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Everything posted by AZLance

  1. AZLance

    How bout them Devils!

    What time does ASU play? Asking for a friend...
  2. AZLance

    Coming soon... commuter car

    ill start the bidding at 100 pesos
  3. AZLance

    camo overalls 4XL

    (2) 4XL camo overalls $10ea in Tucson
  4. AZLance

    camo overalls 2XL

    (4) 2XL camo overalls $10ea in Tucson
  5. AZLance


    will you accept trades?
  6. AZLance

    How bout them Devils!

  7. Can we trade Lark for Casey??
  8. AZLance

    Javelina Rifle and Cartridge

    M1 Carbine in 30 carbine iron sights
  9. AZLance

    Need to rehome a black lab

    Ill second this! We got our male English labr from SOLRAZ and it was an awesome experience!
  10. AZLance

    Coues Deer summer hide needed

    Let me know what you got, looking for a nice Coues summer hide for a velvet mount.
  11. AZLance

    Coues Deer summer hide needed

    posted this awhile back...
  12. AZLance

    Coues Deer summer hide needed

  13. AZLance

    Anyone rent camper trailers?

    bass or crappie in February??? sorry to hijack...
  14. AZLance

    Crossbow permit repeal

    a Champ tag is just as easy to get as a crossbow permit, just need a doctors signature and $13... heck all you need is arthritis to get a champ tag, or a "burn injury"... just take a cigarette and burn your arm once...bingo! All this is gonna do is make a lot of crossbow hunters go back to doctor to get him/her to sign an additional form. Or go to a chiropractor to get it signed for "Spinal cord conditions"
  15. AZLance

    Donate javelina meat or give it away

    Casey don't worry about eating anything, cuz you don't kill anything
  16. AZLance

    Coues Deer summer hide needed

  17. AZLance

    2025 Wyoming Antelope Hunt

    I got 27 points, for $2500 you can put in with me! let me know soon, I have 2 other people interested.
  18. AZLance

    Free Straw Bales

    these are taken
  19. AZLance

    Free Straw Bales

    I have 4 brand new straw bales from a Christmas hayride. Would be perfect for archery backstop. located in tucson, east side.
  20. AZLance

    My sheep hunt in the Picachos (37A east)

    Awesome! and Congrats!
  21. AZLance

    Sparky in Tucson

    i'd go with the competitive bid, no one is interested in trading for your guiding services! 🤣
  22. AZLance

    34A Goulds Tag

    There are birds everywhere in 34a, and there is access everywhere in that unit! Madera Canyon Area is closed to hunting due to campgrounds and 1000s of people there every day. It's a huge birding and hiking destination for locals and tourists PM me if your interested in specific areas, this was my bird from 2 years ago in 34A. The turkeys in 34a gobble year round because there is little to no pressure on these birds. Its one of the best areas you could draw for Goulds in the US.
  23. awesome coat on that bear! Congrats!
  24. AZLance

    How bout them Devils!

  25. Breeze!!! I really don't have much to roast you on, because I know, you more than most have worn the soles of more than a few pairs of boots and been thrown from a few saddles in the quest for big game! unfortunately I don't know chit about those northern units for coues deer. But when in doubt don't be scared to pray for a big buck! I pray alot in my tree stands, and latley it's been working! Most know it must be divine intervention because my fat old butt ain't got much skills as Lark would say!