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Everything posted by Mocha1545

  1. Mocha1545

    Borderland Buffalo Success!!

    Congrats on a great Bull! That is gong to eat really good. Thanks for sharing the pictures. It makes me miss NM. Too bad you forgot to take a picture of the stone house. Thanks for sharing!
  2. Mocha1545

    First hunt(s)

    Born in the valley. Grew up hunting 24A for deer, pigs and quail. My first time there I was too young to hunt deer so I carried my 20 gauge and 2 boxes of shells in vest. My Dad said I could take but never said I couldn't shoot it! That was when my brother got his first deer. A nice 3x3 Coues. I ended up carrying 2 rifles and that Darn shotgun all the way back to camp! Long day for a 9 year old. That was back around 1970 or so.
  3. Mocha1545

    Is it bad when you find out you're injured and

    Good Luck and heal fast. Like everyone else said "Listen to the Doctor"! This is one of those that you can't rush or you'll be sorry. Sounds like you have the right idea about Turkey season. Enjoy the time with little girl.
  4. Mocha1545

    My first elk hunt.

    Congrats on your first Elk. That was a great write up. We appreciate you sharing your story and pics! Hope you get drawn again this year. Looking forward to reading about it!
  5. Mocha1545

    Touching story

    WOW! What a kid! I know his Dad was smiling down from Heaven. His Mom is doing a GREAT job of raising him. It is so nice to see these stories instead of the usual gloom and doom news reports. Thanks Chef for sharing this. Everyone else used the allregy excuse so I'll take the sincreen in the eyes excuse! I know it's cloudy but give me a break!
  6. Mocha1545

    2013 Dec bucks!

    Great story and Great Buck's! Congrats guys! Congrats to your Dad as well.
  7. Mocha1545

    37B kids success

    Congrats to all of you. What a great present. Sharing the same old campsite with your kids is cool.
  8. Mocha1545

    I need some help!!

    You got my vote.
  9. Mocha1545

    2014 Unit 27 Javelina.

    Congrats on your first! That is a nice pig and it sure is good to be able to put it out of its misery. Great job shooting that shoulder cannon!
  10. Mocha1545

    Unit 17 Success

    Congrats to your friend. Nice job getting him hooked on hunting!
  11. Mocha1545

    Lady Luck!

    Nice Buck! Nice shot. Glad you trusted your gut instinct and went to check out the ravine. Smart to birng your own pack mule with you!
  12. Mocha1545

    another new hunter joins us (part II)

    Congrats to Dan on a nice Pig! Thank You for mentoring so many people for hunting. Snake leggings work great for the shin daggers but are pretty noisy!
  13. Mocha1545

    First Archery Success!

    Congrats to you both on the double! Nice write up.
  14. Huge congrats to all of you! Thanks for spreading the wealth to different herds. That is a LOT of Chorizzo in the freezer!
  15. Mocha1545

    Can't wait for Javi chorizo

    Congrats and Nice Shot!
  16. Mocha1545

    2-21-14 Ends a 7 year drought!!!

    Congrats on your Pig. Amazing how sneaky those buggers are. Glad you got to share it with your Dad!
  17. Mocha1545

    Javelina Sucess

    Congrats! Love the pics!
  18. Great story and pics. Congrats on your pig and for not getting eaten!
  19. Mocha1545

    Girls and Hunting

    I've learned on this site that there a WAY too many people out there with fantastic optics. Somehow I'd end up as a story in the weirdest thing you glassed up!!
  20. Mocha1545

    Whats in your holster ?

    Have been borrowing my wife's 4' 686 cause my 1911 isn't set up for every day carry and my Blackhawk 41 mag is too slow to load for down south. was just given an old 1911 in 38 Super that is now going to fill the holster!
  21. Mocha1545

    Girls and Hunting

    I've never heard that girls weren't allowed to hunt. I believe that a women's place is wherever in the heck wants to be! I have been on target shooting teams where the fairer sex shot circles around the men. My daughter and wife want nothing to do with hunting whatsoever. My daughter would never kill an animal and my wife thinks Motel 6 is roughing it! I wish I could change their minds but it isn't going to happen. I take my daughter camping and fishing a couple times every summer and we have a ball! Maybe one day they'll want to come along and they will ALWAYS be welcome but for now I will just take them shooting and fishing. I must have gone wrong somewhere along the way since my son isn't into hunting either. He gave it a go taking hunter safety and going on deer hunt. It was nice having him there and my Dad to help show him the ropes but no Bueno on another try.
  22. Mocha1545

    The Challenges Of Hunting!

    Congrats on your pig. Way to step up and meet the challenges (even the honey dew list )!
  23. Mocha1545

    2014 Women's Javelina Camp

    Congrats on your Pig.
  24. Mocha1545

    Deadline is over

    3A/3C 5BN 22N All Cow hunts
  25. Mocha1545

    100 Books every man should read

    Can't forget to add Peter Hathaway Capstick or Robert Ruark since this is a hunting community.