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Everything posted by Mocha1545

  1. Mocha1545

    Unit 10 Late Rifle Palmated Bull

    That is a Great Trophy! Congrats. Nice shot by the way!
  2. Mocha1545

    Wife's nice 3x3

    That's a NICE Buck. Congrats on getting it done. Great shot and pics!
  3. Mocha1545

    Late 8 Five by Freak Bull

    Love that rack! Sorry your Dad couldn't make it. Glad he got some meat. Hopefully next year it'll be both of you hunting!
  4. Mocha1545

    My 13 year old's first bull elk "wilderness style"

    That is a great Bull Ethan! Congrats to you both. Way to teach the right way to hunt. That'll make for some great memories.
  5. Mocha1545

    The ladies got it done

    Way to go Ladies! Those are nice Bulls!
  6. Mocha1545

    My first coues deer!

    Great Buck. Now you're hooked!
  7. Mocha1545

    Late post 2014 oct coues deer

    Congrats to you both! Nice bucks.
  8. Those are GREAT bucks! Congrats to you all. The best part is being with family for all of it!
  9. Mocha1545

    Bigger Than Last Year?

    Great job Jaycie! That is a GREAT Buck! Excellent write up Dad. You should be proud of her. And proud of yourself. Her spirit and determination is a direct result of how she was raised. Looking forward to reading about next years adventure. Better start working out now.
  10. Mocha1545

    Late November hunt comes to an end

    GREAT Buck! Congrats Isaiah. Great write up also.
  11. Mocha1545

    My 2014 white tail mutant

    Cool Rack. Way to get it done. Bummer about the broken side.
  12. Mocha1545

    6x6 Bull Killed, Crazy Story!

    That is a Nice Bull! No good deed goes unrewarded. Congrats!
  13. Mocha1545

    My first bull

    Congrats on a nice Bull. Even better that you took him with your Grandfathers rifle! Post up a pick of his rifle.
  14. Mocha1545

    My First Elk Hunt

    Nice Bulls! Congrats!
  15. Mocha1545

    First coues is a stud!!! 103 4/8

    Great Buck! Great shot! Congrats to you.
  16. Mocha1545

    Court's November buck

    Congrats! Way to get it done.
  17. Mocha1545

    10 year olds first buck 3x3

    Congrats! That is a great Buck and a great shot!
  18. Mocha1545

    Thanksgiving at AZ Stadium

    Awesome. Way to go Coach Graham. And way to wear it PROUD Courtney!
  19. Mocha1545


    That is cool. I've never seen one either. Will have to make a trip south with the camera! Thanks for sharing.
  20. Mocha1545

    Finally got it done late season bull

    Congrats on an AWESOME Bull! Way to stick it out.
  21. Mocha1545

    Sciatica or Sciatic Nerve

    Chiropractor, Stretching and massage have helped me in the past few months. My mother had it pretty bad and the Epidurals helped her. Good luck brother. It SUCKS to have that pain. Hoping it goes away soon.
  22. Mocha1545

    Grizzlies found to be actively stalking hunters

    I read that story. I have also read about the "migration" the grizzlies make during the elk season in Montana. Researchers noticed through GPS tracking how the bears all headed to the elk hunting areas right when the season starts. The bears are not dumb.
  23. Mocha1545

    2014 Leftover Tag Buck

    That is one cool Coues rack! Congrats to you and your Son! Great job. No clue on the score.
  24. Mocha1545


    Congrats on a GREAT Buck. That was a nice shot! Way to go Dad!
  25. Mocha1545


    Congrats! Great job!