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Everything posted by LifeFeedsOnLife

  1. LifeFeedsOnLife

    trphyfshn at SC

    That's not a bad idea. I have to run to Thatcher though so I was hoping to hit sc on the way.
  2. LifeFeedsOnLife

    trphyfshn at SC

    How long does the bite generally last? It's been 15+ years since I've been crappie fishing and this is making me very tempted. I'm just not sure if I can make it happen for another week.
  3. LifeFeedsOnLife

    Alpine Valley Hunt Area?

    It's the hunt boundaries for the 3169 and 3170 hunts.
  4. LifeFeedsOnLife

    Petition To Prohibit Hound Hunting In Arizona

    Difference is that I'm not in support of taking away your ability to hunt that way.
  5. LifeFeedsOnLife

    Petition To Prohibit Hound Hunting In Arizona

    Oh I'm sure you see so many hounds while glassing... Sounds like you need to find a more sporting way to hunt than sitting on your butt glassing then sniping unsuspecting animals. It's less effort than training and hiking behind hounds.
  6. LifeFeedsOnLife

    Fire sale

    I had the ATC pre-ordered and it was delayed by months. There were more shipping issues back then but still you never know.
  7. LifeFeedsOnLife

    How's the AZGFD E-Tag app?

    For sure. Lighter, tag, sharpie it's easy to lose anything. Just gotta be careful regardless what you use. It's a bigger pain though to replace a lost tag than to grab more tape or anything to just wrap around the antler and write on.
  8. LifeFeedsOnLife

    How's the AZGFD E-Tag app?

    This year I wrapped a strip of tape around a lighter which I always have in my pack anyway and threw in a sharpie. Pretty lightweight and straightforward.
  9. LifeFeedsOnLife

    Interesting grid

  10. LifeFeedsOnLife

    Kifaru Hoodlum vs 44 Mag

    I have the reckoning which is similar to the hoodlum. It slims down into a great day pack. I'm personally not a fan of the Stryker. The way they sit away from the frame for the load shelf bothers me because there's more movement from the bag if that makes sense.
  11. LifeFeedsOnLife

    SPF 6.5 creedmoor ammunition

    I wasn't able to pm you but I'd take a box if any sales fall through.
  12. LifeFeedsOnLife

    Harvest Limit Question

    The just 27 and 28 hunts are mule deer, 27/28 is wt.
  13. LifeFeedsOnLife

    Where's the best hand tossed pizza in Arizona?

    Myke's in downtown Mesa is good.
  14. LifeFeedsOnLife

    Outdoorsman pack

  15. LifeFeedsOnLife

    Outdoorsman pack

    I'd trade you but I'm in Mesa.
  16. LifeFeedsOnLife

    6lb black chihuahua white chest sycamore

    Coyote bait.
  17. LifeFeedsOnLife

    7 day backcountry elk hunt

    It does seem like a fun time but I'm not sure I'd limit myself to the wilderness on that hunt.
  18. LifeFeedsOnLife

    Draw Results

    5B N early archery for me.
  19. LifeFeedsOnLife

    Guide Recommendation

    G3 has killed some good ones in 22S.
  20. LifeFeedsOnLife

    The other draw (The Grand)

    Did it on a research trip in June 2020. It's hot af but not bad if you keep covered and jump in every so often. Sleep as close to the river as possible for the cooling effect. If you can find out the dam release schedule. We had small cots but one guy set up too close and woke up with water running under him and had some stuff washed away.
  21. LifeFeedsOnLife

    Antis at it again. Lions and Bears.

    This is because the comment period for hunting guidelines is right now. It happens every 5 years I believe. I watched a lot of the last commission meeting and there were tons of antis calling in and no hunters really. Unfortunately this is becoming the norm and we may all have to step up. Everyone should definitely send an email in support.
  22. LifeFeedsOnLife

    Saw this on Instagram...what’s your take?

    Yeah I guess it may be possible. Regardless I'd personally rather give this a go than lose the opportunity outright.
  23. LifeFeedsOnLife

    Saw this on Instagram...what’s your take?

    Unless they do seasonal quotas like bear.
  24. LifeFeedsOnLife

    Saw this on Instagram...what’s your take?

    December and January are different hunt years so if it was closed opening weekend of Dec it should open back up in Jan.