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Everything posted by Falkners

  1. Falkners

    draw odds question

    OK so I have 3 bonus points when I put in this year do I go in to the 4th year pool or the 3rd yeah pool ? Thanks
  2. Falkners

    draw odds question

    sorry meant do I go in as a 4th year or 3rd yeah applicant
  3. Falkners

    Draw Odds Calculator

    Hey Flatlander could you please run the odds for the unit 8 late rifle and unit 7 west late and rifle and 23 late rifle for a resident with 3 points
  4. Falkners

    desert muley set

    used coffee grounds and was surprised how good it worked they still need a second coat though
  5. Falkners

    desert muley set

    Got the antlers mounted
  6. Falkners

    desert muley set

    Thanks got the antlers mounted up I will post some pics latter
  7. Falkners

    nice desert muley set

    Not yet hope to get him on camera this fall
  8. Falkners

    nice desert muley set

    https://m.facebook.com/photo.php?fbid=241953145939522&id=100003745160700&set=pcb.241956722605831&refid=17 found this set in 21
  9. Falkners

    Late bull down

    nice truck man
  10. Falkners

    Pre Season Scouting!

    the 7x7 looks familiar
  11. Falkners

    Giant archery buck takes a dirt nap

    nice buck thanks for sharing
  12. looking for vortex nomad or vortex binoculars vortex skyline
  13. Falkners

    looking for vortex nomad or vortex binoculars

    would also be interested in a vortex skyline
  14. Falkners

    looking for vortex nomad or vortex binoculars

    ALSO looking for diamondbacks
  15. Falkners


    same here used money order the waiting killing me they should be out today or tomorrow i hope
  16. Falkners

    300 um elk load?

    i like the 185 berger 100grns of retumbo 3350fps .75"@ 200 yards
  17. Falkners

    what do i do wrong?

    the best thing to do is put miles on your boots and slow down and look hard that's what worked for me this year in finding about 1800 dollars in antlers
  18. Falkners

    so who on here has facebook?

    i'm on facebook i post lots of pics of my hunting and fishing outings on there stevenfalkner89@yahoo.com
  19. Falkners

    Sheds so far from this year

    nice sheds you're doing pretty good
  20. Falkners

    Some antlers from this season.

    coues deer antler
  21. 300 rum 185 berger vld
  22. Falkners

    First trail cam pics

    good pics
  23. Falkners

    3c coues shed.

    Thanks every body was kinda surprised when I found it. I found just north of the rim road by Pinedale.