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Everything posted by AZLance

  1. AZLance


  2. AZLance

    Tucson Game Processor

  3. AZLance

    NM muzzie coues

    nice work!
  4. let's see pics! congrats!
  5. God continues to bless me, and today was no different! Unit 34a was scheduled to close today at sundown, so I headed down for the final day in hopes of killing a big ole bruin, but just happy to be outdoors! I had never killed a bear with a rifle (3 with bow and one with handgun) so I decided to take the old 30/30 lever action out for a try. This big ole bruin walked out right before sunset and presented himself at 42 yds. 1 shot from the old lever action and he tumbled into the gulch below, but he wasn't done as he reared up and began to come straight for my tree stand! 2 quick shots put a end to that and then the work begun! this bear stood nearly 4ft high as he walked in, a monster of a bear ( maybe some Mexican Griz DNA in him). I was a little nervous as I walked up to him, because he was so big! The pack out sucked! I hurt everywhere now! We green scored the skull at 20.5" tonight! Amazing day for a last day of the hunt! I think I'm done bear hunting! Too old for this stuff! lol. Truly Blessed!
  6. 33 used to be great, but that was before fires and G&F issuing 2000 tags a year for several years! be prepared to see 100+ does for every buck you see. I remember the good ole days when they managed the units for a 4 or 5 to 1 buck to doe ratio. nowadays it 1:100 i guess they figure a buck can breed 100 does. there are still big bucks in 33, but they take a lot of work. good luck!
  7. AZLance

    I just wanted to say…..

    I can remember 100 degrees on the October hunts when I was a kid.
  8. AZLance

    How bout them Devils!

    like I said... they can only go up
  9. AZLance

    Talkalai Lake

    how was the boat ramp condition??
  10. AZLance

    The hot desert provides!

    well done!
  11. AZLance

    First deer

    Great first deer! Hope he is hooked for life!
  12. no, never seen him before, but as soon as I did, I knew he was the one!
  13. let me know, i have a few good spots just for you!
  14. AZLance

    2024 Archery Bull

    great job! love those dark horns!
  15. AZLance

    2024 Archery Bull hunt

    nicely done!
  16. AZLance

    2024 solo coues

    wow! Great looking buck!!! job well done!
  17. AZLance

    2024 Archery Bull Success

    great bull
  18. AZLance


    open to trades?
  19. The Lord blessed me again with this awesome buck today. Crazy thing is I passed this buck up twice on two different days, totally mis judged his size. Today not sure what it was but I saw his antlers in a different light and decided he was good enough. He walked right under my stand and I was lucky enough for a 7 yard shot. A quick score before he went in the freezer came up with 109 2/8". His size was very deceiving, and his mass added up. And before anyone asks, I was alone, didn't have 20 guys on 20 different hills, didnt use radios, also the closest power lines were at least 14 miles away! I thought about posting this in the classifieds, but didn't want to anger Stanley 😬
  20. AZLance

    2024 Archery Antelope Hunt

    love it, super tall! Congrats!
  21. AZLance

    Archery Coues Success

    she growled at it
  22. AZLance

    New guy from OH

  23. AZLance

    Baja Billfishing

    looks amazing!