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Everything posted by Mocha1545

  1. Mocha1545

    first bear

    Congrats! That's a Nice bear!
  2. Mocha1545

    Keeping the passion

    Priorities change when you have kids. IT's not all for you now. It's ALL about them.And I'll bet you love it! We only have so much time in our lives and there are other priorities that take up most of that time when we get older. My Dad was the same way. He had the passion and when we were old enough it became all about us. Fortunately both of us kids loved to hunt, fish and shoot so he got to help us grow the passion. I was the same way once my kids got old enough. Unfortunately neither of my kids have the hunting and fishing passion. They are older now and my passion is starting to simmer again. I know I won't have the time or money to get into it like I used to but will enjoy what I can. Going Deer hunting with my Dad and Brother this year. MY Dad will be 89 on this hunt. Enjoy the ride Coach. Your priorities and passion are just where they need to be. Family!
  3. Mocha1545

    Hunt to South Africa

    Looks like a Great trip for you guys. Congrats on some great trophies. Thanks for sharing all of the pics. They were great, even with the wrong shirts on!
  4. Mocha1545

    Prayers for Stanley

    Prayers to you and your family. Especially your Dad. Take care.
  5. Mocha1545

    Couple of NM Bruins

    Congrats on 2 nice bears. Sounds like a very memorable hunt with all the extras thrown in.
  6. Mocha1545

    Got My "First" Bear

    Nice colors on that bear. Congrats.
  7. Mocha1545

    Reservation Bear

    Beautiful bear. Congrats. Can't wait to see pictures of the rug.
  8. Mocha1545

    NW Valley is FLOODED

    Hope the water receded and everything is in good condition.
  9. Mocha1545

    Newest Addition to the Clan

    Congratulations! Glad all are doing well.
  10. Mocha1545

    NW Valley is FLOODED

    If you see a guy loading animals 2 by 2 into a big boat you might to jump on!
  11. Mocha1545

    NW Valley is FLOODED

    I heard some guy named Edge on here can do a really good job! Let us know when the beer supply starts to run low. We should be able to coordinate an air drop!
  12. Mocha1545

    Test Driving the New Tent

    Heard some bugling early in the mornings. Saw a few deer that always hang out by the lake. Here is the peach cobbler. Had Blueberry cobbler the first night but it was gone before I could take a pic.
  13. Mocha1545

    Test Driving the New Tent

    Heading up to the rim this weekend to try out the new Flexbow tent. Might even catch a few fish.
  14. Mocha1545

    Test Driving the New Tent

    Tent worked out great. Just enough rain to make sure there were no leaks. Fishing was okay. Caught a few trout at Black canon lake. Also caught a bluegill on the fly rod there. Caught a few in canyon creek as well. There were cattle all over the place at black canyon.Had to chase em out of camp. Made some dutch oven cobbler that was delicious. Will post some pics of that later.
  15. Mocha1545

    Supermoon and calling

    First of all you can't come across something that didn't exist. Second of all I ain't afraid of cougars. Even the Saber Toothed variety. Thirdly You mentioned Rattlesnakes! I HATE RATTLESNAKES! It's been almost 40 years since I got bit but the memory is VERY fresh. Once was enough and I was very lucky that it wasn't too bad of a bite. I Guess I am afraid of those slithery little suckers. It'd take a lot more than Obama Cods to get over that fear.
  16. Mocha1545

    Supermoon and calling

    Must be one of them Saber toothed cougars! Or is that toothless cougar?
  17. Mocha1545

    A little girl and "Buck Fever"

    That is Awesome. I love it. Nobody cares about the sheep! Hahahahaha!
  18. Mocha1545

    Test Driving the New Tent

    The weather looks like afternoon thunder boomers. A good test for the tent. I hope they're bitin also just not too much. It might interrupt my beer drinkin!
  19. Mocha1545

    Where do you store your tag before hunting season?

    Sign it as soon as I get it and then goes in the hunting pack. Nice little zippered pocket. Always shed a few tears as I remove last years unused tag!
  20. Mocha1545

    tags came

    Signed and in my backpack. 11/07 36C tag with my 89 year old Dad and older Brother! Can't Wait!
  21. Mocha1545

    Another Rifle Build

    Nice Rig! Can't wait to see some groups on paper.
  22. Mocha1545

    New to Coues hunting

    As everyone already said, Good glass and a butt pad. I only want to add that when you think you've glassed the whole area. Glass it again. Also good glass can still give some people a head ache. Depends on the person. Thank you for your service. Stay safe and get back here to fill your tag!
  23. Mocha1545

    No Left Turns

    Thanks for sharing this. Great story. Good insight to life. Walk a lot, great wife and no left turns.
  24. Mocha1545

    New hunting blog

    Looks Good. Looking forward to reading of your upcoming hunts.
  25. Mocha1545

    Found ANOTHER gun! And a gold ring!

    It's nice to see there are still people with morals out there. Thanks for being honest and returning others lost property. I am NOT surprised by the lawyers actions but am kind of surprised by Mr. Harley rider. Some peoples children! Keep it up sir. Good Karma will come your way.