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Everything posted by LifeFeedsOnLife

  1. LifeFeedsOnLife

    Black River & Salt River now open...

    Spent the weekend down there. This is the biggest bass I caught
  2. LifeFeedsOnLife

    Rocky Point

    Thinking about heading down to Rocky Point with some friends in about a month. Wondering if anyone has tried any shore fishing down there and if you had any luck?
  3. LifeFeedsOnLife

    Rocky Point

    Cool well i'll have to get a few lures. I've got a hawaiian sling that i like to chase carp around with at the salt river so i'll bring it. Seems like there should be enough fishing to keep me busy
  4. LifeFeedsOnLife

    Rocky Point

    Thanks for the tips. I am looking into getting out on a boat maybe one day but thought i'd bring a pole or two along for fun as well and see what happens
  5. LifeFeedsOnLife

    does anybody know this person?

    haha this whole thing is more entertaining than tv!
  6. LifeFeedsOnLife

    Whats In A Name

    mine is from a song I like "life feeds on life, this is necessary!"
  7. LifeFeedsOnLife


    http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GeGPNC6qQCY&feature=related Don't know if its real or not but I sure wouldn't want to hear something like that when I was out in the woods.
  8. LifeFeedsOnLife

    Late Bull

    thanks guys i appreciate the advice
  9. LifeFeedsOnLife

    Late Bull

    Hey guys I drew a late bull tag for 3a/3c this year. I haven't hunted elk yet and was just looking for any tips on finding them late in the season. Is it worth it to scout before the rut or does everything change after? Any bit of advice helps. Thanks