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Everything posted by Alpinebullwinkle

  1. Alpinebullwinkle

    Great opening weekend in Unit 1

    What kind of calls were you having success calling them in with? Also were you mostly bull calling or cow calling?
  2. Alpinebullwinkle

    heard alot of bugles in Unit 1 this weekend

    The is definitely on based on what I have seen the last 4 days. Two years in a row for early rut!!
  3. Alpinebullwinkle

    heard alot of bugles in Unit 1 this weekend

    Based on what I have seen and heard the last three days I might have to change my mind on timing of the rut this year. It now appears to be on the same time schedule as last year which was the earliest in history. Time will tell.
  4. Alpinebullwinkle

    Need some advice

    My brother usually hangs something I can't expand on in this forum when something like the above happens to our setups!
  5. Alpinebullwinkle

    Little help

    Actually I have viewed a few bucks surprisingly with does the last few weeks. I've seen this off and on since the fire or maybe longer. With the mule deer population down in my area I'm guessing they sometimes hang out with does "out of season" for more protection from the predators which overrun the unit.
  6. Alpinebullwinkle

    Camera Theft in the Payson Area

    I agree the responsibility to foster ethical behavior starts with the parents but unfortunately there are too many families with single parents now and many kids get little mentoring. That's why I am wondering if our hunter safety teachers are helping out on this important task that seems to have gone south the last decade or so.
  7. Alpinebullwinkle

    heard alot of bugles in Unit 1 this weekend

    Today was actually the first day for me this year to hear bulls bugle back and forth "aggressively". Still hopeful the rut will start on time again this year. Last year was the earliest in history as I recall.
  8. Alpinebullwinkle

    Opening weekend Flagstaff area

    Are you guys sure the reason for seeing little deer is "the elk are taking over". From my perspective the last 20 years "the predators have taken over".......and I'm referring to both deer and elk herd declines!
  9. Alpinebullwinkle

    Camera Theft in the Payson Area

    Are there any Hunter Safety teachers out there? My question is are our youngsters being taught in the hunter safety classes about the ethics of leaving other peoples equipment alone......like trail cameras? If this is not being taught as a new subject then I suggest it should be. I've already posted how disgusted I have been with the seemingly decline in hunter ethics the last 10 years.
  10. Alpinebullwinkle

    heard alot of bugles in Unit 1 this weekend

    Don't want to dampen any spirits and it may mean nothing about the upcoming hunts but this year is the least bugling I have heard in quite a few years for some reason.
  11. Alpinebullwinkle

    Unit 1 archery bull

    Awesome. Thank you very much for the response and link!
  12. Alpinebullwinkle

    Unit 1 archery bull

    What kind of optics are you using to view 2.75 miles away?
  13. Alpinebullwinkle

    drop tine bucks - how rare are they?

    In 40 years of hunting I don't recall seeing a deer with a drop tine. Perhaps I'm hunting the wrong gene pool? Seen many monster mulies and coues both though and taken a top 10 coues (121) with a bow.
  14. Alpinebullwinkle


    I've used the same technique of hanging "Betsie" the cow elk from a tree with a string. Much easier to transport and the slight wind does help if set up correctly. It is funny to watch the bulls evaluate her in the wind as she is on the slightly thin side......but it works!
  15. Alpinebullwinkle

    The RUT

    It has been cooler than normal the last two months (global cooling???) and the aspen began to turn a few days ago if that is any indication on rut timing.
  16. Alpinebullwinkle

    Don't Leave Home Without.....

    Bug spray. With all the rain the mosquitos are the worst this year that I have ever experienced! We need a frost to address that issue.
  17. Alpinebullwinkle

    Dads old bucks

    Those pictures are priceless to you I'm sure.
  18. Alpinebullwinkle


    In my unit they usually come in a day or two ahead of time, set up camp, then proceed to serious scouting. Your scenario elkoholic would only work in my case if you open season up a day or two early!
  19. Alpinebullwinkle


    I have enjoyed helping friends, neighbors and even strangers on hunting and fishing opportunities for almost 40 years. Shared free advice even though I was a registered guide. I have been on both sides of this debate. Offered advice to friends on a few "honey holes" years ago and now all of Bisbee and Wilcox hunt there every year so I have given up on those former spots with many fond memories. Now much more cautious on my advice which I know offends some. But I am offended also as it seems the morals and integrety of today's hunters are significantly lower than the former hunters. I see/hear people stealing trail cameras, data cards, tree stands and being possesive and confrontation in the woods like they own the place. I've had people put salt licks and cameras up within yards of pre-established setups. We have enough challenges from the tree huggers, anti-hunters and many of the so called "environmentalists" that have infiltrated the USFS and AGFD. I wish hunters would foster more harmonious relations in the woods like what we used to experience 30-40 years ago. And some where along the line we seem to have lost the "pack it in pack it out" philosophy and now find forests trashed up with garbage left behind. No wonder land owners are reluctant to open their gates to all hunters. I'll get off my soap opera for now but I sure would like to see a return to former ethics we used to enjoy years ago!!
  20. Alpinebullwinkle


    Haven't heard the normal pre-function function of bugles that I normally hear about August 14-16. Just an ocasional quack from smaller bulls so far. Maybe I haven't been in the right spots or maybe it will be different this year???
  21. Alpinebullwinkle

    First Rubs ???

    Found my first fresh elk rub for 2013 today. Anyone else find any yet??
  22. Alpinebullwinkle

    Unit 27 Muley

    Back when I used to hunt muley's (when there were alot of them pre-1985) it seemed like the colder weather would always force them to migrate off the rim about November 1st........just before the hunt! Likely still the same scenario. My recommendation is to hunt below the rim, particularly if you are trophy hunting.
  23. Alpinebullwinkle

    Checked cams (hit list confirmed)

    Potential 340 bull if final growth goes as expected
  24. Alpinebullwinkle

    score of this bull?

    Biggest of the bulls is 306-3/8"........if I had the correct end of the tape!