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Everything posted by Mocha1545

  1. Mocha1545

    Getting it done at 92 years old!

    Congrats to your Gandpa! Awesome accomplishment at any age!
  2. Mocha1545

    Lost and found

    Awesome. Good people are still out there.
  3. Mocha1545

    Meant to be BULL

    Congrats on that bull. You sure earned it. Glad the knee held up. Great write up and pics. Hope the kids helped you pack it out.
  4. Mocha1545

    Chef checks one off his bucket list!!

    WOW!!!!!! That is a Stud. Congratulations Hector to you and your Dad! What a great experience with him and good friends! Great write up and video.Looking forward to pictures of the great meals you are going to use that meat to prepare.
  5. Mocha1545

    Wyoming Bull at 1239yds.

    WOW! Great shot on a really nice bull. Dang nice country up there. Can't wait to see the episode!
  6. Mocha1545

    Snakes In the Trees

    I know the feeling! Stepped on em, stepped next to them, Peed on one, almost squatted on one and spent 4 days in the hospital from getting bit by one! I HATE rattlesnakes. It is hard to hunt deer when all you're doing is watching for snakes.
  7. Mocha1545

    Scouting 36B or how I spent an uneventful Sunday

    Had a similar experience in NM. Glad to see there are still good samaritans out there. Reminds me to get the slime and put it in my truck. Looking forward to the pics!
  8. Mocha1545

    unwelcomed visit

    Thanks so much! When I go hunting with you we are hunting on horse back! Even then we'll probably run into a buzztail and your horse will buck me off right on top the Dang snake! I don't hate all snakes just Rattlesnakes!!!!
  9. Mocha1545

    unwelcomed visit

    You seem to be the snake magnet this summer! Hope you finished the trailer work.
  10. Mocha1545

    Opening day at Silver Creek

    Very Nice!
  11. Mocha1545

    1600 Yards to Freedom

    WOW! Great outcome. All of them are hero's indeed!
  12. Mocha1545

    Arizona Early Bulls

    Great Bulls! Way to get your clients on the big boys!
  13. Mocha1545

    Elk Season Part I (pic heavy)

    Nice Pics! I don't think I'd ever make it in to work if I saw that everyday!
  14. Mocha1545

    Twin Spot Rattlesnake

    Nice Pic. Glad it was you that found it! I Hate buzz tails! Not safe at any elevation in AZ!
  15. Mocha1545

    My trip last weekend

    Great Pictures! Those are some nice Bulls! Thanks for sharing.
  16. Mocha1545

    Tag Soup, with benefits

    Very well said Coach. Not only are the memories going to be great for you but your son will cherish this hunt forever! Beats pictures anyday!
  17. Mocha1545

    Crazy Goat

    Goat mixed with Honey Badger!
  18. Mocha1545

    Shiras Moose - Utah - PART 1

    Great pics and write up. I really appreciate how hard you looked to make sure you hadn't wounded him. Really looking forward to seeing pics of you with your bull.
  19. Way to go Adam! It's nice to know there are still good people and most of them gather on this site!
  20. Mocha1545

    My first bull.

    Congrats on a great archery bull!
  21. Mocha1545

    we lost a good one today.

    Sorry for your Loss. Take comfort in the memories and the knowledge that he is a better place. You know he will be watching over you on your hunt. I hope he guides you into a Monster bull. Enjoy that Wild Turkey!
  22. Mocha1545

    Being part of the hunt!!!

    Congrats to your cousin. Nice Bull. Thanks for sharing the story and pics.
  23. Mocha1545

    Would you hunt alone?

    I always at least have someone in camp. I do prefer to "hunt" alone but like the company and security of having people in camp. Years ago on a an archery pig hunt my friend shot a pig. He started down the hill watching the pig and ended up running the arrow through his calf. When he didn't arrive back in camp we went looking for him. He made it back to his truck was starting back to camp when we found him. This was way before SPOT or cell phones but could have ended much worse than it did. Plus my favorite part of hunting is spending time with my brother and Dad in camp after a long day of hunting. You won't find a bunch of trophies hanging on my walls but I have a treasure trove of memories from these hunts. This is my preference but that doesn't mean it's the right way. Plan carefully and make sure you leave a map of where you are going to hunt. Proper planning and being careful should make for a fun hunt. Enjoy.
  24. Mocha1545

    One Month (updated with pics)

    God blessed me with a boy and then a girl. I was scared to death when I learned we were going to have a daughter. Never had sisters and didn't have a clue about them. And still have the fear she will meet a boy like I was in high school or WORSE! My father gave me some good advice saying to never break her spirit. I have lived by that and sometimes almost died by that. My Baby Girl is 18 now. She was into soccer, softball and then became a girly girl with singing, dancing and acting. She would never go hunting because she loves animals. She does love to fish and will tolerate camping to get to the fishing. Cherish every moment because when you blink they will be grown. I Love both my kids with all of my heart and soul and would never change a thing. She will always have me wrapped around her little finger! Everything written on this post is great advice. Enjoy the blessings of your children. Congrats! PS: Start teaching her early. Who's you favorite? DADDY! What's daddy do? Works like a dog!
  25. Mocha1545

    My Dads Bull

    Congrats to you and your Dad. Thanks for a great write up.