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Everything posted by Mocha1545

  1. Mocha1545

    WARNING!!!!!!!!! MUST READ!

    Stupid is as Stupid does!
  2. Mocha1545

    2014 elk season

    That is awesome! My wife is the same way. She knows what hunting means to me and will gladly adjust her schedule to meet the needs of the hunt. Unfortunately my Brother's wife is NOT the same! At least we married UP! Congrats to your luck at home and good luck on your hunt!
  3. Mocha1545

    Coues and Effect

    Thanks for the long read. That is a GREAT Buck! I was hoping you'd get the Muley! Maybe next year. You earned that buck with all the scouting you did. Great pics and video.
  4. Mocha1545

    Solo pack hunt

    Great Pics! Thanks for sharing. Thank you for helping out those in need. Sorry you had to deal with Buttheads of the world.Glad you made it to the gas station in time.
  5. Mocha1545

    36C Border Bandits

    So you are aiding and abetting the illegals? Trying to keep them from rooting around trying to find things.
  6. Mocha1545

    36C Border Bandits

    Just got back from there. In the 4 days we didn't see UDA's or have any issues. We did find several Mexican coke bottles and juice bottles thrown on the road during the night. They must have walked right by our camp during the night. They didn't bother anything. We always left a few water bottles and snacks in camp just in case so they wouldn't dig through things. Didn't even have BP around until the last morning. Then 2 separate trucks roll by. We were only 7 miles from the border. Keep your eyes open but don't let it stop you. Enjoy your hunt.
  7. Mocha1545

    T minus 2 hours....

    Ain't got mules but that's when I'm heading down. Good luck everyone and stay safe. Save one for me.
  8. Mocha1545

    Sometimes things just work out

    Very NICE Buck! Congrats!
  9. Mocha1545

    36a buck

    Way to go Girl! That is an Awesome Buck!
  10. Mocha1545

    Finally Tagged out

    Congrats! Nice buck. Nice Rifle!
  11. Mocha1545

    4x5 Non-Typical

    Nice Buck! Love that rack. Congrats!
  12. The closer it is to the hunt the more things are falling apart! I've been so busy with Work, Church and Family that I never got to get out scouting. Then I threw out my back setting up at Church for a banquet. Called my Dad last night and he told me that he won't be able to make the hunt. Seems he's been getting out breath easily and the doctor set up a stress test for him Wednesday. The doc told him NOT to go hunting. I have worried that this was probably the last time I could get him out there since he's 89 now. I just checked with my brother to let him know about Dad and see if he was still planning on going. He was surprised about our Pops and told me his tranny is acting up! Is this a NIGHTMARE????? I have been looking forward to this hunt with both them all year and now it looks like a bust! The only good news is that I got muscle relaxers from the doc. He's also a hunter heading down this coming weekend! Sorry for the whining but had to get it out of my system!
  13. Mocha1545

    Is This a Nightmare?

    It looks like it might work out. Thanks for the positive thoughts and prayers. A special thanks to EDGE who offered to go along so I could hunt! That is a Classy offer. Thanks Brother!
  14. Mocha1545

    Huge long distance typical!!

    Feel better soon!
  15. Mocha1545

    Is This a Nightmare?

    36C This weekend.
  16. Mocha1545

    Huge long distance typical!!

    Thanks for the laugh. That was very well written. Too bad the pic was leaked before you got the deal signed off. It's nice to see that hard work pays off!
  17. Mocha1545

    Two Bucks Down!

    Congrats to you both! Glad you could help him out and then get yours! Karma! I hope to the same thing next weekend with my Dad!
  18. Mocha1545

    Some days I wake up grumpy

    Nice Buck! Congrats to the Wife. Great story. It's nice to see that most people out hunting are still courteous and helpful!
  19. Mocha1545

    happy halloween

    On my Way!
  20. Mocha1545

    bargain buck

    Can't eat the horns. Glad your Pop is gonna get some good meat. Don't let him keep it in the freezer too long! I leave next week for my hunt. My Pops is still giving it a shot. He's 89 now. Cannot wait to get out there with him and my brother. I'll take the first one I can get cause I don't know if Dad will be able to stay too long. To me it's about making memories and hopefully filling the freezer. I do Love that rifle of your. I'll be taking down my Savage 99C. As old as I am and shoots pretty darn good. Did you take that 45 along with you? How does she shoot?
  21. Mocha1545

    bargain buck

    Nice Buck Edge! Glad you got to get out after helping others out. Love that Rifle! Lots of character in them older guns. Spend enough years carrying and shooting the same gun you hit whatever you aim at. And Pop should kick your butt if you sold it!
  22. Mocha1545

    137 5/8" giant

    Congrats on a very unique Buck! Very NICE!