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Everything posted by dudley

  1. We'll on my way home from Payson kept lookin at the mountains to the westt of rye. I found out its the Mazatzal wilderness area in 22. Doesn't look like there is any roads into it either, so backpack hunting I assume. Just curious if anyone has hunted it?
  2. dudley

    Need Advice!

    Hey guys so Im in a bit of a delima. Last year i found what i would say is a steller spot. Unfortenetly, when i took down my cam to pull pics some guy went up and set up his cam and a stand. So it was taken. I went up yesterday to set up my stuff so i could use it this year, but what do you know his stuff from last year was there. still had his stand in the same tree (all torn up and weather). it is a small area where the animals just use as an opening. My question is what do you think i should do? put my own stuff up or just leave it for him and hope to find another spot as good? Sadly, because of work and school loading me down i wont have as much time to scout and hunt this year so thats why it is worring me. Thanks.
  3. dudley

    Need Advice!

    Thanks guys! I plan on going up this weekend and putting up a cam and salt, do you think I should put up my own stand or just sit the one there? If I chose to hunt that area?
  4. dudley

    Lost bonus points?

    I was out of state for the past two years for school, still an Az res., but when I went to look at my bonus pouts they were gone. Had 6 in 2010. So what I'm asking is if they can get reset if you don't put in for so long? Haven't been drawn sines 2003. So I have no idea what happened
  5. dudley

    Lost bonus points?

    Thanks guys!
  6. dudley

    37B Or 33

    If I remember correctly 96 hills area is in 37b. I hunted it a couple years ago, and the left side of the road was hot. But haven't been in that unit in awhile
  7. dudley


    What area did u loose then in. That's where I've been hunting. I can take a look around the area is I want
  8. dudley

    Best arrows ?

    Currently I'm using some cheapies. But I'm wondering what the best arrows would be to use for couse hunting? My bow is a beat encounter, says it shoots up to 312f/s..
  9. Well for Christmas I got a new bow. (one that actually fits me ) and I am wanting to try my luck at downing a deer, just looking for some pointers, my family is from the Midwest so we don't have a clue how to hunt out here! Anything would be appreciated. Thanks!
  10. dudley

    Tips for a teen?

    Thanks! I might try that this weekend
  11. dudley

    Tips for a teen?

    Thanks coach
  12. dudley

    Tips for a teen?

    Just curious if anyone could give me some good spots to glass and try to spot and stalk. Not lookin for any honey holes, just some ideas. Thanks!
  13. dudley

    Journal of My January Hunts

    Great stuff man! Sounds like you have an awesome spot!
  14. dudley

    Tips for a teen?

    Thanks ! Some great info. I will try these!! Imma head out a couple days The next week!
  15. dudley

    Tips for a teen?

    Thanks guys. I have been hunting a couple spots, but like most teens im not the most patient. I live in apache junction, and I have a rifle tag for javalina, so maybe that can get me better at glassing. I've been Hunting out off Rodgers trough road, bunches of hunters.. Almost got a shot on a mulie a week ago (while driving to the spot I was gonna hunt spotted him tried to stalk.) so hopefully it'll come! Thanks again!!
  16. dudley

    Tips for a teen?

    Thanks slim. I have a good set of binoculars and a cheaper spotting scope. Just can't seem to find deer.
  17. dudley

    Little help.

    Lol I just want a deer! And thanks for the info, I'll tale those into consideration
  18. dudley

    Little help.

    I'm newer too bow hunting and have never successfully taken anything with my bow. i am 19 and due to wrestling i couldn't get out the past 5 years to do any true hunting. i really want to take a couse this year but really have no idea to hunt them. so just curious if any of you could give me a few pointers. last weekend i went up to the the workman creek area in 23, saw tons and tons of does. no bucks and even more hunters. i think i will head up there again. just curious to what you guys think is a good way to hunt them? any info or help will be greatly appreciated!
  19. dudley

    Little help.

    Bobby. The take us 60 all the way to globe, then turn left on188, then about in thirty right befor the lake take a right onto 288, then follow that road for about thirty min and you'll see a sign for an elks kids camp. That's your road! Hope that helps! Thanks u guys!
  20. dudley

    Little help.

    Thank you guys.. Yeah last weekend I saw 33 does. But not a single buck. Hoping for better wheather and better luck this weekend. About the lion, my friend who was with me actually had a lion jump a fence and come about 25 yards from him. Cruddy thing is he didn't pick up a tag. Haha