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Everything posted by LifeFeedsOnLife

  1. LifeFeedsOnLife

    Coleman Quick Mattress

    I'll take it if couesdan falls through.
  2. LifeFeedsOnLife

    Backpacking on a budget

    I got the seek outside DST tarp a while back and I love it. There's tons of different ways to pitch it up and it's lighter than a tent. You can ride out some decent rain storms without getting wet if you have the proper pitch
  3. LifeFeedsOnLife

    Wild Horses???

    I think it's safe to say the salt river horses are all feral.
  4. LifeFeedsOnLife

    Wild Horses???

    I'd buy a tag for sure.
  5. LifeFeedsOnLife

    Wild Horses???

    I've always said they need a salt river archery hunt. I'll build raft, arrow one of the many that are always in the water and float it down to my truck at the bottom.
  6. LifeFeedsOnLife

    Swaro 12x50

    It all depends on how far away it is and how our of breath I am... I like to be able to get a good idea of what I'm looking at but everyone is a bit different. I'd just take that into consideration before I committed.
  7. LifeFeedsOnLife

    Swaro 12x50

    The one thing I don't like about 12's is that if you're hiking or something and you pull them up to check something out they're more shaky freehand vs 10's.
  8. LifeFeedsOnLife

    Wild Horses???

    These and the Salt River horses are getting ridiculous.
  9. LifeFeedsOnLife

    Marsupial Bino Case

  10. LifeFeedsOnLife

    Marsupial Bino Case

    I have I lightly used Marsupial bino case. Size medium in coyote brown, case only no harness. You can get the fishing pouch on sale right now with the harness and you'd have everything you need. Or I'm sure you could call them up and get a harness on it's own. It's a local company and the owner seemed really cool when I talked to him at the Sunrise shoot. $40
  11. LifeFeedsOnLife

    Urban Fishing @ Rio Vista

    Several years back I had a couple buddies who were checked by g&f while fishing the canal. They didn't have licenses and he made them buy one. Don't know if that's standard procedure but I can't imagine the odds of seeing g&f are very high... I think they weren't far from a major road.
  12. LifeFeedsOnLife

    Marsupial Bino Case

    I'm in Mesa. I've got someone waiting to hear back from marsupial on the harness. Once that's figured out I'll go from there.
  13. LifeFeedsOnLife

    Marsupial Bino Case

  14. LifeFeedsOnLife


    I've heard an excursion will fit around the gate...
  15. LifeFeedsOnLife

    Pack snacks

    Kipper snacks, summer sausage with cheese and crackers, trail mix, Pb & j with bacon on it.
  16. LifeFeedsOnLife

    Lightweight tripod

    I've got the 624 and I'm still trying to decide how I feel about it. I do love it for backpacking because it's so lightweight but it can be difficult to sit up under it if you want to sit on anything while glassing. Also because its so light it's definitely more unstable but I guess that's just the nature of the beast.
  17. https://www.azcentral.com/story/news/local/arizona-breaking/2018/03/22/authorities-forced-hunt-javelina-after-attacks-near-sedona/449644002/?from=new-cookie
  18. LifeFeedsOnLife

    Thinking of moving

    I wouldn't mind the Show Low area. I have family in Taylor and have spent a lot of time there. Despite the cons I feel I could get used to it. But again it all depends on employment. I'll be done with school in the summer and after I get a feel for things we'll see what happens.
  19. LifeFeedsOnLife

    Thinking of moving

    I'm born and raised in AZ and seriously love this place and allow the unique hunting opportunities. I used to never imagine leaving but more and more as I drive around the valley, the traffic and amount of people in general has worn on me. Plus the growing amount of people from out of state and things like this attempted lion and bobcat ban have really started me questioning leaving. Problem is I'm still trying to figure out where to go more rural and still have job opportunities.
  20. LifeFeedsOnLife

    What is this ? Creepy

    Slender man
  21. LifeFeedsOnLife

    Spot light opinions

    I think it's just if you have a weapon in the vehicle but I'm not positive.
  22. LifeFeedsOnLife

    Dumb move - lost shotgun

    I did the same thing in 24B last week. Mine wasn't as nice as yours but still stings pretty bad...
  23. LifeFeedsOnLife

    What are the odds?

    What are the odds that at least half of the people behind the mountain lion ban will be down at the Mesa convention center tomorrow?
  24. LifeFeedsOnLife

    Pro Shop recommendations in Mesa, AZ

    I also go to Ross outdoors
  25. LifeFeedsOnLife

    Rocky Point Fishing Trip and Photos

    I was wondering how you guys did. You killed it!