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Everything posted by Mocha1545

  1. Mocha1545

    Took my boys to big lake

    Looks like a great time for all.
  2. Mocha1545

    My Youngest's First Fish!

    Love the SMILES. Good job Dad.
  3. Mocha1545

    Took my boys to big lake

    Love it up there. Cabin lined up in July. Get to take the whole family up for a week.
  4. Mocha1545

    3 personal bests in one trip!

    Nice Pics. Thanks for sharing. Glad it was just pictures of the snake. I HATE snakes!
  5. Mocha1545

    The View

    One heck of a view. Spectacular country. Thanks for sharing. Looking forward to the view of a dead kitty.
  6. Mocha1545

    New 300WM

    Very NICE. Can't wait to hear how she shoots. Nice to see the bolt on the correct side for a change!
  7. Mocha1545

    brought cameras home!

    Nice pics. Enjoy the summer off. Looking forward to pictures in the fall.
  8. Great write up. Good things come to those that wait. Beautiful rifle. Even your cat likes it (at least checking it out in the pictures). Congrats!
  9. Mocha1545

    Jack woulda shot it!

    Beautiful. Love the grain. Not trying to irritate anyone but to me there is nothing prettier than blued steel and wood grain.
  10. Great write up and follow up on the WMAT. Class acts on both sides of the fence.
  11. Mocha1545

    Dang fine read!

    Very well written.
  12. Mocha1545

    New Jaguar Pics

    Fantastic Pictures Lance. Thanks for sharing them.
  13. Mocha1545

    Who loves Duck Dynasty?

    Can I get an AMEN?
  14. great job Little X and Great job Dad! Love the pics. Kids and fishing are the best.
  15. Mocha1545

    First lion picture ! 20 minutes after setup!

    Very cool and a little eerie!
  16. Mocha1545

    Mixed Bag @ Rosey!!!!!!!

    Good times!
  17. Mocha1545

    1st Coyote

    Sorry about the losses you have suffered recently. Getting out in the woods is a great way collect your thoughts. Nice first coyote. I am sure your Dad was looking down with proud smile.
  18. Mocha1545

    Feb/9/2013 Mexico Hunt

    WOW. Love the Mass. Beautiful Trophy!
  19. Mocha1545

    He's not old enough to hunt..

    Very NICE. Keep him going. Great family time.
  20. Mocha1545

    New Member

    Welcome to the site and Arizona. You will love both.
  21. Mocha1545


  22. Mocha1545

    Greer cabin rentals

    Haven't used them yet. Getting ready to book for the summer though. http://greercabinconnection.com/rentals/
  23. Nice pics. Thanks for sharing. Hope you get back on your feet soon.