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Everything posted by Mocha1545

  1. Mocha1545

    Bitter/Sweet Fathers day

    So sorry for your loss! I can't even imagine the pain of losing a child. I am glad you got some closure through this and that it has brought you strength. You couldn't have a better spot for her! That is God's country! I hope the pain lessens and the memories stay close to your heart til you see her again in Heaven!
  2. Mocha1545

    Got a new bird dog

    Nice looking pup. Bird dogs are great with kids!
  3. Mocha1545

    2 Bulls

  4. Mocha1545

    Deer Crossing

    And Reproduce!!!!
  5. Mocha1545

    Prayers for my Dad

    My Dad is going in tomorrow for an angioplasty to clear blockages in his heart. He turned 90 last week. Prayers needed for his surgery, recovery and hopefully back to hunting!
  6. Mocha1545

    Score.....Kodiak flexbow tent!!

    Great tents. Best I've ever had. Wish I had found mine for that kind of price!
  7. Mocha1545

    Prayers for my Dad

    Thanks for the prayers. He came throught it just fine but will have to go back in month to have a spot roto rootered out. They're keeping him for a day or two to get the Coumadin dosage figured out. He is excited that he can get this done and be camp cook for our deer hunt if we get drawn! Thanks again for the prayers! God is good!
  8. Mocha1545

    Prayers for my Dad

    Thanks Tim!
  9. Mocha1545

    Prayers for my Dad

    All the time.
  10. Mocha1545

    Camping Tent

    Go with the Kodiak 10x14!
  11. They've been teasing me and the every morning on our run. Too bad the WW will disappear the week before the hunt like they always do!
  12. Mocha1545

    G&F Land Access Survey

    I had to bring this back to life to see anybody got a second one delivered? Filled out the first one and sent it back last month and then got another one in the mail yesterday. WTH? Part of me wants to change all of my answers just for fun.
  13. Mocha1545

    AZ drivers....

    They all feel entitled because of all the old hippies that lived in communes doin LSD back in the 60's. Those idiots left the communes and became lawyers, senators and congressmen! This country has gone downhill since then. Remember when you screwed up at school and got a swat from the principle? Or when you got caught at your friends house doing something wrong. Their parents gave you a lickin and drug you home by the ear to tell your folks and then your folks gave you a lickin! If you mouthed off to an adult you got a backhand! If anyone did that today you'd get arrested and sued! We need to hire more cops on the road that actually enforce the laws. It would generate enough revenue to pay for the extra manpower. Off the soapbox now. Carry on.
  14. Mocha1545

    elk scouting

    If the bear actually got past the mules then he'd still have to fight 2 hungry cowpokes for the food. I got $10 on Tim winning that fight.
  15. Welcome and Good Luck on the draw! This is the best hunting site I have found.
  16. Mocha1545

    Water in the backcountry

    Not the weight loss program I want to ign up for! +1 for having you pack it in and cache. Them hosses can haul a lot more in a trip than I can.
  17. Mocha1545

    Big Lake Fishing Pics

  18. Mocha1545

    Coues Deer Celebration 6 - Hope you love it!

    Great video. Thanks for putting it together and thanks to all who shared pics and videos. Love the pic of the guys in the old shot up truck.
  19. I usually do it that way but broke down and used the online draw this year. I figured the X girlfriend that must work there must process the paper apps so I am going to outsmart her this time! Good luck all. Went and bought a bunch of popcorn for the upcoming saga of P&M!
  20. Mocha1545

    Prayer Warriors Needed

    The power of prayer is an amazing thing. God is good! Glad it went well. Now listen to the docs and heal up for the hunts!
  21. Great pics. Looks like a fun time.
  22. Mocha1545

    Need some prayers for my Dad

    Great news. Prayers for continued healing and a round of golf soon!
  23. Mocha1545

    New life to an old rifle

    That came out GREAT!
  24. Mocha1545

    Lake Mary Multi Species Fishing (Video)

    Nice. Looks a little cold on some of those pics!
  25. Mocha1545

    Todays Project…Horse Drawn Fresno Wheels

    That came out really nice!