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Everything posted by Mocha1545

  1. That is a nice Buck. Congrats. Looking forward to more pics and the story.
  2. Mocha1545

    2012 Big coues buck

    That's a nice Buck. A little bug eyed though!
  3. Mocha1545

    First Buck!!!

    Nice Buck. Love the Savage too! I Love Mine. Looks COLD! Congrats.
  4. Mocha1545

    The Red Barn and First Snow

    Very Beautiful Picture. Thanks for sharing.
  5. Mocha1545

    Went 5 for 5 on our late nov hunt

    Great Bucks. Looks like a fun time.
  6. Mocha1545

    My early Dec hunt

    Very nice write up and pics. Good job on the camp you found. Keep the faith on your Dad. mine is 88 and still talking about where to put in for elk. I don't he can hump the Coues hills anymore but he did until he was about 84. Nothing in the world better than sharing the outdoors with Family.
  7. Mocha1545

    121 4/8 October Coues Buck

    Nice Buck. Great width and length.
  8. Mocha1545

    Joeys first buck

    Congrats Joey. You'll remember this forever! Nice Buck!!
  9. Mocha1545

    Late Nov. buck

    Nice Buck. Looks bigger than 106". Way to stick with it.
  10. Mocha1545

    Had a fun coues hunt

    SOunds like a great fall. Nice to work with each other to accomodate everyones hunting. Great job. Congrats to all.
  11. Mocha1545

    My Dads AZ Sheep Unit 31/32 Dec 3rd 2012

    Very nice Ram. Cagrats to your Dad. Would love to read the story.
  12. Mocha1545

    Late rifle hunt pics

    Congrats. Nice Bull and camp.
  13. Mocha1545

    Most Meaningful Hunt

    Congrats. Thanks for the great story and pictures. I know your PA was smiling down on you the whole hunt. Hope you made a steak for him as well. They sure looked good!
  14. Mocha1545

    One happy hunter......

    Nice Buck. Glad you stuck it out. great to have such good friends helping out.
  15. Mocha1545

    My COPD Ram

    Congrats Tony! Very nice Ram. Look forward to readingthe full story. Looks like great company for the hunt.
  16. Mocha1545

    "Freddy Kruger" Javelina

    Edward Scissor Hooves!
  17. Mocha1545

    Not until the Fat Lady Sings

    Thanks for taking the time for that great write up and the pictures were fantastic. Beautiful shots.
  18. Mocha1545

    A Very Proud Son

    Way to go Mom! You should be proud.
  19. Nice Buck! Thanks for sharing with the story and pics.
  20. Mocha1545

    Last Chance Buck

    Congrats on a nice Buck. You better make Christmas EXTRA special for your wife!
  21. Mocha1545

    The Humbling Buck

    Nice Buck! Thanks for write up and pics. You sure earned that one.
  22. Mocha1545

    First deer for a great friend...

    Great story and pics. Thanks for sharing. Congrats on your success.
  23. Mocha1545

    Video and pics of 186" Desert Sheep

    Great camera work on that beautiful Ram. Very nice shot by the hunter. Congrats to all.
  24. Mocha1545

    46B tag #1

    Congrats! All the hard work paid off. Beautiful Ram!Can't wait to read the full story and see more pics.
  25. Mocha1545

    My 2012 trophy!!

    Congrats. Glad your Dad pushed you bleeding feet and all. Way to stick with it. Good eatin this year!