nice bull with the beautiful black horns had spent some time in the burns.
  9. Alpinebullwinkle

    Blocking FS Road !!!

    Wow......I always wonder what kind of a person would do such a trick as this? Possibly a Sun Devil fan??
  10. Alpinebullwinkle

    Uncharacteristic Bull Behaviors

    For the first time in over 40 years I noticed some real uncharacteristic behavior by bulls this year. On my trail cameras I noticed fairly mature 6 point bulls running with the cow herds during the summer months which I never viewed before. Also on my pictures I noticed a greater amount of these mature bulls running with the cow herds in late August and displaying interest in the ladies. Much sooner than noticed before. Two thoughts come to mind. Now that there are definitely more wolves in the woods are the bulls staying by the cows and using them as "downfield blockers" for security against these new predators? Also, it seems like the rut does not hit a peak intensity like former years the 3rd week of September. I've noticed bull interest in the ladies much sooner, and rutting behavior of less intensity, but seems longer in duration. I have no explanation other than to wonder if due the Wallow Fire the impacts from increased wolf predation and also increased concentration of elk in less real estate and the subsequent hunter pressure...... the bulls rutting behaviors have changed since the pre-fire days. Any one else noticed these changes in the units that have had significant fires in recent years?
  11. Alpinebullwinkle

    Uncharacteristic Bull Behaviors

    I've been fully aware of the second elk rut that occurs every year in October for the remaining cows that have not yet been bred in September. In fact, I can recall many years ago viewing bulls during the deer hunt the 1st week of November chasing a cow in heat. I just have never observed the pre-rut behavior noticed this year, and also the lengthened rut of seemingly less intensity during September, the last few years since the Wallow Fire.
  12. Alpinebullwinkle

    Unit 1 late rifle

    Hate to admit it but take it from a geezer that has hunted the late hunts for about 40 years..........the late hunts are for the young bucks that have plenty of energy to get away from other road hunters into the rough spots........and can also tolerate the strenuous and cold snowy weather. Hope that the snow holds off until after the hunt. Otherwise it cuts down on the huntable real estate....... and puts most of the hunters in highly concentrated areas dancing cheek to cheek with other hunters!
  13. Alpinebullwinkle

    Road Closures

    Most people probably do not realize that we lost 50% of our forest/green trees in units 27&1 from the Wallow Fire simply because the fire was started in the Bear Wallow Wilderness and there were not enough roads (or natural barriers) to efficiently stop the fire. The airplanes did not drop slurry for at least two days, and only after the fire had exited the wilderness area of Bear Wallow and was totally uncontrollable. In other words........ if you wish to burn the entire Arizona forests down just simply make more wilderness areas, and eliminate most of the access roads so the forest can no longer be managed. The devastating Wallow Fire was so predictable to most that lived in the area....... but for some reason the USFS was blinded by the light! Another sad element of that devastating fire is we are still losing green trees as a result of the fire as the winds now have less resistance and during wet times are simply blowing over very healthy trees that are over 100+ years old. The devastation continues!
  14. Alpinebullwinkle

    Road Closures

    Unit 27 already has two wilderness areas.....The Blue Wilderness and Bear Wallow Wilderness so that unit is not road bound like many of the other hunting units. Closing roads adjacent to the wilderness areas, as the USFS proposed pre-2011, would just expand those wilderness areas without going thru due process. Totally unnecessary, and different than what some of you have expressed frustration over in other units. I do understand your concerns there though. Closing more roads in 27 and 1 will just concentrate hunters in less real estate, and escalate all the bad stuff I see most of you expressing your frustrations about on this forum. JMHO.
  15. Alpinebullwinkle

    Road Closures

    Prior to the Wallow Fire in 2011 the USFS was conducting meetings in units 27 and 1 for proposed TMP changes. I personally have copies of the ridiculous maps they shared with us in those meetings. The plan was to close approximately 90% of the roads in those units. Many roads have already been closed without proper due process IMHO. The fire put those ridiculous plans on hold luckily, but I am confident they will try again. I have heard from many residents that they will not allow the USFS to have their way with their left wing restrictive privilege grabbing desires. We'll see how this all unfolds soon unfortunately. Maybe the current administration can hold off this ridiculous effort for another 4 years at least.
  16. Alpinebullwinkle

    What do you guys think?

    Yup.....hang down your head Tom Dooley......therefor you gonna die......... as I believe the song went
  17. Alpinebullwinkle

    Brother in laws first bull (video link added)

    If he is having it mounted, which I would, just tell him to have the taxidermist repair the broken tine. Beautiful bull!!
  18. Alpinebullwinkle

    Best Practices to Setup and Attach a Trail Cam???

    One hint I'll share is bears and elk both like to adjust the camera to their own desires. So tilted pictures can be an issue and sometimes issues from wind blowing nearby vegetation which results in an "empty picture". I like to pick a tree that has lots of branches to give lateral support so you only get the directional pictures desired. And make sure there are no flexible bushes nearby where the wind can cause false images.
  19. Alpinebullwinkle

    My brother in-law got it done.

    What does the bull score roughly?
  20. Alpinebullwinkle

    What do you guys think?

    Yes I was raised in Syracuse, New York and hunted back there as a youngster. Totally different hunting environment in many ways. Biggest difference was the privilege to tag 5 deer per year. You don't sweat the small stuff under those privileges........ unless it was the biggest animal of your life.
  21. Alpinebullwinkle

    What do you guys think?

    That's the remaining question Bonecollector....what did the guide do? Did he go help his client clean it and pack it out..... or abandon ship? My guess he did not abandon his client, but I hope I am wrong
  22. Alpinebullwinkle

    San Carlos Elk 2017 **edit** Jicarilla High Fence Elk

    The mass on that beauty suggests that bull is +15 years old......... make that was +15
  23. Alpinebullwinkle

    Calf In distress

    It's also a good call to call in other hunters and meet some frustrated new pals!
  24. Alpinebullwinkle

    What do you guys think?

    Yes Bill I agree with you. I might also add though........that is difference between ethical behavior and legal behavior. Us geezers are "old school" which definitely have a different standard of ethics than some of the "new schoolers" ! Many of us geezers (including me) have experienced this scenario in our hunting past.......... and it makes me sick to my stomach to be reminded of those painful experiences.
  25. Alpinebullwinkle

    What do you guys think?

    Based on the facts shared so far I'd say the name of that guide service needs to be openly disclosed. Maybe guide and hunter might reconsider their actions..... and do the ethical thing........ and return your bull to you. Also, as someone previously recommended, this situation needs to be shared with the local game warden for many reasons.