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Everything posted by Mocha1545

  1. Mocha1545

    The loss of a Mentor

    Sorry for your loss. I think he's want you to go hunting and use that knife to skin an elk. From what you wrote it seems like a lot of those times shared with him were in the mountains. Take those memories up on your elk hunt and celebrate a great mans life.
  2. Congrats to the young hunters and to you Dad! Great job.
  3. Mocha1545

    San Juan Scapes

    WOW! Amazing as usual. Thanks for sharing.
  4. Mocha1545

    Using a heater in tent...

    Same as everyone else said. Keep the vents open and run it before bed and fire it back up before it's time to get up (it's always nice to have someone along who has a smaller bladder than you) . Haven't used the battery powered O2 sensor but that is a great idea. I will have to pick one up.
  5. Way to get it done! 5 years is pretty darn good in the valley!
  6. Mocha1545

    Flagataff Area Fishing

    Upper lake Mary or A$$hurts (Ashurst).
  7. Mocha1545

    Courtney's gun

    That is NICE!. I can't let my daughter see it or I'm in the doghouse.
  8. Mocha1545

    Today was a good day!

    Congrats! Way to stick with it.
  9. Mocha1545

    my new friend

    Great looking Pup.
  10. Mocha1545

    Ex - wife's sewing machine

    That would have been alcohol abuse!good thing you saved it!
  11. Mocha1545

    If you want waterproofing, THIS IS IT!!

    Some of those are pretty funny. Spray it in your pants so you can crap your pants and it just slides off??? Who the heck would think of that!!! the guy from the bear video!
  12. Start practicing with your other finger to see if it works. It is called the Bird finger! Good luck!
  13. Mocha1545

    Sticky situation

    Good Luck! Let us know how it turns out.
  14. I wonder if we'll get a storm that pushes all of the white wings out of the area? Pretty much happens every year.
  15. Mocha1545

    this x-ray has me worried

    Looks normal to me! What's the problem?????
  16. Mocha1545

    Gun mistakes

    This is the semi custom 45 not the 38 Super. The Super is going to stay completely original. It's worth serious money with that serial number.
  17. Mocha1545

    4 days on the Yellowstone

    Great pics. Looks like a fantastic trip. Like most of us you definitely married up! Kudos to your wife.
  18. Mocha1545

    Gun mistakes

    Was this b4 or after u were .38 Super spoiled 4ever? Way before! Traded that boat anchor for 629 4 inch barrel. Kicked like a mule. Then my buddy traded me for the Colt 1911 he spent 2 years building up. He was afraid to shoot it and knew I would shoot the heck out of it. Spoiled on Colt 1911's forever! I'll post a pic of the other one later. Here ya go Tim.
  19. Mocha1545

    Gun mistakes

    Was this b4 or after u were .38 Super spoiled 4ever? Way before! Traded that boat anchor for 629 4 inch barrel. Kicked like a mule. Then my buddy traded me for the Colt 1911 he spent 2 years building up. He was afraid to shoot it and knew I would shoot the heck out of it. Spoiled on Colt 1911's forever! I'll post a pic of the other one later.
  20. Mocha1545

    Brand new hunter

    Welcome to the best site for hunting there is. Thanks for your service in AF and now with BP. Good luck on your hunt and let us know how it goes.
  21. Mocha1545

    Gun mistakes

    AMT Harballer 1911. Jammed every two or three shots no matter what ammo! POS forever.
  22. Mocha1545

    Eventfull day

    Way to go. You made a family very happy!
  23. Mocha1545

    I wandered into a muslim book store the other day....

    Thanks for that. I just spit coffee all over my monitor! Good one!
  24. You must not spend very much time in the wild...bs, he's not been in the right place at the right time. Ask him how many bears he's seen, its an inordinate number.I encountered a lynx in northern WA. but no bobcats to that date. Then one day in UT saw 5 bobcats including 2 kittens. Lol, I was being sarcastic Mphunter is a dedicated outdoorsman from what I can tell, those kitties can be elusive. I've only seen a handful but yet to kill one. gotcha.I know folks spending decades up on the rim and still ain't got a glimpse of Mogollon Man. Only seen a few bobcats (that weren't in our traps) in the wild. I see the Mogollon Man every summer during our fishing trips. He only comes out after a bottle or two have died! Amazing, yes I hear you must first enter the spirit world to see him. Yes sir.
  25. You must not spend very much time in the wild...bs, he's not been in the right place at the right time. Ask him how many bears he's seen, its an inordinate number.I encountered a lynx in northern WA. but no bobcats to that date. Then one day in UT saw 5 bobcats including 2 kittens. Lol, I was being sarcastic Mphunter is a dedicated outdoorsman from what I can tell, those kitties can be elusive. I've only seen a handful but yet to kill one. gotcha.I know folks spending decades up on the rim and still ain't got a glimpse of Mogollon Man. Only seen a few bobcats (that weren't in our traps) in the wild. I see the Mogollon Man every summer during our fishing trips. He only comes out after a bottle or two have died!