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Everything posted by Mocha1545

  1. Mocha1545

    Another American Hero Lost

    Great tribute to a Great Man! Americas greatest generation? We are losing them too fast!
  2. Mocha1545


    Stuck in my cube on a beautiful day. Made me want to get back to Oregon for some Steelhead!
  3. Mocha1545


    Here's a green Salmon I caught on the Nehelum on a fly. That was FUN! Don't need any comments about how I fill those waders!
  4. Mocha1545


    My good friend lives in Tillamook. His house overlooks the Wilson river. The foggy picture was on the Wilson. Spookiest morning ever on a River. The 2 Silver Bullets were caught on the Trask river. The MONSTER was caught just above the hatchery. The little one was caught just below the hatchery. Both were natives and lived to be caught another day. We were using spinners.
  5. Mocha1545

    another Chama river monster brown!

    You're killing me SMALLS!
  6. Mocha1545


    Good Luck!
  7. Mocha1545


    Best movie EVER!
  8. Mocha1545

    Thanks For Your Condolences

    So SORRY for your Loss TJ. And so sorry I didn't see this til now. I loved reading your accounts of fishing and hunting with him. You know he will still be with you on every hunt and fishing trip. Every time you miss a strike you'll hear his laugh. Every time you haul one in you'll feel his pride. And every campfire you sit beside you will feel his presence! He blessed you with his outdoor passion and good humor. May he rest in peace and may you rest easy knowing where he is now.
  9. Mocha1545

    How's Your Hearing?

    I think there isn't anything on the 15000! They are messing with us!
  10. Mocha1545

    Mean/Insane Tom Down!

    WOW. Congrats on one big bad a$$ Cat!
  11. Mocha1545

    Plumber needed for water softener install

    Message Doogan on this site. He does GREAT work!
  12. Mocha1545

    Cool pics

    Great pics.
  13. Mocha1545

    4 for 4 2015

    Congrats! Great pics!
  14. Mocha1545

    family day

    Great pig on her first solo stalk!
  15. Mocha1545

    Unit 22 success

    Nice Pig!
  16. Mocha1545

    Windy Day in 19A

    Way to stick with it! Nice Pig!
  17. Mocha1545

    Over $2,000 Worth of Optics...

    You'll get the chance to utilize it someday. It's always better to have and not need it than not have and need it! Nice pig!
  18. Mocha1545

    11 Year Old's Quest For Her First Elk

    WOW! Kinda glad I missed this till now. I got to read the whole thing without having to wait for updates. What an incredible thread. Way to document the whole journey. You sure put the effort in to get that beautiful Bull. Taylor did an incredible job preparing for this hunt too. Congrats to you both. You brother did a great job on that video as well. Good payment for the Butt whoopin he took in the shooting match. Great job by all. Nice GSP's by the way.
  19. Mocha1545

    Animas River winter trip

    I Love that area. Great pics. Too bad about not landing anything but at least it didn't interrupt your drinking!
  20. Mocha1545

    Favorite Family Memories

    Perfect topic to make it 1000 posts on this site. I grew up loving the outdoors because of this man. There are 50 years of hunting and fishing memories with my Dad and my Brother. Not many pictures but wonderful times that I will never forget. Unfortunately my Dad probably won't go on any more hunts. He's going to be 90 this June and heart issues kept him from going deer hunting last season and kept him from putting in for elk. If I actually get drawn this year maybe I can talk him into coming along for the fun. As NatureBob said Cherish the times with your Dad cause you never know when they won't make it anymore. My son tried hunting but didn't really love it like I do. He still loves to camp. My daughter would never shoot any animal but loves to fish (catch and release). She says she doesn't eat meat. Someday she'll admit that chicken nuggets have meat in them! I LOVE to spend the time with both of my kids in the outdoors and hope the memories we are creating mean as much to them as the memories of the outdoors with my Dad mean to me!
  21. Mocha1545

    This post is for the dogs

    Beautiful, co-workers are going to wonder why there are tears in my eyes. Extra bone and love for the pup tonight, and if the wife is sound asleep heck I'll probably let him on the bed too. Same thing for me. I told them I was crying cause it was time to go home and I wanted to stay working. They didn't buy it. Both dogs are taking advantage of my soft heart right now. Good thing there aren't any steaks thawed!
  22. Mocha1545

    This post is for the dogs

    Just had to post this. I think a lot of us are old enough to Remember Johnny and Jim. Dogs own a lot of people. http://www.mnn.com/family/pets/stories/the-dog-poem-that-made-johnny-carson-cry
  23. Mocha1545


    Love seeing those guys. Used to see them all the time going up to Bartlett lake before all the houses got built out there.
  24. Mocha1545

    2015 HAM hunt success :)

    Congrats on the pig. They sure don't run far with that big a hole in em!
  25. Mocha1545

    Women's Javelina Hunting Camp 2015 - An Amazing Experience!

    TJ, If Tice or Bill can't make next year then they should have you stand in for either one. I've seen the pictures of your sausage making and we ALL know your prowess at getting the pigs!