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Everything posted by Mocha1545

  1. Mocha1545

    Hair O' the Bear

    Nice Bulls! Great shots!
  2. Mocha1545

    Two bucks down

    Way to go!
  3. Mocha1545

    First buck, first AZ deer, first Coues

    Congrats. Glad it all worked out! Cool find on the cartridge case. I'm going to be using a 1907 351 Winchester on my pig hunt.
  4. Boom! Draw success over the weekend. Unit 22 Piggie. Happy Birthday to me! G&F worked through the weekend and fixed the snafu for most of us. Thanks
  5. Mocha1545

    spring draw

    I'm in the same boat. They took their money but didn't put my name in! Not sure what they are going to do or how many people got affected by it. We'll see what happens.....
  6. Great write up and pics! Looks and sounds like a great hunt. Glad you and the stock made it through okay.
  7. I'm in the same boat. Everything lost to cyber space! We will see what they are going to do about it. Wish they would go back to paper apps only! Only use the online twice and batting .500. Great for baseball but crappy for everything else! I blame ISIS
  8. Mocha1545

    Grandfather Cavalry

    My Granddad was career Army starting in WWI. He passed right after I was born and I never got to know him. Recently my Wife has been helping my folks scan all of their old pictures. They have come across some real priceless pictures. Here's a couple for the horse people out there (EDGE). My Granddad in the 20's. Either Washington or California. My Dad in the 30's. Either New Mexico or Wyoming
  9. Mocha1545

    Trailer Repair in N Valley

    Edge will do a great job for you.
  10. Mocha1545

    Trailer Repair in N Valley

    Get ahold of EDGE on this site. He does great work and is located on the North side!
  11. Mocha1545

    2 Big coues and 1 REALLY BIG COUES

    WOW! Great Job!
  12. Mocha1545

    Blessed with our first 2 coues bucks!

    Nice Bucks. Congrats!
  13. Mocha1545

    Grandfather Cavalry

    dang good riding. You'd have to tie me to the saddle to stay on!
  14. Mocha1545

    74 Years old and Getting it Done

    Great job to you all. Congrats to your uncle.
  15. Mocha1545

    Short but sweet

    Congrats on a super buck. Great story. Love the kind of people on this site. Hope you didn't go back to work early due the successful hunt. Sounds like you needed to stay down there the whole time!
  16. Mocha1545


    Thanks to ALL the veterans who have served or are serving. You are what makes this country GREAT!
  17. Mocha1545

    daughters first tag ever

    Way to go young lady! You too Dad! Lots of great memories made.
  18. Congrats on a GREAT Year! Bet you had to buy another freezer.
  19. Congrats! Especially nice to share it with your Grandfather. Great memories made!
  20. Mocha1545

    My first deer!

    Congrats! That's gonna be some dang fine eating!
  21. Mocha1545

    First one for my boy

    That is AWESOME! Love that smile!
  22. Mocha1545

    Something all fathers should read

    Great article.
  23. We had a great time down south. Filled one out of four tags. Thursday we got camp set and did some glassing Opening day: We were in position and glassing before sunup. Saw some shooter but could close the deal. Back to camp late for Elk tacos and cobbler. Day two: In position again. Shooter bucks not showing up. Had a little fork horn acting like Houdini! He'd show up long enough to tell he was a buck and disappear! Found some nice petroglyphs.Legs and back are telling me I didn't get in good enough shape. Day three: Humped up the mountain again. Glassed most of the morning and decided to head back to the truck. Kicked up a couple of does. Met one of my buddies at the truck where he told me about his rattlesnake adventure in the tall grass! We hear three shots from the top of the mountain. Our other hunting buddy just shot his first buck! A little forky (Houdini). Back up the mountain to help him pack it out. Right when we get back to the truck I get a text from my wife. It's a picture of our Sunday School class holding signs say "Keep running Bambi". Pretty funny! Met after two trips up the mountain that morning. Day four: Only two of us left in camp. We hit it hard but came up empty. Back to camp for corn bread and elk chili. All in all a great hunt. Spent time with my Brother and good friends. My buddy got his first deer and I didn't disappoint 17 Sunday School kids.