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Everything posted by LifeFeedsOnLife

  1. LifeFeedsOnLife

    Mountain lion or Bobcat??

    Lion. In the last picture it looks like what appears to be the tip of the tail down away on the ground to the left.
  2. LifeFeedsOnLife


    I hope nobody goes. I've really enjoyed it in the past but if I understand correctly the price has nearly doubled and if that's the case it's not worth fighting the crowds to shoot there.
  3. LifeFeedsOnLife

    AZGFD banning yote contest!!!

    I watched the most recent comission meeting and there were probably at least 30 people there to speak against coyote killing contests and 1 for. These people had screenshot Facebook conversations with hunters talking about blowing away coyotes and pictures of piles of coyotes left to rot. I'm in no way against killing contests but it's only a matter of time when the hunters post that kind of crap for everyone to see.
  4. LifeFeedsOnLife


    Any updates on roosevelt? Just got a new kayak and I'm anxious to get out.
  5. LifeFeedsOnLife

    Glassing Chair

    Sportsman's sells both tripod and quad stools for under $10. They eventually break but I've used both for quite a while.
  6. LifeFeedsOnLife

    Free BBQ - 56th st and 101

    I'll take it if it's still available. I just left a voicemail.
  7. LifeFeedsOnLife

    Found this little Corn Snake

    I was going to say I didn't think corn snakes were native to AZ.
  8. LifeFeedsOnLife

    Slob hunters

    Has some tasty burgers though.
  9. LifeFeedsOnLife

    Bino tripod adapters?

    I've used the outdoorsmans,the vortex and the strap kind and hands down outdoorsmans is the best. I have a stud installed in both my pairs of binos. The vortex isn't bad for something cheap but I've seen it break in half when a tripod tipped over.
  10. LifeFeedsOnLife

    Where were you?

    I was in 8th grade. My mom woke me up and told me what happened. I sat and watched it for about an hour before school. I just remember how apocalyptic it felt watching people running through clouds of dust and paperwork floating everywhere.
  11. LifeFeedsOnLife

    Bino Harness - looking for recommendations

    I really liked the idea of an AZ company and the owner seemed chill when I met him at sunrise so gave the marsupial a try, there was a lot of good but to me the bad outweighed it and I ended up selling it and went back to fhf. I will say I've heard nothing but good things about their customer service and I still really like the rangefinder pouch, the bino case just wasn't for me.
  12. LifeFeedsOnLife

    Where to buy Kuiu

    I'm sure sure I would take the private tag. It's not so much the fact that the ranch is private to me but more that they block access to public land. Kudos to Jason for helping technical gear get popular but he doesn't run sitka now so that's irrelevant. People can buy whatever they want, all I'm saying is I prefer to support a company that gives back if I can. So you can piss and moan and defend your precious Jason all you want but until I see some evidence of support for public lands I won't. I generally try to avoid the online bs but you really are the bitchy old lady of the forum lately. You ought to pull the stick out and just enjoy life...
  13. LifeFeedsOnLife

    Where to buy Kuiu

    I agree that they make great gear but the fact that the owner is all about hunting high dollar ranches that block public access turns me off. If I'm going for high quality I'd much rather spend my money on companies like First Lite and Sitka who go out of there way to support public lands.
  14. LifeFeedsOnLife

    Meopta 12x50 binos

    I've had the same pair, non HD, for years and love them. I'd take them over my buddy's razors any day.
  15. LifeFeedsOnLife

    Bonus points taken away??

    Possibly when they made the switch over to the portal he didn't link his account properly.
  16. LifeFeedsOnLife

    Update to Game and Fish screw up

    I asked them myself if the blue envelopes were accepted and was told they were fine.
  17. LifeFeedsOnLife

    Leftover results

    So you are saying not knowing is bliss? I'm saying everyone who didn't know about the leftovers until his podcast leaving them to the locals who did was bliss...
  18. LifeFeedsOnLife

    Leftover results

    It's the Newberg effect
  19. LifeFeedsOnLife

    Recommend me some books/novels please

    Border Trilogy by Cormac McCarthy
  20. LifeFeedsOnLife

    Recommend me some books/novels please

    Funny. OP started this thread and i immediately started looking up stuff im interested in which is Indian wars and this book popped up. Spent about 2 hours researching Navajo wars. Might have to order it nowDo it. I found it super entertaining and it goes into a fair amount of detail about what the Navajos once were. Every time I read a book like this it makes me think of all the adventures I could of had if I lived back then. Another along the same lines I think is called "Crazy Horse and Custer". It follows both of their lives up to the point where they meet at Little Bighorn. The Sioux culture back in those times was badass.
  21. LifeFeedsOnLife

    Recommend me some books/novels please

    Blood and Thunder. A book about Kit Carson's life
  22. LifeFeedsOnLife

    Coleman Quick Mattress

    I'll take it if couesdan falls through.
  23. LifeFeedsOnLife

    Backpacking on a budget

    I got the seek outside DST tarp a while back and I love it. There's tons of different ways to pitch it up and it's lighter than a tent. You can ride out some decent rain storms without getting wet if you have the proper pitch
  24. LifeFeedsOnLife

    Wild Horses???

    I think it's safe to say the salt river horses are all feral.