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Everything posted by #1huntinfool

  1. #1huntinfool

    Bear defense

    I hope I am still friends with everybody on here. My Dad was the National USPSA, and World IPSC champion and he used a 1911, ( one that he built himself) So thats one thing I am very passionate about Also, I am not saying that Springfield is the best 1911 out there, actually my dads guns are if yall are interested in ordering one pm me
  2. #1huntinfool

    Bear defense

    John Moses browning was a great inventor. Probably the greatest firearms inventor ever! He was over 100 years ahead of his time. His greatest and most famous firearm was a 1911. Note, he invented this over 100 years ago and there has not been a more accurate and reliable handgun made since the 1911. (if the 1911 is made by someone that understands the engineering of this firearm). When built properly, the 1911 is capable of sub 1" groups @ 50 yards and can reliably shoot 10 000 + rounds, with minimal cleaning and no parts replacement, without any malfunctions. I know many people that have more than 50 000 rounds through their 1911. Triggers can be set at under 2lbs, with almost no pretravel and over travel. (Try this with a Austrian milk cup). Cut rifled barrels are capable of shooting many types of bullets such as lead, copper jacket, copper plated, bronze, molycoated etc.....where polygon rifling limits you to jacketed bullets. Plated, lead & molycoated bullets will tumble and shoot very inaccurately in polygon rifling. The shorter polygon barrels will not stabilize plated bullets. The 22 degree grip angle of the milk cup is designed for one handed sissified shooting, where the 15 degree grip angle of the 1911 is better suited for fast accurate two handed shooting. On a less aggressive note regarding the Glock. They are fine weapons for the price and if you do not shoot much and don't care about accuracy, then by all means, go buy a non American bullet launcher. But since the 1911 is the handgun our military used in the 1st WW, the 2nd WW, the Vietnam war, the Korean War and is still the #1 choice today for special forces, Delta, Seals (pretty much anybody that has been trained and knows how to shoot well) then I will make mine a 1911. Police do not use it because they do not shoot enough to remember to engage the external thumb safety and therefore can cause a dangerous situation. Isn't it wonderful that we can all post our opinions on certain products and still remain friends.
  3. #1huntinfool

    Which Bow?

    The Matthews SwitchBack, is in my opinion the best bow out there for the money
  4. #1huntinfool

    little help?

    sorry, I ain't computer savy. I opened a Photo Bucket account, and got my picture on it, I tried to just right click on the image and copy it that way, but it aint working. Like I said I ain't very smart when it comes to computers, (well if ya put it that way I ain't very smart at all.) but in other words you'll have to break it down for me.
  5. #1huntinfool

    little help?

    I can't seem to put a pict on my signature. I made it small enough, then I copy and pasted it off my email so that its online what does it seem like I am doing wrong?
  6. #1huntinfool

    so who on here has facebook?

    Facebook is evil. "The you know who" knows everything about you when you get it Besides who wants facebook when we have this?
  7. ya I see the same thing every day. I coulda cried when I seen the fire for the first time. Its burning right thru my huntin spot!
  8. #1huntinfool

    Laws Regarding Baiting

    I was on my first jr. hunt years ago with my father and grandfather. It was an anterless hunt in Kiabab. My grandfather dropped my dad and I off on old logging rd about 30min. in on opening morning. We hiked 100 yrds and he spotted several does in a feild so we set up and my dad walked me through the whole "know your shot and beyond etc" and I took my animal. Turned out that it was a buck but the "nubs" had not broken through the skin so it was legal. After being so pumped I had taken my first big game animal and pictures with my dad and grandfather, my father starts showing me how to feild dress the deer. Out of no where a game and fish guy walks up between my father and I (Without saying a word) grabs the head and starts rubbing the head with his hand to see if the knub would push through. He then started grilling me about unethical shots and that should have not shot him and that I can have my licsence taken away (All the while never saying who he is or aknowledging my dad or grandfather.) Naturally my dad steps in because the guy was inches away from my nose and they get in a shouting match for 10-15min. Needless to say at 14 yrs old on my first hunt I felt bad and it ruined that morning. So since that time I make sure I know my rights as well as do's and dont's and it has come in handy several times when setting up a camera or walking around with corn. I am willing to bet the G & F was having a bad morning but just the same it was unncessary. I had something like that happen to me to a few years ago. Sir Royal can back me up on this. We had shot a bull on this fellows land, unknowingly ( he never had a single NO TRESPASSING sign up.) He was drunk, and he had a shotgun, (I had a .45.) he ended up calling the cops, when they showed up, they ended up bustin him for DUI. we drove away scot free ( well almost)
  9. #1huntinfool

    No turkeys only Bear

    What I would like to know is, why is it every time you go to hunt bear, a fella never sees 'em but when you go to hunt gobblers you see 'em all the time? Part of huntin I guess
  10. #1huntinfool

    Bear defense

    The bear spray is a swell idea. But if you want to get a gun, get a springfield 1911 .45, not a glock, its tupperware ( plastic). Some people like them cause there cheap. But when you rely on your life, why get less than the best?
  11. #1huntinfool

    Coues Fight

    that was awesome!
  12. when I moved feom Oklahoma to Arizona, I could not ever imagine, me actualy likeing it. but now? Well I cant imagine me liveing anywhere else!
  13. #1huntinfool

    Hunting boots: what's good and what isn't?

    I have been on the market for boots to, I have heard a-lot of good about the Kenetrek. My Dad had the Danners, they fell apart, so he sent them back, and they sent him the best american made boots they had. that was 15 years ago tho, maybe the've changed.
  14. #1huntinfool

    What are you gunna get this year?

    amen that. King
  15. #1huntinfool

    What are you gunna get this year?

    well........... I was hopeing to get a new bow, a scope, bino's, rangefinder, E.T.C.. Stuff I don't need, BUT would like to upgrade. yall know how that all goes.
  16. #1huntinfool

    Guess the Score of this San Carlos Coues shed!

    I'm just gonna throw a wild one out there.............. 62 3/8
  17. #1huntinfool

    Spirit of the Hunt Photos

    can i vote for myself lol
  18. #1huntinfool

    need advise

    Hey yall, a friend of mine just gave me a recurve and 12 wooden arrows and I don't no NOTHIN ABOUT IT!!!!!! It needs new fletching, nocks, field tips/broadheads. I need some advise on what to get. And is it possible to get turkey feathers? Any advise would be great
  19. #1huntinfool

    Quiet Handgun

    I have a 45 L.C. Black-hawk doesn't seem to be to loud, 'course I don't use it to shoot at coyote's or anything, emergency only, if you got a bear or a lion on ya I would not worry about the noise. lol
  20. #1huntinfool

    While waiting for draw results......

    My dad is gunsmith, and he says not to, cause you get dust in your gun after a period of time. doesn't hurt them either way. Some people like to leave the action open to show it's unloaded. But in my opinion every gun is loaded right??
  21. #1huntinfool

    Scope Question

    The best scope on the market is a NightForce a little pricy but definitely worth it. zeiss is a good scope also, not as expensive
  22. #1huntinfool

    Sorry Amanda

    What kinda boots does he have????
  23. #1huntinfool

    Mazatzal wilderness.

    Yall don't see a lot of deer in that area?? when we go, we see about 20 deer every time but like you said you will see deer just cant get to them
  24. #1huntinfool

    Mazatzal wilderness.

    I live in Payson and I hunt that area all the time. There is lots of roads running thru the area, but when you go up to the actual wilderness area, zero roads. Lots of fun but don't go in there if you ain't in good physical shape, 2 people died in there just last year alone. Every kind of animal you can imagine is there elk, deer, javi's, lion's, bear's, and sheep, loads of fun