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Everything posted by LifeFeedsOnLife

  1. LifeFeedsOnLife

    Going from 15x58 to 12x50. Will I regret it?

    I never had 15's but I have had the meopta 12x50's for a while now and I love them.
  2. LifeFeedsOnLife

    Can you fight a prior conviction?

    I don't know how you would go about changing your situation at this point. My dad is an attorney and he has told me that you never want to plead guilty right off the bat. You can always change your plea to guilty later if you decide that's the best option. Not guilty gives you the opportunity to explore your options. Fight the charge, make a deal or whatever it may be. Good luck with your situation.
  3. LifeFeedsOnLife

    Need Tacoma Help !

    I'd look at the carrier bearing as well. I'll be replacing mine as soon as the semester is over and I have time. Hefner's in Mesa has always treated me well. My dad uses Auto Vaun's but he's more expensive.
  4. Seems like Flagstaffer just joined up to talk crap about everybody... I also have enjoyed the podcasts and hope there are many more to come.
  5. That's sweet. What's your setup for filming?
  6. LifeFeedsOnLife

    I'll play! Coues or Muley?

  7. LifeFeedsOnLife

    4x4 coues

  8. LifeFeedsOnLife

    Expensive optics - anyone have buyers regret???

    I found a good deal on some Meopta 12x50 a while back and I'm real glad I spent the money on them.
  9. LifeFeedsOnLife

    Best seat/chair/stool glassing

    Sportsman's has a chair like the tripod stools but it has four legs. Not sure what the weight limit is but it's more comfortable than the tripods.
  10. LifeFeedsOnLife


    I went out to try my luck at glassing this weekend and found the wind to be cold and miserable. It made me think that any animal with half as much sense as I do would just hunker down and wait for it to blow over. What have you guys found? Is it worth glassing through the wind or just waiting it out?
  11. LifeFeedsOnLife


    That's what I figured and was trying to do. We came prepared for cold but not the wind and it was cutting right through our layers and shaking the tripods pretty bad. Good learning experience though i suppose.
  12. LifeFeedsOnLife

    Need live trap

    Sounds like he should've used a broadhead...
  13. LifeFeedsOnLife

    First Cat

    Called in my first cat on Saturday. A decent sized tom.
  14. LifeFeedsOnLife

    First Cat

    Yeah I was pretty excited about it to say the least. I never thought to eat one, maybe I'll give it a try next time around...
  15. LifeFeedsOnLife

    Favorite coyote gun??

    For you guys shooting the .204, what size bullets are you using?
  16. LifeFeedsOnLife

    First Cat

    It was electronic. I'm not too skillful with handcalls.
  17. LifeFeedsOnLife

    Desert Recluse

    Yeah I understand. I've seen pics before but my morbid curiosity often gets the best of me.
  18. LifeFeedsOnLife

    Desert Recluse

    Got any pictures?
  19. LifeFeedsOnLife

    Loyalty Point

    I understand that if you put in for a species for five consecutive years you gain a loyalty point. I'm wondering if on the sixth year you don't put in do you lose that point? Or is that point permanent after each five consecutive years?
  20. LifeFeedsOnLife

    Loyalty Point

    Well that's too bad.
  21. Get a day license for $20
  22. LifeFeedsOnLife

    drop tine bucks - how rare are they?

    Haven't kept up with the thread lately but here is the buck I killed in November with a small drop tine
  23. LifeFeedsOnLife

    drop tine bucks - how rare are they?

    I killed one last year but the drop wasn't real big
  24. LifeFeedsOnLife

    Cool Find

    Found two of these little guys this past weekend while out spot lighting. They couldn't have been more than a day or two old. Wish I had something better than a cell phone to take the pics but I thought it was a cool find.
  25. LifeFeedsOnLife

    Muley or Coues?

    So I've got a couple of buddies who have never hunted before and want me to take them this year. I've always hunted mulies in 27 but being poor college students we are looking at the areas closer to town (20A-24A). My question is would there a better chance at finding a muley or a whitetail in any of these units? I really just want to be able to get them a shot at a deer whatever species or size it is. We'll definitely get out and do some scouting but since I never have hunted whitetail yet or these units I'm curious which species would give us the best odds at finding deer?