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Everything posted by Mocha1545

  1. Mocha1545

    Newbie Success!!!! (Pic Heavy)

    Congrats! Great story.
  2. Mocha1545

    My Biggest Yet!!!!!

    WOW! Incredible buck!
  3. Want to sell Colt Frontiersman revolver. Has 22 cylinder and 22 mag cylinder. Excellent condition. No Trades. $750
  4. Mocha1545


    great story. Nice Buck!
  5. Congrats! Nice buck.
  6. Mocha1545

    2015 ended with a full freezer

    Congrats on a great fall. That rifle earned it's keep this year. Great shots by all of you. Love family hunts! It doesn't get any better than that.
  7. Mocha1545

    One's better than nothing

    Me too. It was a good time. It wasn't the same down there without your dry wit! I'm sure your hunt will be excellent.
  8. Mocha1545

    One's better than nothing

    WinkTell them Bambi lives but you put the thump on ol Thumper. Darn near did. Some of those Jack butt rabbits are as big as deer!
  9. Mocha1545

    Tent Repair?

    Anybody know of a good canvas tent repair place in the valley? Some critter chewed a hole in my flexbow tent during the hunt and I need to get it fixed. And no I didn't store any food stuff in it. The only thing was the Copenhagen in my pants pocket!
  10. Mocha1545

    My Solo Adventure

    Congrats on a well earned buck.
  11. Mocha1545

    One's better than nothing

    Here's the picture of our Sunday School kids!
  12. Mocha1545

    My new RIDE.

    NICE! Can't wait to a picture of a big bull in the bed of that thing!
  13. Mocha1545

    One's better than nothing

    Good stuff. Got it for Fathers day and saved it for the hunt. That was tough to do!
  14. Mocha1545

    One's better than nothing

    Wish you would have stopped by. We heard the the shots from over there! Congrats! Next time stop by for a cold one! The pressure was a little higher just to the west of us in that bowl. We stayed further east and didn't see as many people. We could see your headlamps moving up the mountain over there every morning.
  15. Mocha1545

    One's better than nothing

    I was seeing some HUGE bucks during that glassing session. Then I woke up! Was really hopin to see you leading that Clydesdale up the mountain!
  16. Mocha1545

    Tent Repair?

    Thanks guys. I'll give them a call.
  17. Mocha1545

    Fun hunt down south!

    Congrats. Hunting with family and friends is the best.
  18. Mocha1545


    My buddy heard one but never saw walking through the 3 foot tall grass down south. Gaitors are a good thing.
  19. Mocha1545


    He wouldn't have been the only turd in the river if it happened to me!
  20. Mocha1545


    Funny you should say that.. 1 episode of Venom ER did just that! After 1 episode i decided no more late night snake hunts in middle of nowhere and i started wearing my guards pretty much always even to bed i think 1st few nights after that episode. I was very lucky at about 16 when struck and actually did not know it had hit me till i got home. I went to aleep cuz wasn't feeling well figured i was just bit stressed by the close call and the fact that after i killed that snake i also found 1 under truck then 100 yards down rd on way out... Turns out when i woke and had severe cramping in leg and was ill to stomach i found a scratch on leg from 1 fang and a puncture from the other.. Seems i almost cleared the fangs with my vertical. I NEVER WANT A FULL WET BITE! Amen Brother! Only one fang got me. Fortunately I knew he got me. Not a good feeling to see your ankle swell up from the bite down. Nor is the smell of your own flesh rotting. That puncture wouldn't scab up. You could lay a finger in the groove of eaten muscle around my calf. And I know I was LUCKY!
  21. Mocha1545


    I know the feeling! Nothing like lettin you know after the fact! Little Basturds!
  22. Great job Mike! Good luck on your hunts!
  23. Mocha1545


    Pay backs are a B!tch!!!!!
  24. Mocha1545

    CO high country

    That's some Beautiful Country. Looks like a great time. Those are some nice fish.