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Everything posted by Mocha1545

  1. Mocha1545


    Mocha, what mule deer unit do you have? 24A Whitetail hunt 11/01.
  2. Mocha1545


    Gone through the chuckbox, gear box and pack multiple times. Made 32 checklists, slowly aquiring groceries and watching my wife laugh at me. My 88 year old Dad is even more excited and calls every day to see if there something else he can get. I cannot wait to spend some time with him and my brother. Just getting the time with them will make a successful hunt. Come on 11/01!!!!!!!!!!!
  3. Mocha1545

    Red Tailed Hawk Vs Snake

    So much fun to see nature in action!
  4. Mocha1545

    New to the site- my back story to hunting

    Welcome to the site. I wish you luck on your hunt. Glad you are using one of your Dad's guns. Making him a part of your hunt is very special. You know he will be with you the whole way. Hope you knock down a biggun with that rifle! Please share your hunt with us with planty of pictures (even if there isn't a buck included). Enjoy the hunt.
  5. Great Bull! Smart play enjoying the hunt more than filling the tag early. Thanks for the write up. Enjoyed the read!
  6. sweet 99. 300 Savage? 308
  7. Mocha1545

    San Carlos Unit A...freak!

    Incredible trophy. One of a kind for sure. Her smile says it all.
  8. Mocha1545

    Found gun and saddle bags

    Great Job. What an example for your kids. It will rub off on them like it did for the gentlemen's son. So glad they got everything back and got nothing more than some bruises. Class acts from everyone involved.
  9. Nice Set up! I am going to stick with my Savage 99C lever gun this year. May take the Browning 300 win mag for a back up gun. Cannot wait.
  10. Mocha1545

    Time To Go

    Good Luck. I hope it works out for you. You might check out Montana as well. I have a friend moving up there right now due to lack of work here. He is EE though.
  11. Mocha1545

    Hilarious and true

    AMEN Brother!
  12. Mocha1545


    Been to Oahu, big island and Kauai. Oahu is too big city and touristy for us. It depends on what you want to do. By far Kauai is our favorite. Not as much to do but peaceful. Love it!
  13. Mocha1545

    Could not believe my eyes

    That is AWESOME! I've seen a couple of them but always running the other way. To actually get to see one chasing some deer is way cool. Even better is shooting it! Way to go!
  14. Mocha1545

    24A bound

    Got the November 1st hunt. I hate to admit this since it shows my age but, haven't hunted that unit for over 35 years. Looking forward to getting back some memories.
  15. Mocha1545

    Dewey's Bull, Malay Gap Archery Elk

    Beautiful Bull!
  16. Mocha1545

    Last year's success!

    Great year and great write up. Thanks for sharing.
  17. Mocha1545

    2013 Bull 3rd tags the Charm

    Great Bull! Congrats. Thanks for the great write up and pictures. Fun that you got to spend that time with your brother.
  18. Mocha1545

    A couple rifle bulls from 23N

    Great Bulls. Fantastic time with your Dad. Congrats!
  19. Mocha1545

    gettin it done OTC STYLE

    Great write up James! Thanks for sharing. Any bull down is a great bull. Congrats to all. Good friends like 6Anut are hard to come by. Nice to have them around!
  20. Mocha1545

    My son's first elk

    Congrats Seth and Dad! Those smiles said it all. I am sure the smiles were just as big at midnight when the truck was loaded....... Thanks for sharing the pics and great write up!
  21. Mocha1545

    They're at it again Part 1,000,000

    Hahahahahahahaha! About sums it up!
  22. Mocha1545

    They're at it again Part 1,000,000

    Sorta like cutting off your nose to spite your face! If I understood the logic then I would have to think like a politician. I'll stick with not understanding!
  23. Mocha1545

    Humble Brag on my Awesome Mom! AZ Archery Super Jumbo

    AWESOME! Way to go Cindi.
  24. Mocha1545

    Hunting Essentials

    A list would be a good idea. Most of the stuff in my stays in it all the time. Snakebite kit (only used once),TP, Baby wipes, compass, signed tag, matches, lighter, flint&steel, hatchet, nylon string, bright orange tape. Have to add flashlights, batteries, GPS, water bottle and Copenhagen to make it hunt ready. Haven't had good luck for a few years so I need to find something that works.
  25. Mocha1545

    Florida Mountains Ibex Hunt!!!!

    Good Luck! I hope you get Kong this time around! You deserve it.